Commit | Line | Data |
53e6db90 DC |
1 | ;ELC\1c\0\0\0 |
2 | ;;; Compiled | |
3 | ;;; in Emacs version 28.2 | |
4 | ;;; with all optimizations. | |
5 | ||
6 | ||
7 | ||
8 | (byte-code "\300\301!\210\300\302!\207" [require company cl-lib] 2) | |
9 | #@53 A list of CSS properties and their possible values.\1f | |
10 | (defconst company-css-property-alist '(("azimuth" angle "left-side" "far-left" "left" "center-left" "center" "center-right" "right" "far-right" "right-side" "behind" "leftwards" "rightwards") ("background" background-color background-image background-repeat background-attachment background-position background-clip background-origin background-size) ("background-attachment" "scroll" "fixed") ("background-color" color "transparent") ("background-image" uri "none") ("background-position" percentage length "left" "center" "right" percentage length "top" "center" "bottom" "left" "center" "right" "top" "center" "bottom") ("background-repeat" "repeat" "repeat-x" "repeat-y" "no-repeat") ("border" border-width border-style border-color) ("border-bottom" border) ("border-bottom-color" border-color) ("border-bottom-style" border-style) ("border-bottom-width" border-width) ("border-collapse" "collapse" "separate") ("border-color" color "transparent") ("border-left" border) ("border-left-color" border-color) ("border-left-style" border-style) ("border-left-width" border-width) ("border-right" border) ("border-right-color" border-color) ("border-right-style" border-style) ("border-right-width" border-width) ("border-spacing" length length) ("border-style" border-style) ("border-top" border) ("border-top-color" border-color) ("border-top-style" border-style) ("border-top-width" border-width) ("border-width" border-width) ("bottom" length percentage "auto") ("caption-side" "top" "bottom") ("clear" "none" "left" "right" "both") ("clip" shape "auto") ("color" color) ("content" "normal" "none" string uri counter "attr()" "open-quote" "close-quote" "no-open-quote" "no-close-quote") ("counter-increment" identifier integer "none") ("counter-reset" identifier integer "none") ("cue" cue-before cue-after) ("cue-after" uri "none") ("cue-before" uri "none") ("cursor" uri "*" "auto" "crosshair" "default" "pointer" "move" "e-resize" "ne-resize" "nw-resize" "n-resize" "se-resize" "sw-resize" "s-resize" "w-resize" "text" "wait" "help" "progress") ("direction" "ltr" "rtl") ("display" "inline" "block" "list-item" "run-in" "inline-block" "table" "inline-table" "table-row-group" "table-header-group" "table-footer-group" "table-row" "table-column-group" "table-column" "table-cell" "table-caption" "none") ("elevation" angle "below" "level" "above" "higher" "lower") ("empty-cells" "show" "hide") ("float" "left" "right" "none") ("font" font-style font-weight font-size "/" line-height font-family "caption" "icon" "menu" "message-box" "small-caption" "status-bar" "normal" "small-caps" font-stretch) ("font-family" family-name generic-family) ("font-size" absolute-size relative-size length percentage) ("font-style" "normal" "italic" "oblique") ("font-weight" "normal" "bold" "bolder" "lighter" "100" "200" "300" "400" "500" "600" "700" "800" "900") ("height" length percentage "auto") ("left" length percentage "auto") ("letter-spacing" "normal" length) ("line-height" "normal" number length percentage) ("list-style" list-style-type list-style-position list-style-image) ("list-style-image" uri "none") ("list-style-position" "inside" "outside") ("list-style-type" "disc" "circle" "square" "decimal" "decimal-leading-zero" "lower-roman" "upper-roman" "lower-greek" "lower-latin" "upper-latin" "armenian" "georgian" "lower-alpha" "upper-alpha" "none") ("margin" margin-width) ("margin-bottom" margin-width) ("margin-left" margin-width) ("margin-right" margin-width) ("margin-top" margin-width) ("max-height" length percentage "none") ("max-width" length percentage "none") ("min-height" length percentage) ("min-width" length percentage) ("orphans" integer) ("outline" outline-color outline-style outline-width) ("outline-color" color "invert") ("outline-style" border-style) ("outline-width" border-width) ("overflow" "visible" "hidden" "scroll" "auto" "no-display" "no-content") ("padding" padding-width) ("padding-bottom" padding-width) ("padding-left" padding-width) ("padding-right" padding-width) ("padding-top" padding-width) ("page-break-after" "auto" "always" "avoid" "left" "right") ("page-break-before" "auto" "always" "avoid" "left" "right") ("page-break-inside" "avoid" "auto") ("pause" time percentage) ("pause-after" time percentage) ("pause-before" time percentage) ("pitch" frequency "x-low" "low" "medium" "high" "x-high") ("pitch-range" number) ("play-during" uri "mix" "repeat" "auto" "none") ("position" "static" "relative" "absolute" "fixed") ("quotes" string string "none") ("richness" number) ("right" length percentage "auto") ("speak" "normal" "none" "spell-out") ("speak-header" "once" "always") ("speak-numeral" "digits" "continuous") ("speak-punctuation" "code" "none") ("speech-rate" number "x-slow" "slow" "medium" "fast" "x-fast" "faster" "slower") ("stress" number) ("table-layout" "auto" "fixed") ("text-align" "left" "right" "center" "justify") ("text-indent" length percentage) ("text-transform" "capitalize" "uppercase" "lowercase" "none") ("top" length percentage "auto") ("unicode-bidi" "normal" "embed" "bidi-override") ("vertical-align" "baseline" "sub" "super" "top" "text-top" "middle" "bottom" "text-bottom" percentage length) ("visibility" "visible" "hidden" "collapse") ("voice-family" specific-voice generic-voice "*" specific-voice generic-voice) ("volume" number percentage "silent" "x-soft" "soft" "medium" "loud" "x-loud") ("white-space" "normal" "pre" "nowrap" "pre-wrap" "pre-line") ("widows" integer) ("width" length percentage "auto") ("word-spacing" "normal" length) ("z-index" "auto" integer) ("align-content" align-stretch "space-between" "space-around") ("align-items" align-stretch "baseline") ("align-self" align-items "auto") ("animation" animation-name animation-duration animation-timing-function animation-delay animation-iteration-count animation-direction animation-fill-mode) ("animation-delay" time) ("animation-direction" "normal" "reverse" "alternate" "alternate-reverse") ("animation-duration" time) ("animation-fill-mode" "none" "forwards" "backwards" "both") ("animation-iteration-count" integer "infinite") ("animation-name" "none") ("animation-play-state" "paused" "running") ("animation-timing-function" transition-timing-function "step-start" "step-end" "steps(,)") ("backface-visibility" "visible" "hidden") ("background-clip" background-origin) ("background-origin" "border-box" "padding-box" "content-box") ("background-size" length percentage "auto" "cover" "contain") ("border-image" border-image-outset border-image-repeat border-image-source border-image-slice border-image-width) ("border-image-outset" length) ("border-image-repeat" "stretch" "repeat" "round" "space") ("border-image-source" uri "none") ("border-image-slice" length) ("border-image-width" length percentage) ("border-radius" length) ("border-top-left-radius" length) ("border-top-right-radius" length) ("border-bottom-left-radius" length) ("border-bottom-right-radius" length) ("box-decoration-break" "slice" "clone") ("box-shadow" length color) ("box-sizing" "content-box" "border-box") ("break-after" "auto" "always" "avoid" "left" "right" "page" "column" "avoid-page" "avoid-column") ("break-before" break-after) ("break-inside" "avoid" "auto") ("columns" column-width column-count) ("column-count" integer) ("column-fill" "auto" "balance") ("column-gap" length "normal") ("column-rule" column-rule-width column-rule-style column-rule-color) ("column-rule-color" color) ("column-rule-style" border-style) ("column-rule-width" border-width) ("column-span" "all" "none") ("column-width" length "auto") ("filter" url "blur()" "brightness()" "contrast()" "drop-shadow()" "grayscale()" "hue-rotate()" "invert()" "opacity()" "saturate()" "sepia()") ("flex" flex-grow flex-shrink flex-basis) ("flex-basis" percentage length "auto") ("flex-direction" "row" "row-reverse" "column" "column-reverse") ("flex-flow" flex-direction flex-wrap) ("flex-grow" number) ("flex-shrink" number) ("flex-wrap" "nowrap" "wrap" "wrap-reverse") ("font-feature-setting" normal string number) ("font-kerning" "auto" "normal" "none") ("font-language-override" "normal" string) ("font-size-adjust" "none" number) ("font-stretch" "normal" "ultra-condensed" "extra-condensed" "condensed" "semi-condensed" "semi-expanded" "expanded" "extra-expanded" "ultra-expanded") ("font-synthesis" "none" "weight" "style") ("font-variant" font-variant-alternates font-variant-caps font-variant-east-asian font-variant-ligatures font-variant-numeric font-variant-position) ("font-variant-alternates" "normal" "historical-forms" "stylistic()" "styleset()" "character-variant()" "swash()" "ornaments()" "annotation()") ("font-variant-caps" "normal" "small-caps" "all-small-caps" "petite-caps" "all-petite-caps" "unicase" "titling-caps") ("font-variant-east-asian" "jis78" "jis83" "jis90" "jis04" "simplified" "traditional" "full-width" "proportional-width" "ruby") ("font-variant-ligatures" "normal" "none" "common-ligatures" "no-common-ligatures" "discretionary-ligatures" "no-discretionary-ligatures" "historical-ligatures" "no-historical-ligatures" "contextual" "no-contextual") ("font-variant-numeric" "normal" "ordinal" "slashed-zero" "lining-nums" "oldstyle-nums" "proportional-nums" "tabular-nums" "diagonal-fractions" "stacked-fractions") ("font-variant-position" "normal" "sub" "super") ("hyphens" "none" "manual" "auto") ("justify-content" align-common "space-between" "space-around") ("line-break" "auto" "loose" "normal" "strict") ("marquee-direction" "forward" "reverse") ("marquee-play-count" integer "infinite") ("marquee-speed" "slow" "normal" "fast") ("marquee-style" "scroll" "slide" "alternate") ("opacity" number) ("order" number) ("outline-offset" length) ("overflow-x" overflow) ("overflow-y" overflow) ("overflow-style" "auto" "marquee-line" "marquee-block") ("overflow-wrap" "normal" "break-word") ("perspective" "none" length) ("perspective-origin" percentage length "left" "center" "right" "top" "bottom") ("resize" "none" "both" "horizontal" "vertical") ("tab-size" integer length) ("text-align-last" "auto" "start" "end" "left" "right" "center" "justify") ("text-decoration" text-decoration-color text-decoration-line text-decoration-style) ("text-decoration-color" color) ("text-decoration-line" "none" "underline" "overline" "line-through" "blink") ("text-decoration-style" "solid" "double" "dotted" "dashed" "wavy") ("text-overflow" "clip" "ellipsis") ("text-shadow" color length) ("text-underline-position" "auto" "under" "left" "right") ("transform" "matrix(,,,,,)" "translate(,)" "translateX()" "translateY()" "scale()" "scaleX()" "scaleY()" "rotate()" "skewX()" "skewY()" "none") ("transform-origin" perspective-origin) ("transform-style" "flat" "preserve-3d") ("transition" transition-property transition-duration transition-timing-function transition-delay) ("transition-delay" time) ("transition-duration" time) ("transition-timing-function" "ease" "linear" "ease-in" "ease-out" "ease-in-out" "cubic-bezier(,,,)") ("transition-property" "none" "all" identifier) ("word-wrap" overflow-wrap) ("word-break" "normal" "break-all" "keep-all")) (#$ . 152)) | |
11 | #@58 A list of CSS property value classes and their contents.\1f | |
12 | (defconst company-css-value-classes '((absolute-size "xx-small" "x-small" "small" "medium" "large" "x-large" "xx-large") (align-common "flex-start" "flex-end" "center") (align-stretch align-common "stretch") (border-style "none" "hidden" "dotted" "dashed" "solid" "double" "groove" "ridge" "inset" "outset") (border-width "thick" "medium" "thin") (color "aqua" "black" "blue" "fuchsia" "gray" "green" "lime" "maroon" "navy" "olive" "orange" "purple" "red" "silver" "teal" "white" "yellow") (counter "counter(,)") (family-name "Courier" "Helvetica" "Times") (generic-family "serif" "sans-serif" "cursive" "fantasy" "monospace") (generic-voice "male" "female" "child") (margin-width "auto") (relative-size "larger" "smaller") (shape "rect(,,,)") (uri "url()")) (#$ . 11313)) | |
13 | #@48 A list of HTML tags for use in CSS completion.\1f | |
14 | (defconst company-css-html-tags '("a" "abbr" "acronym" "address" "applet" "area" "b" "base" "basefont" "bdo" "big" "blockquote" "body" "br" "button" "caption" "center" "cite" "code" "col" "colgroup" "dd" "del" "dfn" "dir" "div" "dl" "dt" "em" "fieldset" "font" "form" "frame" "frameset" "h1" "h2" "h3" "h4" "h5" "h6" "head" "hr" "html" "i" "iframe" "img" "input" "ins" "isindex" "kbd" "label" "legend" "li" "link" "map" "menu" "meta" "noframes" "noscript" "object" "ol" "optgroup" "option" "p" "param" "pre" "q" "s" "samp" "script" "select" "small" "span" "strike" "strong" "style" "sub" "sup" "table" "tbody" "td" "textarea" "tfoot" "th" "thead" "title" "tr" "tt" "u" "ul" "var" "section" "article" "aside" "header" "footer" "nav" "figure" "figcaption" "time" "mark" "main") (#$ . 12149)) | |
15 | #@57 Identifiers for CSS pseudo-elements and pseudo-classes.\1f | |
16 | (defconst company-css-pseudo-classes '("active" "after" "before" "first" "first-child" "first-letter" "first-line" "focus" "hover" "lang" "left" "link" "right" "visited") (#$ . 12992)) | |
17 | (defconst company-css-property-cache (make-hash-table :size 115 :test 'equal)) | |
18 | #@79 Access the `company-css-property-alist' cached and flattened. | |
19 | ||
20 | (fn ATTRIBUTE)\1f | |
21 | (defalias 'company-css-property-values #[257 "\303\ 1\b\"\206e\0\304\305\ 2 \"A\211\203G\0\211@\2119\203;\0\305\ 1\n\"A\206%\0\306\307\ 2!!\211\2037\0\211@\211\ 5B\262\ 5\ 1A\266\202\202%\0\210\202@\0\211\ 3B\262\ 3\ 1A\266\202\202\r\0\210\310\ 1\311\"\262\ 1\312\ 2\313\314!\203\\\0\314\ 3!\202_\0\315\ 3!\b#\210\211\262\ 1\207" [company-css-property-cache company-css-property-alist company-css-value-classes gethash nil assoc company-css-property-values symbol-name sort string< puthash fboundp delete-consecutive-dups delete-dups] 8 (#$ . 13318)]) | |
22 | #@45 A syntax table giving { and } paren syntax.\1f | |
23 | (defconst company-css-braces-syntax-table (byte-code "\300 \211\301\302I\210\211\303\304I\210\207" [make-syntax-table 123 (4 . 125) 125 (5 . 123)] 4) (#$ . 13909)) | |
24 | #@53 Return non-nil, if point is within matched { and }.\1f | |
25 | (defalias 'company-css-inside-braces-p #[0 "\3021\1d\0\303 p\304\305\ 3\ 3#\216\306\b!\210\307\19\310`\311\312#*\266\2020\207\210\313\207" [company-css-braces-syntax-table parse-sexp-ignore-comments (error) syntax-table make-closure #[0 "r\301q\210\302\300!)\207" [V0 V1 set-syntax-table] 2] set-syntax-table t scan-lists -1 1 nil] 6 (#$ . 14123)]) | |
26 | #@41 A regular expression matching CSS tags.\1f | |
27 | (defconst company-css-tag-regexp "\\(?:\\`\\|}\\)[[:space:]]*\\(?:\\(?:#\\|\\_<[[:alpha:]]\\)[[:alnum:]-#]*\\(?:\\[[^]]*\\]\\)?\\(?:[[:space:]]+\\|[[:space:]]*[+,>][[:space:]]*\\)\\)*\\(\\(?:#\\|\\_<[[:alpha:]]\\)\\(?:[[:alnum:]-#]*\\_>\\)?\\_>\\|\\)\\=" (#$ . 14520)) | |
28 | #@51 A regular expression matching CSS pseudo classes.\1f | |
29 | (defconst company-css-pseudo-regexp "\\(?:\\`\\|}\\)[[:space:]]*\\(?:\\(?:#\\|\\_<[[:alpha:]]\\)[[:alnum:]-#]*\\(?:\\[[^]]*\\]\\)?\\(?:[[:space:]]+\\|[[:space:]]*[+,>][[:space:]]*\\)\\)*\\(?:\\(?:\\#\\|\\_<[[:alpha:]]\\)[[:alnum:]-#]*\\):\\([[:alpha:]-]+\\_>\\|\\)\\_>\\=" (#$ . 14835)) | |
30 | #@111 Return the CSS property before point, if any. | |
31 | Returns "" if no property found, but feasible at this position.\1f | |
32 | (defalias 'company-css-grab-property #[0 "\300 \205\a\0\301 \207" [company-css-inside-braces-p company-grab-symbol] 1 (#$ . 15179)]) | |
33 | #@41 A regular expression matching CSS tags.\1f | |
34 | (defconst company-css-property-value-regexp "\\_<\\([[:alpha:]-]+\\):\\(?:[^{};]*[[:space:]]+\\)?\\([^{};]*\\_>\\|\\)\\=" (#$ . 15426)) | |
35 | #@93 `company-mode' completion backend for `css-mode'. | |
36 | ||
37 | (fn COMMAND &optional ARG &rest IGNORED)\1f | |
38 | (defalias 'company-css #[641 "\ 2\306\267\202n\0\307\310!\207\311\312!\204\1d\0\311\313!\205o\0\314 \315\230\205o\0\316\b\317\"\2066\0\316 \317\"\2066\0\316\n\320\321 #\2066\0\322 \207\316\b\317\"\203C\0\323\ 2\v\"\207\316 \317\"\203O\0\323\ 2\f\"\207\316\n\320\321 #\203b\0\323\ 2\324\316\n\317\"!\"\207\322 \205o\0\323\ 2\r\"\207\325\207\326\207" [company-css-tag-regexp company-css-pseudo-regexp company-css-property-value-regexp company-css-html-tags company-css-pseudo-classes company-css-property-alist #s(hash-table size 4 test eq rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold 0.8125 purecopy t data (interactive 6 prefix 10 candidates 55 sorted 108)) company-begin-backend company-css derived-mode-p css-mode web-mode web-mode-language-at-pos "css" company-grab 1 2 line-beginning-position company-css-grab-property all-completions company-css-property-values t nil] 9 (#$ . 15608) (byte-code "\300C\207" [interactive] 1)]) | |
39 | (provide 'company-css) |