]> crepu.dev Git - config.git/blame - djavu-asus/emacs/elpa/company-20230926.32/company.elc
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[config.git] / djavu-asus / emacs / elpa / company-20230926.32 / company.elc
2;;; Compiled
3;;; in Emacs version 28.2
4;;; with all optimizations.
8(byte-code "\302\303!\210\302\304!\210\302\305!\210\306\307\310\311\312\313\312\314\312\315\316\317&\v\210\306\320\310\321\312\307\312\322&\a\210\323\324\325\326#\210\323\327\330\331#\210\323\332\333\334#\210\323\335\336\337#\210\323\340\341\342#\210\323\343\344\345#\210\323\346\347\350#\210\323\351\352\353#\210\323\354\355\356#\210\323\357\360\361#\210\323\362\363\364\365\366%\210\323\367\370\371\365\372%\210\373\374\375\376#\210\373\374\377\201@\0\201A\0!\206\210\0\201B\0#\210\323\376\201C\0\201D\0#\210\373\201E\0\375\201F\0#\210\373\201E\0\377\201@\0\201A\0!\206\260\0\201B\0#\210\323\201F\0\201G\0\201H\0#\210\323\201I\0\201J\0\201K\0#\210\323\201L\0\201M\0\201N\0#\210\323\201O\0\201P\0\201Q\0#\210\323\201R\0\310\201S\0#\210\323\201T\0\201U\0\201V\0#\210\201W\0\b \"\307\241\207" [load-file-name custom-current-group-alist require cl-lib subr-x pcase custom-declare-group company nil "Extensible inline text completion mechanism." :group abbrev convenience matching :link (custom-manual "(company) Top") company-faces "Faces used by Company." faces custom-declare-face company-tooltip ((((class color) (min-colors 88) (background light)) (:foreground "black" :background "cornsilk")) (((class color) (min-colors 88) (background dark)) (:background "gray26")) (t (:foreground "black" :background "yellow"))) "Face used for the tooltip." company-tooltip-selection ((((class color) (min-colors 88) (background light)) (:background "light blue")) (((class color) (min-colors 88) (background dark)) (:background "gray31")) (t (:background "green"))) "Face used for the selection in the tooltip." company-tooltip-deprecated ((t (:strike-through t))) "Face used for the deprecated items." company-tooltip-search ((default :inherit highlight)) "Face used for the search string in the tooltip." company-tooltip-search-selection ((default :inherit highlight)) "Face used for the search string inside the selection in the tooltip." company-tooltip-mouse ((default :inherit highlight)) "Face used for the tooltip item under the mouse." company-tooltip-common ((((background light)) :foreground "darkred") (((background dark)) :foreground "pale turquoise")) "Face used for the common completion in the tooltip." company-tooltip-common-selection ((default :inherit company-tooltip-common)) "Face used for the selected common completion in the tooltip." company-tooltip-annotation ((((background light)) :foreground "firebrick4") (((background dark)) :foreground "LightCyan3")) "Face used for the completion annotation in the tooltip." company-tooltip-annotation-selection ((default :inherit company-tooltip-annotation)) "Face used for the selected completion annotation in the tooltip." company-tooltip-quick-access ((default :inherit company-tooltip-annotation)) "Face used for the quick-access hints shown in the tooltip." :package-version (company . "0.9.14") company-tooltip-quick-access-selection ((default :inherit company-tooltip-annotation-selection)) "Face used for the selected quick-access hints shown in the tooltip." (company . "0.9.14") put company-scrollbar-fg face-alias company-tooltip-scrollbar-thumb obsolete-face purecopy "0.9.14" t ((((background light)) :background "darkred") (((background dark)) :background "gray33")) "Face used for the tooltip scrollbar thumb (bar)." company-scrollbar-bg company-tooltip-scrollbar-track ((((background light)) :background "wheat") (((background dark)) :background "gray28")) "Face used for the tooltip scrollbar track (trough)." company-preview ((default :inherit (company-tooltip-selection company-tooltip))) "Face used for the completion preview." company-preview-common ((default :inherit company-tooltip-common-selection)) "Face used for the common part of the completion preview." company-preview-search ((default :inherit company-tooltip-common-selection)) "Face used for the search string in the completion preview." company-echo "Face used for completions in the echo area." company-echo-common ((((background light)) (:foreground "firebrick4")) (((background dark)) (:foreground "firebrick1"))) "Face used for the common part of completions in the echo area." assoc] 12)
12(defalias 'company-frontends-set #[514 "\300\301\ 2!!\302\ 1>\203\11\0\303\ 1>\204)\0\304\ 1>\203\1d\0\303\ 1>\204)\0\304\ 1>\203-\0\302\ 1>\203-\0\305\306!\210\307\ 1>\2039\0\310\ 1>\204Q\0\307\ 1>\203E\0\311\ 1>\204Q\0\310\ 1>\203U\0\311\ 1>\203U\0\305\312!\210\313\ 1>\203e\0\314\ 1>\203e\0\305\315!\210\316\211\203\204\0\211@\211\ 3>A\203}\0\317\320\ 2\ 5\"\ 2C\"\262\ 3\ 1A\266\202\202f\0\210\ 2\ 1L\207" [delete-dups copy-sequence company-pseudo-tooltip-unless-just-one-frontend company-pseudo-tooltip-frontend company-pseudo-tooltip-unless-just-one-frontend-with-delay user-error "Pseudo tooltip frontend cannot be used more than once" company-preview-if-just-one-frontend company-preview-frontend company-preview-common-frontend "Preview frontend cannot be used twice" company-echo company-echo-metadata-frontend "Echo area cannot be used twice" (company-preview-if-just-one-frontend company-preview-frontend company-preview-common-frontend) append delq] 9 (#$ . 4188)])
13(byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304DD\305\306\307\310\311&\a\210\300\312\302\303\313DD\314\310\315%\210\300\316\302\303\317DD\320\310\315%\210\300\321\302\303\322DD\323\310\315\324\325&\a\210\300\326\302\303\327DD\330\310\315\324\331&\a\210\300\332\302\303\333DD\334\310\335\324\336&\a\210\300\337\302\303\340DD\341\310\315%\210\300\342\302\303\343DD\344\310\345%\210\300\346\302\303\347DD\350\310\335\324\351&\a\210\300\352\302\303\353DD\354\310\335\324\355&\a\210\300\356\302\303\357DD\360\310\361\324\362&\a\207" [custom-declare-variable company-frontends funcall function #[0 "\300\207" [(company-pseudo-tooltip-unless-just-one-frontend company-preview-if-just-one-frontend company-echo-metadata-frontend)] 1 #1=""] "The list of active frontends (visualizations).\nEach frontend is a function that takes one argument. It is called with\none of the following arguments:\n\n`show': When the visualization should start.\n\n`hide': When the visualization should end.\n\n`update': When the data has been updated.\n\n`pre-command': Before every command that is executed while the\nvisualization is active.\n\n`post-command': After every command that is executed while the\nvisualization is active.\n\n`unhide': When an asynchronous backend is waiting for its completions.\nOnly needed in frontends which hide their visualizations in `pre-command'\nfor technical reasons.\n\nThe visualized data is stored in `company-prefix', `company-candidates',\n`company-common', `company-selection', `company-point' and\n`company-search-string'." :set company-frontends-set :type (repeat (choice (const :tag "echo" company-echo-frontend) (const :tag "echo, strip common" company-echo-strip-common-frontend) (const :tag "show echo meta-data in echo" company-echo-metadata-frontend) (const :tag "pseudo tooltip" company-pseudo-tooltip-frontend) (const :tag "pseudo tooltip, multiple only" company-pseudo-tooltip-unless-just-one-frontend) (const :tag "pseudo tooltip, multiple only, delayed" company-pseudo-tooltip-unless-just-one-frontend-with-delay) (const :tag "preview" company-preview-frontend) (const :tag "preview, unique only" company-preview-if-just-one-frontend) (const :tag "preview, common" company-preview-common-frontend) (function :tag "custom function" nil))) company-tooltip-limit #[0 "\300\207" [10] 1 #1#] "The maximum number of candidates in the tooltip." integer company-tooltip-minimum #[0 "\300\207" [6] 1 #1#] "Ensure visibility of this number of candidates.\nWhen that many lines are not available between point and the bottom of the\nwindow, display the tooltip above point." company-tooltip-minimum-width #[0 "\300\207" [0] 1 #1#] "The minimum width of the tooltip's inner area.\nThis doesn't include the margins and the scroll bar." :package-version (company . "0.8.0") company-tooltip-maximum-width #[0 "\b\207" [most-positive-fixnum] 1 #1#] "The maximum width of the tooltip's inner area.\nThis doesn't include the margins and the scroll bar." (company . "0.9.5") company-tooltip-width-grow-only #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1 #1#] "When non-nil, the tooltip width is not allowed to decrease." boolean (company . "0.9.14") company-tooltip-margin #[0 "\300\207" [1] 1 #1#] "Width of margin columns to show around the toolip." company-tooltip-offset-display #[0 "\300\207" [scrollbar] 1 #1#] "Method using which the tooltip displays scrolling position.\n`scrollbar' means draw a scrollbar to the right of the items.\n`lines' means wrap items in lines with \"before\" and \"after\" counters." (choice (const :tag "Scrollbar" scrollbar) (const :tag "Two lines" lines)) company-tooltip-align-annotations #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1 #1#] "When non-nil, align annotations to the right tooltip border." (company . "0.7.1") company-tooltip-flip-when-above #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1 #1#] "Whether to flip the tooltip when it's above the current line." (company . "0.8.1") company-tooltip-annotation-padding #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1 #1#] "Non-nil to specify the padding before annotation.\n\nDepending on the value of `company-tooltip-align-annotations', the default\npadding is either 0 or 1 space. This variable allows to override that\nvalue to increase the padding. When annotations are right-aligned, it sets\nthe minimum padding, and otherwise just the constant one." number (company "0.9.14")] 8)
14(defvar company-safe-backends '((company-abbrev . "Abbrev") (company-bbdb . "BBDB") (company-capf . "completion-at-point-functions") (company-clang . "Clang") (company-cmake . "CMake") (company-css . "CSS (obsolete backend)") (company-dabbrev . "dabbrev for plain text") (company-dabbrev-code . "dabbrev for code") (company-elisp . "Emacs Lisp (obsolete backend)") (company-etags . "etags") (company-files . "Files") (company-gtags . "GNU Global") (company-ispell . "Ispell") (company-keywords . "Programming language keywords") (company-nxml . "nxml (obsolete backend)") (company-oddmuse . "Oddmuse") (company-semantic . "Semantic") (company-tempo . "Tempo templates")))
15(put 'company-safe-backends 'risky-local-variable t)
18(fn BACKENDS)\1f
19(defalias 'company-safe-backends-p #[257 "\211:\2051\0\30120\0\211\211\205-\0\211@\211:\203\e\0\302\ 1!\202\1e\0\211\b\236\204&\0\303\301\304\"\210\ 1A\266\202\202\n\0\262\ 10?\207" [company-safe-backends --cl-block-nil-- company-safe-backends-p throw t] 6 (#$ . 10132)])
20(byte-code "\301\302\303\304\305DD\306\307\310\311\312\313\314\315\316\b\"\317\310\312\320\311\312\313\314\315\321\b\"\322\"BBBFD\"BBBD%\210\323\302\324\325#\210\301\326\303\304\327DD\330\307\331%\210\301\332\303\304\333DD\334\307\335%\210\301\336\303\304\337DD\340\307\335%\210\301\341\303\304\342DD\343\307\335%\210\301\344\303\304\345DD\346\307\335%\210\301\347\303\304\350DD\351\307\352%\210\301\353\303\304\354DD\355\307\356\357\360&\a\210\301\361\303\304\362DD\363\307\356%\210\301\364\303\304\365DD\366\307\367%\210\370\371\372\373#\210\374\211\203\311\0\211@\371\ 1N\203\302\0\372\ 1N\204\302\0\323\372\ 2\371\ 4N#\210\ 1A\266\202\202\250\0\210\375\371\372\376#\210\370\377\372\373#\210\374\211\203\370\0\211@\377\ 1N\203\361\0\372\ 1N\204\361\0\323\372\ 2\377\ 4N#\210\ 1A\266\202\202\327\0\210\375\377\372\376#\210\301\372\303\304\201@\0DD\201A\0\307\201B\0\357\201C\0&\a\210\370\201D\0\201E\0\373#\210\374\211\203J\ 1\211@\201D\0\ 1N\203C\ 1\201E\0\ 1N\204C\ 1\323\201E\0\ 2\201D\0\ 4N#\210\ 1A\266\202\202!\ 1\210\375\201D\0\201E\0\376#\210\370\201F\0\201E\0\373#\210\374\211\203\211\ 1\211@\201F\0\ 1N\203\202\ 1\201E\0\ 1N\204\202\ 1\323\201E\0\ 2\201F\0\ 4N#\210\ 1A\266\202\202`\ 1\210\375\201F\0\201E\0\376#\210\301\201E\0\303\304\201G\0DD\201H\0\307\201I\0\357\201J\0&\a\210\301\201K\0\303\304\201L\0DD\201M\0\307\201N\0%\210\301\201O\0\303\304\201P\0DD\201Q\0\307\201R\0%\210\301\201S\0\303\304\201T\0DD\201U\0\307\201V\0\357\201W\0&\a\210\301\201X\0\303\304\201Y\0DD\201Z\0\307\201[\0%\207" [company-safe-backends custom-declare-variable company-backends funcall function #[0 "\301\302\303\304\b\"?\205\f\0\305C\303\304\b\"?\205\16\0\306C\307#B\207" [emacs-version company-bbdb append version<= "26" company-nxml company-css (company-semantic company-cmake company-capf company-clang company-files (company-dabbrev-code company-gtags company-etags company-keywords) company-oddmuse company-dabbrev)] 6 #1=""] "The list of active backends (completion engines).\n\nOnly one backend is used at a time. The choice depends on the order of\nthe items in this list, and on the values they return in response to the\n`prefix' command (see below). But a backend can also be a \"grouped\"\none (see below).\n\n`company-begin-backend' can be used to start a specific backend,\n`company-other-backend' will skip to the next matching backend in the list.\n\nEach backend is a function that takes a variable number of arguments.\nThe first argument is the command requested from the backend. It is one\nof the following:\n\n`prefix': The backend should return the text to be completed. It must be\ntext immediately before point. Returning nil from this command passes\ncontrol to the next backend. The function should return `stop' if it\nshould complete but cannot (e.g. when in the middle of a symbol).\nInstead of a string, the backend may return a cons (PREFIX . LENGTH)\nwhere LENGTH is a number used in place of PREFIX's length when\ncomparing against `company-minimum-prefix-length'. LENGTH can also\nbe just t, and in the latter case the test automatically succeeds.\n\n`candidates': The second argument is the prefix to be completed. The\nreturn value should be a list of candidates that match the prefix.\n\nNon-prefix matches are also supported (candidates that don't start with the\nprefix, but match it in some backend-defined way). Backends that use this\nfeature must disable cache (return t to `no-cache') and might also want to\nrespond to `match'.\n\nOptional commands\n=================\n\n`sorted': Return t here to indicate that the candidates are sorted and will\nnot need to be sorted again.\n\n`duplicates': If non-nil, company will take care of removing duplicates\nfrom the list.\n\n`no-cache': Usually company doesn't ask for candidates again as completion\nprogresses, unless the backend returns t for this command. The second\nargument is the latest prefix.\n\n`ignore-case': Return t here if the backend returns case-insensitive\nmatches. This value is used to determine the longest common prefix (as\nused in `company-complete-common'), and to filter completions when fetching\nthem from cache.\n\n`meta': The second argument is a completion candidate. Return a (short)\ndocumentation string for it.\n\n`doc-buffer': The second argument is a completion candidate. Return a\nbuffer with documentation for it. Preferably use `company-doc-buffer'. If\nnot all buffer contents pertain to this candidate, return a cons of buffer\nand window start position.\n\n`location': The second argument is a completion candidate. Return a cons\nof buffer and buffer location, or of file and line number where the\ncompletion candidate was defined.\n\n`annotation': The second argument is a completion candidate. Return a\nstring to be displayed inline with the candidate in the popup. If\nduplicates are removed by company, candidates with equal string values will\nbe kept if they have different annotations. For that to work properly,\nbackends should store the related information on candidates using text\nproperties.\n\n`deprecated': The second argument is a completion candidate. Return\nnon-nil if the completion candidate is deprecated.\n\n`match': The second argument is a completion candidate. Return a positive\ninteger, the index after the end of text matching `prefix' within the\ncandidate string. Alternatively, return a list of (CHUNK-START\n. CHUNK-END) elements, where CHUNK-START and CHUNK-END are indexes within\nthe candidate string. The corresponding regions are be used when rendering\nthe popup. This command only makes sense for backends that provide\nnon-prefix completion.\n\n`require-match': If this returns t, the user is not allowed to enter\nanything not offered as a candidate. Please don't use that value in normal\nbackends. The default value nil gives the user that choice with\n`company-require-match'. Return value `never' overrides that option the\nother way around (using that value will indicate that the returned set of\ncompletions is often incomplete, so this behavior will not be useful).\n\n`init': Called once for each buffer. The backend can check for external\nprograms and files and load any required libraries. Raising an error here\nwill show up in message log once, and the backend will not be used for\ncompletion.\n\n`post-completion': Called after a completion candidate has been inserted\ninto the buffer. The second argument is the candidate. Can be used to\nmodify it, e.g. to expand a snippet.\n\n`kind': The second argument is a completion candidate. Return a symbol\ndescribing the kind of the candidate. Refer to `company-vscode-icons-mapping'\nfor the possible values.\n\nThe backend should return nil for all commands it does not support or\ndoes not know about. It should also be callable interactively and use\n`company-begin-backend' to start itself in that case.\n\nGrouped backends\n================\n\nAn element of `company-backends' can also be a list of backends. The\ncompletions from backends in such groups are merged, but only from those\nbackends which return the same `prefix'.\n\nIf a backend command takes a candidate as an argument (e.g. `meta'), the\ncall is dispatched to the backend the candidate came from. In other\ncases (except for `duplicates' and `sorted'), the first non-nil value among\nall the backends is returned.\n\nThe group can also contain keywords. Currently, `:with' and `:separate'\nkeywords are defined. If the group contains keyword `:with', the backends\nlisted after this keyword are ignored for the purpose of the `prefix'\ncommand. If the group contains keyword `:separate', the candidates that\ncome from different backends are sorted separately in the combined list.\n\nAsynchronous backends\n=====================\n\nThe return value of each command can also be a cons (:async . FETCHER)\nwhere FETCHER is a function of one argument, CALLBACK. When the data\narrives, FETCHER must call CALLBACK and pass it the appropriate return\nvalue, as described above. That call must happen in the same buffer as\nwhere completion was initiated.\n\nTrue asynchronous operation is only supported for command `candidates', and\nonly during idle completion. Other commands will block the user interface,\neven if the backend uses the asynchronous calling convention." :type repeat choice :tag "backend" append mapcar #[257 "\300\301\ 2A\ 3@F\207" [const :tag] 5 "\n\n(fn B)"] (symbol :tag "User defined") "Merged backends" #[257 "\300\301\ 2A\ 3@F\207" [const :tag] 5 "\n\n(fn B)"] ((const :tag "With" :with) (symbol :tag "User defined")) put safe-local-variable company-safe-backends-p company-transformers #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1 #1#] "Functions to change the list of candidates received from backends.\n\nEach function gets called with the return value of the previous one.\nThe first one gets passed the list of candidates, already sorted and\nwithout duplicates." (choice (const :tag "None" nil) (const :tag "Sort by occurrence" (company-sort-by-occurrence)) (const :tag "Sort by backend importance" (company-sort-by-backend-importance)) (const :tag "Prefer case sensitive prefix" (company-sort-prefer-same-case-prefix)) (repeat :tag "User defined" function)) company-completion-started-hook #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1 #1#] "Hook run when company starts completing.\nThe hook is called with one argument that is non-nil if the completion was\nstarted manually." hook company-completion-cancelled-hook #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1 #1#] "Hook run when company cancels completing.\nThe hook is called with one argument that is non-nil if the completion was\naborted manually." company-completion-finished-hook #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1 #1#] "Hook run when company successfully completes.\nThe hook is called with the selected candidate as an argument.\n\nIf you indend to use it to post-process candidates from a specific\nbackend, consider using the `post-completion' command instead." company-after-completion-hook #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1 #1#] "Hook run at the end of completion, successful or not.\nThe hook is called with one argument which is either a string or a symbol." company-minimum-prefix-length #[0 "\300\207" [3] 1 #1#] "The minimum prefix length for idle completion." (integer :tag "prefix length") company-abort-manual-when-too-short #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1 #1#] "If enabled, cancel a manually started completion when the prefix gets\nshorter than both `company-minimum-prefix-length' and the length of the\nprefix it was started from." boolean :package-version (company . "0.8.0") company-abort-on-unique-match #[0 "\300\207" [t] 1 #1#] "If non-nil, typing a full unique match aborts completion.\n\nYou can still invoke `company-complete' manually to run the\n`post-completion' handler, though.\n\nIf it's nil, completion will remain active until you type a prefix that\ndoesn't match anything or finish it manually, e.g. with RET." company-require-match #[0 "\300\207" [company-explicit-action-p] 1 #1#] "If enabled, disallow non-matching input.\nThis can be a function do determine if a match is required.\n\nThis can be overridden by the backend, if it returns t or `never' to\n`require-match'. `company-insertion-on-trigger' also takes precedence over\nthis." (choice (const :tag "Off" nil) (function :tag "Predicate function") (const :tag "On, if user interaction took place" company-explicit-action-p) (const :tag "On" t)) defvaralias company-auto-complete company-insertion-on-trigger nil (saved-value saved-variable-comment) make-obsolete-variable "0.9.14" company-auto-commit #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1 #1#] "If enabled, allow triggering insertion of the selected candidate.\nThis can also be a predicate function, for example,\n`company-explicit-action-p'.\n\nSee `company-insertion-triggers' for more details on how to define\ntriggers." (choice (const :tag "Off" nil) (function :tag "Predicate function") (const :tag "On, if user interaction took place" company-explicit-action-p) (const :tag "On" t)) (company . "0.9.14") company-auto-complete-chars company-insertion-triggers company-auto-commit-chars #[0 "\300\207" [(32 41 46)] 1 #1#] "Determine triggers for `company-insertion-on-trigger'.\n\nIf this is a string, then each character in it can trigger insertion of the\nselected candidate. If it is a list of syntax description characters (see\n`modify-syntax-entry'), then characters with any of those syntaxes can act\nas triggers.\n\nThis can also be a function, which is called with the new input. To\ntrigger insertion, the function should return a non-nil value.\n\nNote that a character that is part of a valid completion never triggers\ninsertion." (choice (string :tag "Characters") (set :tag "Syntax" (const :tag "Whitespace" 32) (const :tag "Symbol" 95) (const :tag "Opening parentheses" 40) (const :tag "Closing parentheses" 41) (const :tag "Word constituent" 119) (const :tag "Punctuation." 46) (const :tag "String quote." 34) (const :tag "Paired delimiter." 36) (const :tag "Expression quote or prefix operator." 39) (const :tag "Comment starter." 60) (const :tag "Comment ender." 62) (const :tag "Character-quote." 47) (const :tag "Generic string fence." 124) (const :tag "Generic comment fence." 33)) (function :tag "Predicate function")) (company . "0.9.14") company-idle-delay #[0 "\300\207" [0.2] 1 #1#] "The idle delay in seconds until completion starts automatically.\nThe prefix still has to satisfy `company-minimum-prefix-length' before that\nhappens. The value of nil means no idle completion." (choice (const :tag "never (nil)" nil) (const :tag "immediate (0)" 0) (function :tag "Predicate function") (number :tag "seconds")) company-tooltip-idle-delay #[0 "\300\207" [0.5] 1 #1#] "The idle delay in seconds until tooltip is shown when using\n`company-pseudo-tooltip-unless-just-one-frontend-with-delay'." (choice (const :tag "never (nil)" nil) (const :tag "immediate (0)" 0) (number :tag "seconds")) company-begin-commands #[0 "\300\207" [(self-insert-command org-self-insert-command orgtbl-self-insert-command c-scope-operator c-electric-colon c-electric-lt-gt c-electric-slash)] 1 #1#] "A list of commands after which idle completion is allowed.\nIf this is t, it can show completions after any command except a few from a\npre-defined list. See `company-idle-delay'.\n\nAlternatively, any command with a non-nil `company-begin' property is\ntreated as if it was on this list." (choice (const :tag "Any command" t) (const :tag "Self insert command" (self-insert-command)) (repeat :tag "Commands" function)) (company . "0.8.4") company-continue-commands #[0 "\300\207" [(not save-buffer save-some-buffers save-buffers-kill-terminal save-buffers-kill-emacs completion-at-point)] 1 #1#] "A list of commands that are allowed during completion.\nIf this is t, or if `company-begin-commands' is t, any command is allowed.\nOtherwise, the value must be a list of symbols. If it starts with `not',\nthe cdr is the list of commands that abort completion. Otherwise, all\ncommands except those in that list, or in `company-begin-commands', or\ncommands in the `company-' namespace, abort completion." (choice (const :tag "Any command" t) (cons :tag "Any except" (const not) (repeat :tag "Commands" function)) (repeat :tag "Commands" function))] 22)
21#@79 Re-bind quick-access key sequences on OPTION VALUE change.
23(fn OPTION VALUE)\1f
24(defalias 'company-custom--set-quick-access #[514 "\302\300!\203\n\0\303\b!\210\302\301!\203\14\0\303 !\210\304\ 2\ 2\"\210\302\300!\203#\0\305\b!\210\302\301!\205,\0\305 !\207" [company-active-map company-search-map boundp company-keymap--unbind-quick-access custom-set-default company-keymap--bind-quick-access] 5 (#$ . 25534)])
25(byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304DD\305\306\307\310\311\312\313& \210\300\314\302\303\315DD\316\306\307\310\317\312\320& \207" [custom-declare-variable company-quick-access-keys funcall function #[0 "\300\207" [("1" "2" "3" "4" "5" "6" "7" "8" "9" "0")] 1 #1=""] "Character strings used as a part of quick-access key sequences.\nTo change this value without Customize interface, use `customize-set-variable'.\n\nTo change the quick-access key sequences modifier, customize\n`company-quick-access-modifier'.\n\nIf `company-show-quick-access' is non-nil, show quick-access hints\nbeside the candidates." :set company-custom--set-quick-access :type (choice (const :tag "Digits" ("1" "2" "3" "4" "5" "6" "7" "8" "9" "0")) (const :tag "QWERTY home row" ("a" "s" "d" "f" "g" "h" "j" "k" "l" ";")) (repeat :tag "User defined" string)) :package-version (company . "0.9.14") company-quick-access-modifier #[0 "\300\207" [meta] 1 #1#] "Modifier key used for quick-access keys sequences.\nTo change this value without Customize interface, use `customize-set-variable'.\nSee `company-quick-access-keys' for more details." (choice (const :tag "Meta key" meta) (const :tag "Super key" super) (const :tag "Hyper key" hyper) (const :tag "Control key" control)) (company . "0.9.14")] 10)
26#@70 Return string representation of the `company-quick-access-modifier'.\1f
27(defalias 'company-keymap--quick-access-modifier #[0 "\301\b\302\"\211\203 \0\207\303\304\b\"\210\305\207" [company-quick-access-modifier assoc-default ((meta . "M") (super . "s") (hyper . "H") (control . "C")) warn "company-quick-access-modifier value unknown: %S" "M"] 4 (#$ . 27207)])
30(fn KEYMAP)\1f
31(defalias 'company-keymap--unbind-quick-access #[257 "\301 \b\211\205$\0\211@\302\ 3\ 2\"\303\ 5\ 2\"\304=\203\1c\0\305\ 5\ 2\306#\210\210\ 1A\266\202\202\ 3\0\207" [company-quick-access-keys company-keymap--quick-access-modifier company-keymap--kbd-quick-access lookup-key company-complete-quick-access define-key nil] 9 (#$ . 27567)])
34(fn KEYMAP)\1f
35(defalias 'company-keymap--bind-quick-access #[257 "\301 \b\211\205-\0\211@\302\ 3\ 2\"\303\ 5\ 2\"\203\1f\0\304\305\306\ 3!\"\266\ 2\202&\0\307\ 5\ 2\310#\266\ 2\ 1A\266\202\202\ 3\0\207" [company-quick-access-keys company-keymap--quick-access-modifier company-keymap--kbd-quick-access lookup-key warn "Key sequence %s already bound" key-description define-key company-complete-quick-access] 9 (#$ . 27902)])
38(fn MODIFIER KEY)\1f
39(defalias 'company-keymap--kbd-quick-access #[514 "\300\301\302\ 4\ 4#!\207" [kbd format "%s-%s"] 7 (#$ . 28303)])
40(byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\210\304\211\203(\0\211@\301\ 1N\203!\0\302\ 1N\204!\0\305\302\ 2\301\ 4N#\210\ 1A\266\202\202\a\0\210\306\301\302\307#\210\310\302\311\312\313DD\314\315\316%\210\310\317\311\312\320DD\321\315\312%\210\306\317\322\307#\210\310\323\311\312\324DD\325\315\312%\207" [defvaralias company-show-numbers company-show-quick-access nil (saved-value saved-variable-comment) put make-obsolete-variable "0.9.14" custom-declare-variable funcall function #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1 #1=""] "If non-nil, show quick-access hints beside the candidates.\n\nFor a tooltip frontend, non-nil value enables a column with the hints\non the right side of the tooltip, unless the configured value is `left'.\n\nTo change the quick-access key bindings, customize `company-quick-access-keys'\nand `company-quick-access-modifier'.\n\nTo change the shown quick-access hints, customize\n`company-quick-access-hint-function'." :type (choice (const :tag "off" nil) (const :tag "left" left) (const :tag "on" t)) company-show-numbers-function #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1 #1#] "Function called to get quick-access numbers for the first ten candidates.\n\nThe function receives the candidate number (starting from 1) and should\nreturn a string prefixed with one space." "use `company-quick-access-hint-function' instead,\nbut adjust the expected values appropriately." company-quick-access-hint-function #[0 "\300\207" [company-quick-access-hint-key] 1 #1#] "Function called to get quick-access hints for the candidates.\n\nThe function receives a candidate's 0-based number\nand should return a string.\nSee `company-show-quick-access' for more details."] 7)
41#@134 Return a quick-access key for the CANDIDATE number.
42This is a default value of `company-quick-access-hint-function'.
44(fn CANDIDATE)\1f
45(defalias 'company-quick-access-hint-key #[257 "\b\203 \0\b\ 1T!\207\302\303\ 2 GW\203\18\0\ 2 8\202\19\0\304\"\207" [company-show-numbers-function company-quick-access-keys format "%s" ""] 5 (#$ . 30070)])
46(byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304DD\305\306\307%\210\300\310\302\303\311DD\312\306\313%\207" [custom-declare-variable company-selection-wrap-around funcall function #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1 #1=""] "If enabled, selecting item before first or after last wraps around." :type (choice (const :tag "off" nil) (const :tag "on" t)) company-async-redisplay-delay #[0 "\300\207" [0.005] 1 #1#] "Delay before redisplay when fetching candidates asynchronously.\n\nYou might want to set this to a higher value if your backends respond\nquickly, to avoid redisplaying twice per each typed character." number] 6)
47#@105 Pause between checks to see if the value's been set when turning an
48asynchronous call into synchronous.\1f
49(defvar company-async-wait 0.03 (#$ . 30998))
50#@67 Maximum wait time for a value to be set during asynchronous call.\1f
51(defvar company-async-timeout 2 (#$ . 31154))
52#@32 Keymap used by `company-mode'.\1f
53(defvar company-mode-map (make-sparse-keymap) (#$ . 31272))
54#@53 Keymap that is enabled during an active completion.\1f
55(defvar company-active-map (byte-code "\300 \301\ 1\302\303#\210\301\ 1\304\303#\210\301\ 1\305\306#\210\301\ 1\307\310#\210\301\ 1\311\312#\210\301\ 1\313\314#\210\301\ 1\315\312#\210\301\ 1\316\314#\210\301\ 1\317\320#\210\301\ 1\321\322#\210\301\ 1\323\324#\210\301\ 1\325\324#\210\301\ 1\326\327#\210\301\ 1\330\331#\210\301\ 1\332\324#\210\301\ 1\333\324#\210\301\ 1\334\335#\210\301\ 1\336\335#\210\301\ 1\337\340#\210\301\ 1\341\340#\210\301\ 1\342\343#\210\301\ 1\344\343#\210\301\ 1\345\346#\210\301\ 1\347\350#\210\301\ 1\351\352#\210\353\ 1!\210\207" [make-sparse-keymap define-key "\e\e\e" company-abort "\a" [134217838] company--select-next-and-warn [134217840] company--select-previous-and-warn "\ e" company-select-next-or-abort "\10" company-select-previous-or-abort [down] [up] [remap scroll-up-command] company-next-page [remap scroll-down-command] company-previous-page [down-mouse-1] ignore [down-mouse-3] [mouse-1] company-complete-mouse [mouse-3] company-select-mouse [up-mouse-1] [up-mouse-3] [return] company-complete-selection "\r" [tab] company-complete-common " " [f1] company-show-doc-buffer "\b" "\17" company-show-location "\13" company-search-candidates "\223" company-filter-candidates company-keymap--bind-quick-access] 5) (#$ . 31369))
56(defvar company--disabled-backends nil)
59(fn &optional ARG)\1f
60(defalias 'company--select-next-and-warn #[256 "\300 \210\301\ 1!\207" [company--warn-changed-binding company-select-next] 3 (#$ . 32671) "p"])
63(fn &optional ARG)\1f
64(defalias 'company--select-previous-and-warn #[256 "\300 \210\301\ 1!\207" [company--warn-changed-binding company-select-previous] 3 (#$ . 32840) "p"])
65(defalias 'company--warn-changed-binding #[0 "\300\301\302\303#\207" [run-with-idle-timer 0.01 nil #[0 "\300\301!\207" [message "Warning: default bindings are being changed to C-n and C-p"] 2]] 4 nil nil])
68(fn BACKEND)\1f
69(defalias 'company-init-backend #[257 "\2119\203\1a\0\301\ 1!\204\1a\0\3021\19\0\303\ 1\304\305#0\210\202\1a\0\210\2119\203T\0\3061.\0\211\307!\210\310\ 1\311\305#0\207\310\ 2\311\312#\210\ 1\b>\204B\0\313\314\ 3\315\ 4!#\210\316\ 2\b\"\203N\0\b\210\202R\0\ 1\bB\10\304\207\317\ 1!\203\\\0\305\207\211\211\205t\0\211@\320\ 1!\204m\0\321\ 1!\210\ 1A\266\202\202]\0\207" [company--disabled-backends fboundp (error) require nil t (error) init put company-init failed message "Company backend '%s' could not be initialized:\n%s" error-message-string memql functionp keywordp company-init-backend] 7 (#$ . 33223)])
72(fn BACKEND)\1f
73(defalias 'company--maybe-init-backend #[257 "\2119?\206\18\0\211\300N\301=\206\18\0\211\300N?\205\18\0\302\ 1!\207" [company-init t company-init-backend] 3 (#$ . 33801)])
74(byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304DD\305\306\307\310\311&\a\207" [custom-declare-variable company-lighter-base funcall function #[0 "\300\207" ["company"] 1 ""] "Base string to use for the `company-mode' lighter." :type string :package-version (company . "0.8.10")] 8)
75#@110 Mode line lighter for Company.
77The value of this variable is a mode line template as in
79(defvar company-lighter '(" " (company-candidates (:eval (if (consp company-backend) (when company-selection (company--group-lighter (nth company-selection company-candidates) company-lighter-base)) (symbol-name company-backend))) company-lighter-base)) (#$ . 34250))
80(put 'company-lighter 'risky-local-variable t)
81#@93 Non-nil if Company mode is enabled.
82Use the command `company-mode' to change this variable.\1f
83(defvar company-mode nil (#$ . 34680))
84(make-variable-buffer-local 'company-mode)
85#@1615 "complete anything"; is an in-buffer completion framework.
86Completion starts automatically, depending on the values
87`company-idle-delay' and `company-minimum-prefix-length'.
89This is a minor mode. If called interactively, toggle the
90`Company mode' mode. If the prefix argument is positive, enable
91the mode, and if it is zero or negative, disable the mode.
93If called from Lisp, toggle the mode if ARG is `toggle'. Enable
94the mode if ARG is nil, omitted, or is a positive number.
95Disable the mode if ARG is a negative number.
97To check whether the minor mode is enabled in the current buffer,
98evaluate `company-mode'.
100The mode's hook is called both when the mode is enabled and when
101it is disabled.
103Completion can be controlled with the commands:
104`company-complete-common', `company-complete-selection', `company-complete',
105`company-select-next', `company-select-previous'. If these commands are
106called before `company-idle-delay', completion will also start.
108Completions can be searched with `company-search-candidates' or
109`company-filter-candidates'. These can be used while completion is
110inactive, as well.
112The completion data is retrieved using `company-backends' and displayed
113using `company-frontends'. If you want to start a specific backend, call
114it interactively or use `company-begin-backend'.
116By default, the completions list is sorted alphabetically, unless the
117backend chooses otherwise, or `company-transformers' changes it later.
119regular keymap (`company-mode-map'):
122keymap during active completions (`company-active-map'):
126(fn &optional ARG)\1f
127(defalias 'company-mode #[256 "\303 \ 1\304=\203\r\0\b?\202\1d\0\ 1\247\203\1c\0\ 1\305W\203\1c\0\306\202\1d\0\307\10\310\301!\2031\0\311\300 \"\11\b\2031\0\300 B\11\b\203R\0\312\313\314\306\307$\210\312\315\316\306\307$\210\312\317\320\306\307$\210\321\322\n\"\210\202k\0\323\313\314\307#\210\323\315\316\307#\210\323\317\320\307#\210\324 \210\325\326!\210\327\330\b\203u\0\331\202v\0\332\"\210\333\334!\203\230\0\303 \203\212\0\211\303 \232\203\230\0\335\336\b\203\224\0\337\202\225\0\340\341#\210\210\342 \210\b\207" [company-mode local-minor-modes company-backends current-message toggle 1 nil t boundp delq add-hook pre-command-hook company-pre-command post-command-hook company-post-command yas-keymap-disable-hook company--active-p mapc company-init-backend remove-hook company-cancel kill-local-variable company-point run-hooks company-mode-hook company-mode-on-hook company-mode-off-hook called-interactively-p any message "Company mode %sabled%s" "en" "dis" " in current buffer" force-mode-line-update] 7 (#$ . 34862) (byte-code "\b\203\n\0\301\b!\202\v\0\302C\207" [current-prefix-arg prefix-numeric-value toggle] 2)])
128(defvar company-mode-hook nil)
129(byte-code "\301\302N\204\f\0\303\301\302\304#\210\303\301\305\306#\210\303\301\307\310C#\210\311\312\313\314\300!\205#\0\b\310\211%\210\315\316\317\320\321DD\322\323\324%\210\303\325\326\327#\207" [company-mode-map company-mode-hook variable-documentation put "Hook run after entering or leaving `company-mode'.\nNo problems result if this variable is not bound.\n`add-hook' automatically binds it. (This is true for all hook variables.)" custom-type hook standard-value nil add-minor-mode company-mode company-lighter boundp custom-declare-variable company-global-modes funcall function #[0 "\300\207" [t] 1 ""] "Modes for which `company-mode' mode is turned on by `global-company-mode'.\nIf nil, means no modes. If t, then all major modes have it turned on.\nIf a list, it should be a list of `major-mode' symbol names for which\n`company-mode' should be automatically turned on. The sense of the list is\nnegated if it begins with `not'. For example:\n (c-mode c++-mode)\nmeans that `company-mode' is turned on for buffers in C and C++ modes only.\n (not message-mode)\nmeans that `company-mode' is always turned on except in `message-mode' buffers." :type (choice (const :tag "none" nil) (const :tag "all" t) (set :menu-tag "mode specific" :tag "modes" :value (not) (const :tag "Except" not) (repeat :inline t (symbol :tag "mode")))) global-company-mode globalized-minor-mode t] 6)
130(defvar company-mode-major-mode nil nil)
131(byte-code "\300\301!\210\302\303\304\305\306DD\307\310\311\312\313\314\315& \207" [make-variable-buffer-local company-mode-major-mode custom-declare-variable global-company-mode funcall function #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1 ""] "Non-nil if Global Company mode is enabled.\nSee the `global-company-mode' command\nfor a description of this minor mode.\nSetting this variable directly does not take effect;\neither customize it (see the info node `Easy Customization')\nor call the function `global-company-mode'." :set custom-set-minor-mode :initialize custom-initialize-default :type boolean] 10)
132#@448 Toggle Company mode in all buffers.
133With prefix ARG, enable Global Company mode if ARG is positive;
134otherwise, disable it.
136If called from Lisp, toggle the mode if ARG is `toggle'.
137Enable the mode if ARG is nil, omitted, or is a positive number.
138Disable the mode if ARG is a negative number.
140Company mode is enabled in all buffers where `company-mode-on' would
141do it.
143See `company-mode' for more information on Company mode.
145(fn &optional ARG)\1f
146(defalias 'global-company-mode #[256 "\303 \304\301\ 3\305=\203\11\0\306\301!?\202!\0\ 3\247\203 \0\ 3\307W\203 \0\310\202!\0\311\"\210\312\300!\2038\0\313\301\b\"\10\306\301!\2038\0\301\bB\10 \203N\0\314\315\316\"\210\314\317\320\"\210\314\321\322\"\210\202]\0\323\315\316\"\210\323\317\320\"\210\323\321\322\"\210\324 \211\203\203\0\211@r\211q\210 \203s\0\325 \210\202{\0\n\203{\0\302\326!\210)\ 1A\266\202\202_\0\210\327\330\306\301!\203\220\0\331\202\221\0\332\"\210\333\334!\203\271\0\335\301!\210\303 \203\251\0\211\303 \232\203\271\0\336\337\306\301!\203\265\0\340\202\266\0\341\342#\210\210\343 \210\306\301!\207" [global-minor-modes global-company-mode company-mode current-message set-default toggle default-value 1 nil t boundp delq add-hook after-change-major-mode-hook global-company-mode-enable-in-buffers find-file-hook global-company-mode-check-buffers change-major-mode-hook global-company-mode-cmhh remove-hook buffer-list company-mode-on -1 run-hooks global-company-mode-hook global-company-mode-on-hook global-company-mode-off-hook called-interactively-p any customize-mark-as-set message "Global Company mode %sabled%s" "en" "dis" "" force-mode-line-update] 6 (#$ . 39616) (byte-code "\b\203\n\0\301\b!\202\v\0\302C\207" [current-prefix-arg prefix-numeric-value toggle] 2)])
147(defvar global-company-mode-hook nil)
148(byte-code "\301\302N\204\f\0\303\301\302\304#\210\303\301\305\306#\210\303\301\307\310C#\210\311\312\310\313\300!\205#\0\b\310\211%\207" [global-company-mode-map global-company-mode-hook variable-documentation put "Hook run after entering or leaving `global-company-mode'.\nNo problems result if this variable is not bound.\n`add-hook' automatically binds it. (This is true for all hook variables.)" custom-type hook standard-value nil add-minor-mode global-company-mode boundp] 6)
149(defvar company-mode-set-explicitly nil nil)
150(make-variable-buffer-local 'company-mode-set-explicitly)
151(defalias 'company-mode-set-explicitly #[0 "\301\211\10\207" [company-mode-set-explicitly t] 2])
152(byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\210\304\305\301\"\207" [put company-mode-set-explicitly definition-name global-company-mode add-hook company-mode-hook] 4)
153(defvar global-company-mode-buffers nil)
154(defalias 'global-company-mode-enable-in-buffers #[0 "\b\305\10\211\211\2059\0\211@\306\ 1!\2032\0r\211q\210 \204/\0\n\v=\204/\0\f\203,\0\304\307!\210\310 \210\202/\0\310 \210\v\12)\ 1A\266\202\202\ 4\0\207" [global-company-mode-buffers company-mode-set-explicitly company-mode-major-mode major-mode company-mode nil buffer-live-p -1 company-mode-on] 5])
155(put 'global-company-mode-enable-in-buffers 'definition-name 'global-company-mode)
156(defalias 'global-company-mode-check-buffers #[0 "\300 \210\301\302\303\"\207" [global-company-mode-enable-in-buffers remove-hook post-command-hook global-company-mode-check-buffers] 3])
157(put 'global-company-mode-check-buffers 'definition-name 'global-company-mode)
158(defalias 'global-company-mode-cmhh #[0 "\300\301p\"\210\302\303\304\"\207" [add-to-list global-company-mode-buffers add-hook post-command-hook global-company-mode-check-buffers] 3])
159(put 'global-company-mode-cmhh 'definition-name 'global-company-mode)
160(defalias 'company-mode-on #[0 "\b\206\n\0\303 \304H\305=?\205,\0 \306=\204)\0 \242\307=\203#\0\n A>?\202&\0\n >\205,\0\310\311!\207" [noninteractive company-global-modes major-mode buffer-name 0 32 t not company-mode 1] 2])
161(defalias 'company-assert-enabled #[0 "\b?\205\v\0\301 \210\302\303!\207" [company-mode company-uninstall-map user-error "Company not enabled"] 2])
162(byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\304\301\305\306#\207" [function-put company-assert-enabled speed -1 put byte-optimizer byte-compile-inline-expand] 5)
163(defvar company-my-keymap nil nil)
164(make-variable-buffer-local 'company-my-keymap)
165(defvar company-emulation-alist '((t)))
168(fn KEYMAP)\1f
169(defalias 'company-enable-overriding-keymap #[257 "\301 \210\211\211\10\207" [company-my-keymap company-uninstall-map] 3 (#$ . 43805)])
170(defalias 'company-ensure-emulation-alist #[0 "\b@\301=?\205\10\0\301\302\301\b\"B\211\10\207" [emulation-mode-map-alists company-emulation-alist delq] 4])
171(defalias 'company-install-map #[0 "\b@A\206\b\0 ??\205\13\0\b\211@ \241\262\ 1\207" [company-emulation-alist company-my-keymap] 3])
172(defalias 'company-uninstall-map #[0 "\b\211@\301\241\207" [company-emulation-alist nil] 3])
173#@71 Checks if the keys are part of company's overriding keymap
175(fn KEYS)\1f
176(defalias 'company--company-command-p #[257 "\211\301\232\206\f\0\302\303\b\ 3\"!\207" [company-my-keymap [company-dummy-event] commandp lookup-key] 5 (#$ . 44324)])
179(fn POSN)\1f
180(defalias 'company--posn-col-row #[257 "\301\ 1!@\302\ 2!\206\r\0\301\ 2!A\303 \304=\203\1d\0\305 \211\ 3Z\262\ 3\210\306\300!\203/\0\b\203/\0\ 1\307\310 \\Z\262\ 2\ 1\311 \\\ 1B\207" [display-line-numbers posn-col-row posn-actual-col-row current-bidi-paragraph-direction right-to-left window-body-width boundp 2 line-number-display-width window-hscroll] 6 (#$ . 44562)])
183(fn &optional POS)\1f
184(defalias 'company--col-row #[256 "\300\301\ 2!!\207" [company--posn-col-row posn-at-point] 4 (#$ . 44926)])
187(fn &optional POS)\1f
188(defalias 'company--row #[256 "\300\ 1!A\207" [company--col-row] 3 (#$ . 45060)])
189(defvar company-backend nil nil)
190(make-variable-buffer-local 'company-backend)
193(fn REGEXP &optional EXPRESSION LIMIT)\1f
194(defalias 'company-grab #[769 "\300\ 3\ 2\"\205\12\0\301\ 2\206\r\0\302!\206\12\0\303\207" [looking-back match-string-no-properties 0 ""] 6 (#$ . 45246)])
195#@247 Return a match string for REGEXP if it matches text before point.
196If EXPRESSION is non-nil, return the match string for the respective
197parenthesized expression in REGEXP.
198Matching is limited to the current line.
200(fn REGEXP &optional EXPRESSION)\1f
201(defalias 'company-grab-line #[513 "\301\18\302\ 2\ 2\303 #)\207" [inhibit-field-text-motion t company-grab line-beginning-position] 6 (#$ . 45435)])
202#@116 If point is at the end of a symbol, return it.
203Otherwise, if point is not inside a symbol, return an empty string.\1f
204(defalias 'company-grab-symbol #[0 "\300\301!\203\10\0`\212\302\303!\210`){\207\304f\205\1a\0\304fz\305>?\205\1f\0\306\207" [looking-at "\\_>" skip-syntax-backward "w_" nil (119 95) ""] 3 (#$ . 45832)])
205#@114 If point is at the end of a word, return it.
206Otherwise, if point is not inside a symbol, return an empty string.\1f
207(defalias 'company-grab-word #[0 "\300\301!\203\10\0`\212\302\303!\210`){\207\304f\205\1a\0\304fz\305=?\205\1f\0\306\207" [looking-at "\\>" skip-syntax-backward "w" nil 119 ""] 3 (#$ . 46148)])
208#@224 Return a string SYMBOL or a cons (SYMBOL . t).
209SYMBOL is as returned by `company-grab-symbol'. If the text before point
210matches IDLE-BEGIN-AFTER-RE, return it wrapped in a cons.
212(fn IDLE-BEGIN-AFTER-RE &optional MAX-LEN)\1f
213(defalias 'company-grab-symbol-cons #[513 "\300 \211\205&\0\212\211G[u\210\301\ 3\ 3\203\18\0`\ 4Z\202\1a\0\302 \"\203$\0\211\303B\202%\0\211)\207" [company-grab-symbol looking-back line-beginning-position t] 7 (#$ . 46453)])
214#@56 Return non-nil if point is within a string or comment.\1f
215(defalias 'company-in-string-or-comment #[0 "\300 \301\ 1\233\211\262\ 2@\206\18\0\211A\211\262\ 2@\206\18\0\301\ 18\207" [syntax-ppss 3] 3 (#$ . 46893)])
218(fn &rest ARGS)\1f
219(defalias 'company-call-backend #[128 "\301\302\ 2\b#\207" [company-backend company--force-sync company-call-backend-raw] 5 (#$ . 47095)])
223(defalias 'company--force-sync #[771 "\302\ 3\ 3\"\211\242\303=\204\f\0\207\304C\305 \ 2A\306\307\ 4\"!\210\ 1\242\304=\2039\0\305 \ 1Z\bV\2032\0\310\311\ 5\ 6\a#\210\202\18\0\312 !\210\202\18\0\ 1\242\207" [company-async-timeout company-async-wait apply :async trash time-to-seconds make-closure #[257 "\300\ 1\240\207" [V0] 3 "\n\n(fn RESULT)"] error "Company: backend %s async timeout with args %s" sleep-for] 10 (#$ . 47255)])
226(fn &rest ARGS)\1f
227(defalias 'company-call-backend-raw #[128 "\3011&\0\3021\1d\0\303\b!\203\15\0\304\b\ 2\"\202\1a\0\304\305\b\ 3#00\2070\306\307\b\310\ 4!#\207\311\312\b\310\ 4!\ 5$\207" [company-backend (debug error) (debug user-error) functionp apply company--multi-backend-adapter user-error "Company: backend %s user-error: %s" error-message-string error "Company: backend %s error \"%s\" with args %s"] 7 (#$ . 47685)])
230(fn BACKENDS COMMAND &rest ARGS)\1f
231(defalias 'company--multi-backend-adapter #[642 "\ 2\300\211\ 2:\203$\0\ 2@\262\ 2\301\ 2!\204\18\0\302\ 2!\203\1d\0\ 1\ 1B\262\ 1\ 2A\262\ 3\202\ 3\0\211\237\266\203\303\ 4>\ 3\304=\203:\0\305\ 2\306\ 4>G\"\262\ 2\307\301\ 3\"\262\ 2\ 3\310\267\202\214\0\311\ 2\ 4@\ 3#\207\207\211?\207\300\3122\213\0\ 2\211\205\210\0\211@\313\ 1\ 6\b\ 6\bB\ 3#\211\262\ 4\203\201\0\ 6\ 6\314=\203|\0\ 2\315=\203|\0\316\262\ 3\317\312\ 4\"\210\ 1A\266\202\202W\0\262\ 10\207\ 2@\211G\320V\205\250\0\321\320\322\ 3#\206\237\0\ 2@\323\ 1\ 6\a\ 6\a#\262\ 1\207" [nil keywordp company--maybe-init-backend :separate prefix butlast :with cl-delete-if #s(hash-table size 7 test eq rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold 0.8125 purecopy t data (candidates 70 sorted 77 duplicates 78 require-match 81 no-cache 81 ignore-case 81 prefix 81)) company--multi-backend-adapter-candidates --cl-block-nil-- company--force-sync ignore-case keep-prefix t throw 0 get-text-property company-backend apply] 12 (#$ . 48091)])
235(defalias 'company--multi-backend-adapter-candidates #[771 "\ 2\301\211\ 2:\2035\0\ 2@\262\ 2\302\ 2\18\303\304!)!\ 5\232\203.\0\ 1\305\ 6\ 6\"\306\ 3\ 6\ 6\ 5\ 6\n@=?#B\ 1B\262\ 1\ 2A\262\ 3\202\ 3\0\211\237\266\203\307\ 1\310\"\207" [company-backend nil company--prefix-str company-call-backend prefix candidates company--multi-candidates-mapper company--merge-async #[257 "\300\301\ 2\"\207" [apply append] 4 "\n\n(fn VALUES)"]] 12 (#$ . 49006)])
239(defalias 'company--multi-candidates-mapper #[771 "\300\301\ 4\ 4\ 4$\207" [make-closure #[257 "\301\203\f\0\300\e\304\ 1!\262\ 1)\302\203\19\0\305\306\307\300\"\ 2\"\262\ 1\207" [V0 V1 V2 company-backend company--preprocess-candidates mapcar make-closure #[257 "\301\ 1\302\300#\207" [V0 propertize company-backend] 5 "\n\n(fn STR)"]] 5 "\n\n(fn CANDIDATES)"]] 8 (#$ . 49447)])
242(fn PAIRS MERGER)\1f
243(defalias 'company--merge-async #[514 "\ 1\300\211\211\ 3:\203#\0\ 3@\262\ 3\ 2@\242\301=\211\262\ 2?\211\262\ 3\203#\0\ 3A\262\ 4\202\ 4\0\266\203\211\204S\0\ 1\ 3\300\211\211\ 3:\203M\0\ 3@\262\ 3\ 2\211A\262\ 4\242\262\ 2\ 2\ 2!\ 1B\262\ 1\ 3A\262\ 4\202.\0\211\237\266\204!\207\301\302\303\ 5\ 5#B\207" [nil :async make-closure #[257 "\302C\303\304\300\"C\305\306\301\ 5\ 5\ 5%\300\211\205N\0\211@\ 4\302\ 6\ 6\242B\240\210\ 4\242\ 1@\ 2A\305\307\ 6\b\ 6\b\ 6\ 6\ 6\ 6\ 6\ 6&\ 6\ 2\242\310=\204@\0\211\ 3!\266\ 5\202G\0\ 2A\211\ 2!\266\ 6\ 1A\266\202\202\ f\0\207" [V0 V1 nil mapcar car make-closure #[0 "\303\242?\205\r\0\301\300\302\242\237!!\207" [V0 V1 V2 V3] 3] #[257 "\300\305\303\300\242\"\240\210\302\304\ 2!\240\210\301 \207" [V0 V1 V2 V3 V4 delq] 5 "\n\n(fn RES)"] :async] 16 "\n\n(fn CALLBACK)"]] 10 (#$ . 49839)])
246(fn PREFIX)\1f
247(defalias 'company--prefix-str #[257 "\211\242\206\ 6\0\211\207" [] 2 (#$ . 50575)])
248(defvar company-prefix nil nil)
249(make-variable-buffer-local 'company-prefix)
250(defvar company-candidates nil nil)
251(make-variable-buffer-local 'company-candidates)
252(defvar company-candidates-length nil nil)
253(make-variable-buffer-local 'company-candidates-length)
254(defvar company-candidates-cache nil nil)
255(make-variable-buffer-local 'company-candidates-cache)
256(defvar company-candidates-predicate nil nil)
257(make-variable-buffer-local 'company-candidates-predicate)
258(defvar company-common nil nil)
259(make-variable-buffer-local 'company-common)
260#@44 The default value for `company-selection'.\1f
261(defvar company-selection-default 0 (#$ . 51217))
262(defvar company-selection company-selection-default nil)
263(make-variable-buffer-local 'company-selection)
264(defvar company-selection-changed nil nil)
265(make-variable-buffer-local 'company-selection-changed)
266#@43 Non-nil, if manual completion took place.\1f
267(defvar company--manual-action nil (#$ . 51520))
268(make-variable-buffer-local 'company--manual-action)
269(defvar company--manual-prefix nil nil)
270(make-variable-buffer-local 'company--manual-prefix)
271(defvar company--point-max nil nil)
272(make-variable-buffer-local 'company--point-max)
273(defvar company-point nil nil)
274(make-variable-buffer-local 'company-point)
275(defvar company-timer nil)
276(defvar company-tooltip-timer nil)
279(fn STR)\1f
280(defalias 'company-strip-prefix #[257 "\211\bG\301O\207" [company-prefix nil] 4 (#$ . 51985)])
281(byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\304\301\305\306#\207" [function-put company-strip-prefix speed -1 put byte-optimizer byte-compile-inline-expand] 5)
284(fn CANDIDATE)\1f
285(defalias 'company--insert-candidate #[257 "\211G\301V\205.\0\302\ 1!\262\ 1\303\304!\305=\203\1e\0\211\211\bG\306O\262\ 1c\207\b\ 1\232?\205.\0`\bGZ`|\210\211c\207" [company-prefix 0 substring-no-properties company-call-backend ignore-case keep-prefix nil] 5 (#$ . 52242)])
286#@182 Evaluate BODY with CANDIDATE temporarily inserted.
287This is a tool for backends that need candidates inserted before they
288can retrieve meta-data for them.
290(fn CANDIDATE &rest BODY)\1f
291(defalias 'company-with-candidate-inserted '(macro . #[385 "\300\301\302\ 4D\303\304\ 5B\305BBF\207" [let ((inhibit-modification-hooks t) (inhibit-point-motion-hooks t) (modified-p (buffer-modified-p))) company--insert-candidate unwind-protect progn ((delete-region company-point (point)) (set-buffer-modified-p modified-p))] 8 (#$ . 52525)]))
292(byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\300\207" [function-put company-with-candidate-inserted lisp-indent-function 1] 4)
293#@66 Return whether explicit completion action was taken by the user.\1f
294(defalias 'company-explicit-action-p #[0 "\b\206\ 5\0 \207" [company--manual-action company-selection-changed] 1 (#$ . 53164)])
297(fn CANDIDATE)\1f
298(defalias 'company-reformat #[257 "\301\302!\303=\203\13\0\304\b!\211\ 2\ 2G\305OP\207\207" [company-prefix company-call-backend ignore-case keep-prefix company--clean-string nil] 6 (#$ . 53359)])
299(defalias 'company--should-complete #[0 "\b\305=\205&\0 \206\v\0\n?\205&\0\306 \307\232\204 \0\310\311\306 !!?\205&\0\v\205%\0\f?\207" [company-idle-delay buffer-read-only overriding-local-map transient-mark-mode mark-active now this-command-keys-vector [] keymapp key-binding] 3])
300(defalias 'company--should-continue #[0 "\b\304=\2069\0 \304=\2069\0 @\305=\203\19\0\n A>?\207\n\b>\2069\0\n >\2069\0\n9\2059\0\306\307\n!\310\304\e\311\ 3\ 3\ 3#)\266\203\207" [company-begin-commands company-continue-commands this-command inhibit-changing-match-data t not "\\`company-" symbol-name nil string-match] 7])
301#@164 If non-nil, update the documentation buffer on each selection change.
302To toggle the value of this variable, call `company-show-doc-buffer' with a
303prefix argument.\1f
304(defvar company-auto-update-doc nil (#$ . 54150))
307(fn COMMAND)\1f
308(defalias 'company-call-frontends #[257 "\b\301\211\ 2:\203-\0\ 2@\262\ 2\3021\17\0\ 1\ 4!0\202\"\0\303\304\ 4\305\ 4!\ 6\b$\262\ 1\ 1B\262\ 1\ 2A\262\ 3\202\ 3\0\211\237\207" [company-frontends nil (debug error) error "Company: frontend %s error \"%s\" on command %s" error-message-string] 10 (#$ . 54369)])
309#@234 Set SELECTION for company candidates.
310This will update `company-selection' and related variable.
311Only update when the current selection is changed, but optionally always
312update if FORCE-UPDATE.
314(fn SELECTION &optional FORCE-UPDATE)\1f
315(defalias 'company-set-selection #[513 "\ 1\2037\0\b\203\f\0\305\202\r\0\306 \ 1\\\19\ 2\ 1\\\262\ 3\n\203!\0\307\ 3 \"\202'\0\305 S\ 4^]\262\ 3\ 2\ 1W?\2053\0\ 2\ 1Z\262\ 3)\210\211\204B\0\ 1\v\232?\205I\0\ 1\13\310\14\311\312!\207" [company-selection-default company-candidates-length company-selection-wrap-around company-selection company-selection-changed 0 1 mod t company-call-frontends update] 6 (#$ . 54664)])
319(defalias 'company--group-lighter #[514 "\301\302\300\ 4#\206\f\0\303\304\b\"\211\205#\0\2119\205#\0\305\306\307\310\ 4!#\311\312\ 4\ 3#\262\ 1\207" [company-backend get-text-property 0 cl-some #[257 "\300\ 1!?\205\b\0\211\207" [keywordp] 3 "\n\n(fn X)"] replace-regexp-in-string "company-\\|-company" "" symbol-name format "%s-<%s>"] 8 (#$ . 55275)])
322(fn CANDIDATES)\1f
323(defalias 'company-update-candidates #[257 "\211G\10 \203M\0\n\205\ e\0\n\v8\ 1\13\211\203I\0\306\12\3072H\0\ 1\203B\0\ 1\211A\262\ 3\242\211\ 2\230\203;\0\310\311\ 2\"\310\311\ 4\"\232\203;\0\312\307\313\"\210\210\nT\12\202\1a\0\f\12\314\211\110\210\210\202Q\0\f\12\211\13\310\315!\1d\vA\203m\0\316\317\v\"\320\ e\11\ 2\r#\205h\0\211\262\ 1\202o\0\v@\211\16\12)\207" [company-candidates-length company-selection-changed company-selection company-candidates company-selection-default completion-ignore-case 0 found company-call-backend annotation throw t nil ignore-case try-completion "" string-prefix-p company-prefix company-common] 7 (#$ . 55637)])
327(defalias 'company-calculate-candidates #[514 "\303\ 2\b\"A\211\204e\0\b\203N\0\ 2G\ 2\304\ 1\19\3052H\0\ 2T\306\211\ 2W\205E\0\303\ 6\b\306\ 6\a\ 4ZO\b\"A\211\262\ 4\203>\0\307\ 6\b\ 4\"\262\ 6\310\305\311\"\210\211T\262\ 1\202\1a\0\266\2020)\266\203\204e\0\312\n\304\313#\314\315\ 5!!\262\ 2\316\ 1!\210\ 3\ 2B\bB\10\210\317\ 1!\207" [company-candidates-cache completion-ignore-case company-async-redisplay-delay assoc nil --cl-block-nil-- 0 all-completions throw t run-with-timer company--sneaky-refresh company--preprocess-candidates company--fetch-candidates cancel-timer company--postprocess-candidates] 13 (#$ . 56249)])
331(defalias 'company--unique-match-p #[771 "\ 2\205#\0\ 2A?\205#\0\300\ 3@\301\211\ 5\301\211\ 6\a&\a\302=\205#\0\303\304\ 4@\"\305=?\207" [compare-strings nil t company-call-backend kind snippet] 11 (#$ . 56849)])
334(fn PREFIX)\1f
335(defalias 'company--fetch-candidates #[257 "\305 ?\18\306\19\n\204\ f\0\307 \203\16\0\310\311\ 2\"\202\1a\0\312\311\ 2\"\211@\313=\204%\0\211\202s\0\314C\ 1A\315\316\ 3\"!\210\317 \203G\0\211\242\314=\203U\0\320 \204U\0\321\v!\210\2024\0\211\242\314=\203U\0\322\323\306\"\204G\0\f@\324\235\203e\0\f\210\fA\211\14\202V\0\211\242:\205m\0\211\242\ 1\325\240\210\262\ 1*\207" [non-essential inhibit-redisplay company-selection-changed company-async-wait unread-command-events company-explicit-action-p t company-require-match-p company-call-backend candidates company-call-backend-raw :async none make-closure #[257 "\300\242\302=\203\v\0\303 B\11\300\ 1\240\207" [V0 unread-command-events none company-foo] 3 "\n\n(fn CANDIDATES)"] company--flyspell-workaround-p input-pending-p sleep-for sit-for 0.5 (company-foo (t . company-foo)) exited] 8 (#$ . 57088)])
336(defalias 'company--sneaky-refresh #[0 "\b\203\b\0\302\303!\210\304\19\305 \210)\b\205\15\0\302\306!\207" [company-candidates inhibit-redisplay company-call-frontends unhide nil redisplay pre-command] 2])
337(defalias 'company--flyspell-workaround-p #[0 "\302\300!\205\ e\0\b\205\ e\0\303 \304\"\207" [flyspell-mode emacs-version boundp version< "27"] 3])
340(fn CANDIDATES)\1f
341(defalias 'company--preprocess-candidates #[257 "\300\301\ 2\"\204\v\0\302\303!\210\304\305!\204\17\0\306\ 1\307\"\262\ 1\304\310!\203!\0\311\ 1!\210\207" [cl-every stringp cl--assertion-failed (cl-every #'stringp candidates) company-call-backend sorted sort string< duplicates company--strip-duplicates] 4 (#$ . 58255)])
344(fn CANDIDATES)\1f
345(defalias 'company--postprocess-candidates #[257 "\b\204\b\0 \203\r\0\302\ 1!\262\ 1\b\203\17\0\303\b\ 2\"\262\ 1\304\ 1!\207" [company-candidates-predicate company-transformers copy-sequence cl-delete-if-not company--transform-candidates] 4 (#$ . 58587)])
348(fn CANDIDATES)\1f
349(defalias 'company--strip-duplicates #[257 "\211\300\ 1\205]\0\ 1\211\211A\262\ 4\242\ 3@\ 1\ 1\232\204\1c\0\300\262\ 4\301\202I\0\ 3\300=\203.\0\302\303\ 3\"\302\304\ 4\"BC\262\ 4\302\303\ 2\"\302\304\ 3\"B\211\ 5\235\203A\0\305\202G\0\211\ 5B\262\ 5\301\262\ 1\262\ 1\203U\0\ 3A\262\ 4\202\r\0\ 3\262\ 1\241\210\202\ 2\0\207" [unk nil company-call-backend annotation kind t] 10 (#$ . 58848)])
352(fn CANDIDATES)\1f
353(defalias 'company--transform-candidates #[257 "\211\b\211\203\14\0\211@\211\ 3!\262\ 3\ 1A\266\202\202\ 2\0\210\207" [company-transformers] 6 (#$ . 59209)])
354(byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304DD\305\306\307%\207" [custom-declare-variable company-occurrence-weight-function funcall function #[0 "\300\207" [company-occurrence-prefer-closest-above] 1 ""] "Function to weigh matches in `company-sort-by-occurrence'.\nIt's called with three arguments: cursor position, the beginning and the\nend of the match." :type (choice (const :tag "First above point, then below point" company-occurrence-prefer-closest-above) (const :tag "Prefer closest in any direction" company-occurrence-prefer-any-closest))] 6)
355(defvar company-vscode-icons-mapping '((array . "symbol-array.svg") (boolean . "symbol-boolean.svg") (class . "symbol-class.svg") (color . "symbol-color.svg") (constant . "symbol-constant.svg") (constructor . "symbol-method.svg") (enum-member . "symbol-enumerator-member.svg") (enum . "symbol-enumerator.svg") (event . "symbol-event.svg") (field . "symbol-field.svg") (file . "symbol-file.svg") (folder . "folder.svg") (interface . "symbol-interface.svg") (keyword . "symbol-keyword.svg") (method . "symbol-method.svg") (function . "symbol-method.svg") (module . "symbol-namespace.svg") (numeric . "symbol-numeric.svg") (operator . "symbol-operator.svg") (property . "symbol-property.svg") (reference . "references.svg") (snippet . "symbol-snippet.svg") (string . "symbol-string.svg") (struct . "symbol-structure.svg") (text . "symbol-key.svg") (type-parameter . "symbol-parameter.svg") (unit . "symbol-ruler.svg") (value . "symbol-enumerator.svg") (variable . "symbol-variable.svg") (t . "symbol-misc.svg")))
356(defconst company-icons-root (byte-code "\302\303\304\305\b\206 \0 !\"!\207" [load-file-name buffer-file-name file-name-as-directory expand-file-name "icons" file-name-directory] 5))
357(byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304DD\305\306\307%\210\300\310\302\303\311DD\312\306\313%\207" [custom-declare-variable company-icon-size funcall function #[0 "\300\207" [(auto-scale . 16)] 1 #1=""] "Size of icons indicating completion kind in the popup." :type (choice (integer :tag "Size in pixels" :value 16) (cons :tag "Size in pixels, scaled 2x on HiDPI screens" (const auto-scale) (integer :value 16))) company-icon-margin #[0 "\300\207" [2] 1 #1#] "Width of the margin that shows the icons, in characters." integer] 6)
361(defalias 'company--render-icons-margin #[1028 "\302 \211\205\a\0\ 2\211\205\ f\0\303\304\ 2\"\211\205 \0\305\ 1\ 6\b\"\206 \0\305\306\ 6\b\"\211\205\307\0\307\ 5\203-\0\310\202.\0\311\312\"\313 \b\250\203;\0\b\202`\0\b:\205`\0\b@\314=\205`\0\bA\315 \211\316\ 3_Y\203Y\0\316\ 2_\202Z\0\ 1 \ 4_^\266\202\317\320\321\ 6\ 6\ 6\r\"\322\323\324\ 6\ 6\325\ 6\b\326\327\312\ 6\ e\330=?\205}\0\ 6\ e\257\r \ 3_\ 2Z \316X\203\236\0\331\332\333\ 4#\331\334 S!\333\335\324\ 6\ 6CE#P\207\211\316\245\ 1\ 1Z\331\334\336!\333\335\324\ 6\ 6CE#\331\332\333\ 6\a#\331\334 \316Z!\333\335\324\ 6\aCE#Q\266\207\207" [company-icon-size company-icon-margin window-system company-call-backend kind alist-get t face-attribute company-tooltip-selection company-tooltip :background default-font-width auto-scale default-font-height 2 image :file expand-file-name :type svg :width :height :ascent center unspecified propertize " " display company-space-string space 1] 25 (#$ . 61634)])
362#@88 Margin function which returns icons from vscode's dark theme.
365(defalias 'company-vscode-dark-icons-margin #[514 "\302\b\303\304 \"\ 4\ 4$\207" [company-vscode-icons-mapping company-icons-root company--render-icons-margin expand-file-name "vscode-dark"] 7 (#$ . 62556)])
366#@89 Margin function which returns icons from vscode's light theme.
369(defalias 'company-vscode-light-icons-margin #[514 "\302\b\303\304 \"\ 4\ 4$\207" [company-vscode-icons-mapping company-icons-root company--render-icons-margin expand-file-name "vscode-light"] 7 (#$ . 62852)])
370(byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304DD\305\306\307%\210\300\310\302\303\311DD\312\306\313%\210\300\314\302\303\315DD\316\306\317%\210\300\320\302\303\321DD\322\306\323%\207" [custom-declare-variable company-text-icons-mapping funcall function #[0 "\300\207" [((array "a" font-lock-type-face) (boolean "b" font-lock-builtin-face) (class "c" font-lock-type-face) (color "#" success) (constant "c" font-lock-constant-face) (constructor "c" font-lock-function-name-face) (enum-member "e" font-lock-builtin-face) (enum "e" font-lock-builtin-face) (field "f" font-lock-variable-name-face) (file "f" font-lock-string-face) (folder "d" font-lock-doc-face) (interface "i" font-lock-type-face) (keyword "k" font-lock-keyword-face) (method "m" font-lock-function-name-face) (function "f" font-lock-function-name-face) (module "{" font-lock-type-face) (numeric "n" font-lock-builtin-face) (operator "o" font-lock-comment-delimiter-face) (property "p" font-lock-variable-name-face) (reference "r" font-lock-doc-face) (snippet "S" font-lock-string-face) (string "s" font-lock-string-face) (struct "%" font-lock-variable-name-face) (text "w" shadow) (type-parameter "p" font-lock-type-face) (unit "u" shadow) (value "v" font-lock-builtin-face) (variable "v" font-lock-variable-name-face) (t "." shadow))] 1 #1=""] "Mapping of the text icons.\nThe format should be an alist of (KIND . CONF) where CONF is a list of the\nform (ICON FG BG) which is used to propertize the icon to be shown for a\ncandidate of kind KIND. FG can either be color string or a face from which\nwe can get a color string (using the :foreground face-property). BG must be\nof the same form as FG or a cons cell of (BG . BG-WHEN-SELECTED) which each\nshould be of the same form as FG.\n\nThe only mandatory element in CONF is ICON, you can omit both the FG and BG\nfields without issue.\n\nWhen BG is omitted and `company-text-icons-add-background' is non-nil, a BG\ncolor is generated using a gradient between the active tooltip color and\nthe FG color." :type (repeat sexp) company-text-face-extra-attributes #[0 "\300\207" [(:weight bold)] 1 #1#] "Additional attributes to add to text/dot icons faces.\nIf non-nil, an anonymous face is generated.\n\nAffects `company-text-icons-margin' and `company-dot-icons-margin'." (plist :tag "Face property list") company-text-icons-format #[0 "\300\207" [" %s "] 1 #1#] "Format string for printing the text icons." string company-text-icons-add-background #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1 #1#] "Generate a background color for text/dot icons when none is given.\nSee `company-text-icons-mapping'." boolean] 6)
371#@71 Margin function which returns unicode icons.
374(defalias 'company-text-icons-margin #[514 "\ 1\211\205 \0\302\303\ 2\"\211\205\18\0\304\ 1\b\"\206\18\0\304\305\b\"\211\205[\0\211\ 1\203*\0\ 1\211A\262\ 2\242\2021\0\306\307\310\ 3GD\"\ 1\211A\262\ 3\242\ 2\211A\262\ 4\242\ 3\203L\0\306\307\310\311\ 6\aG\\D\"\210\312\313 \ 5\"\314\315\ 5\ 5\ 6\r##\266\204\207" [company-text-icons-mapping company-text-icons-format company-call-backend kind alist-get t signal wrong-number-of-arguments (icon &optional fg bg) 3 propertize format face company-text-icons--face] 16 (#$ . 65747)])
375#@144 Try to extract PROPERTY from FACE.
376If FACE isn't a valid face return FACE as is. If FACE doesn't have
377PROPERTY return nil.
379(fn FACE PROPERTY)\1f
380(defalias 'company-text-icons--extract-property #[514 "\300\ 2!\203\13\0\301\ 2\ 2\"\211\302=?\205\12\0\211\207\ 1\207" [facep face-attribute unspecified] 5 (#$ . 66306)])
383(fn FG BG SELECTED)\1f
384(defalias 'company-text-icons--face #[771 "\302\ 3\303\"\304\b\ 2\205\r\0\303\ 3D\ 5:\211\203#\0\ 5\203\1d\0\ 6\ 6A\202%\0\ 6\ 6@\202%\0\ 6\ 6\302\ 1\305\"\302\ 6\b\2033\0\306\2024\0\307\305\" \203`\0\ 6\b\203`\0\ 3\204`\0\ 1\203`\0\211\203`\0\305\310\311\312\313\ 5!\313\ 6\a!\314#@\"D\266\204\202\217\0\ 2\203p\0\ 1\205\215\0\305\ 2D\266\204\202\217\0 \205\215\0\ 6\a\205\215\0\211\205\215\0\305\310\311\312\313\ 5!\313\ 6\r!\315#@\"D\266\204#\207" [company-text-face-extra-attributes company-text-icons-add-background company-text-icons--extract-property :foreground append :background company-tooltip-selection company-tooltip apply color-rgb-to-hex color-gradient color-name-to-rgb 2 10] 18 (#$ . 66613)])
385(byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304DD\305\306\307%\207" [custom-declare-variable company-dot-icons-format funcall function #[0 "\300\207" ["● "] 1 ""] "Format string for `company-dot-icons-margin'." :type string] 6)
386#@94 Margin function that uses a colored dot to display completion kind.
389(defalias 'company-dot-icons-margin #[514 "\302\303\ 3\"\211\205\13\0\304\ 1\b\"\206\13\0\304\305\b\"\211\205T\0\211\ 1\203$\0\ 1\211A\266\202\202,\0\306\307\310\ 3GD\"\210\311\ 1\211A\262\ 3\242\ 2\211A\262\ 4\242\ 3\203H\0\306\307\310\312\ 6\aG\\D\"\210\313 \314\315\ 5\ 5\ 6\f##\266\204\207" [company-text-icons-mapping company-dot-icons-format company-call-backend kind assoc-default t signal wrong-number-of-arguments (_icon &optional fg bg) nil 3 propertize face company-text-icons--face] 15 (#$ . 67491)])
390#@94 Margin function which picks the appropriate icon set automatically.
393(defalias 'company-detect-icons-margin #[514 "\300 \203\1f\0\301\302!\203\1f\0\303\304\305\"\211\306=\203\1a\0\307\ 3\ 3\"\207\310\ 3\ 3\"\207\311\ 2\ 2\"\207" [display-graphic-p image-type-available-p svg frame-parameter nil background-mode light company-vscode-light-icons-margin company-vscode-dark-icons-margin company-text-icons-margin] 6 (#$ . 68062)])
394(byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304DD\305\306\307%\207" [custom-declare-variable company-format-margin-function funcall function #[0 "\300\207" [company-detect-icons-margin] 1 ""] "Function to format the margin.\nIt accepts 2 params `candidate' and `selected' and can be used for\ninserting prefix/image before the completion items. Typically, the\nfunctions call the backends with `kind' and then insert the appropriate\nimage for the returned kind image. Function is called with (nil nil) to get\nthe default margin." :type (choice (const :tag "Disabled" nil) (const :tag "Detect icons theme base on conditions" company-detect-icons-margin) (const :tag "Text characters as icons" company-text-icons-margin) (const :tag "Colored dots as icons" company-dot-icons-margin) (const :tag "VScode dark icons theme" company-vscode-dark-icons-margin) (const :tag "VScode light icons theme" company-vscode-light-icons-margin) (function :tag "Custom icon function."))] 6)
395#@97 Give priority to the matches above point, then those below point.
398(defalias 'company-occurrence-prefer-closest-above #[771 "\ 1\ 3W\203\n\0\ 2\ 1Z\207\ 1\300 Z\207" [window-start] 5 (#$ . 69458)])
399#@82 Give priority to the matches closest to the point.
402(defalias 'company-occurrence-prefer-any-closest #[771 "\300\ 3\ 2Z!\207" [abs] 6 (#$ . 69680)])
403#@311 Sort CANDIDATES according to their occurrences.
404Searches for each in the currently visible part of the current buffer and
405prioritizes the matches according to `company-occurrence-weight-function'.
406The rest of the list is appended unchanged.
407Keywords and function definition names are ignored.
409(fn CANDIDATES)\1f
410(defalias 'company-sort-by-occurrence #[257 "\300 \301 `\302C\212\303\304\305\ 6\ 6\ 6\ 6\ 6\ 6\ 6\ 6%\ 6\ 6\")\306\307\310\ 4\242\311\"\"\ 1\244\207" [window-start window-end nil cl-delete-if make-closure #[257 "\300b\210\211\305\232?\205o\0\306\ 1\301\307#\205o\0\3102\\\0\302Sb\210\311\ 1\300\307#\2039\0\312 \313\314\ 2\"\216\315 )\262\ 1\203\1a\0\316\310\307\"\210\202\1a\0\302b\210\306\ 1\301\307#\205[\0\312 \313\317\ 2\"\216\315 )\262\ 1\203<\0\316\310\307\"\210\202<\00\205o\0\303\ 1\f\302\320\224\320\225#B\303\242B\240\210\307\207" [V0 V1 V2 V3 company-occurrence-weight-function "" search-forward t done search-backward match-data make-closure #[0 "\301\300\302\"\207" [V0 set-match-data evaporate] 3] company--occurrence-predicate throw #[0 "\301\300\302\"\207" [V0 set-match-data evaporate] 3] 0] 7 "\n\n(fn CANDIDATE)"] mapcar car sort #[514 "\ 1A\ 1AX\207" [] 4 "\n\n(fn E1 E2)"]] 12 (#$ . 69861)])
411(defalias 'company--occurrence-predicate #[0 "\301\224\301\225\302\300!\205\v\0\b\18\212\211b\210\303\304!\203\1d\0\305 \211\ 1B\10\210\306`S\307\"\310>?\205:\0\311\312\313!!\211;\2058\0\211G\ 2\ 4ZU\262\ 1*\207" [comint-last-prompt 0 boundp derived-mode-p inferior-python-mode line-beginning-position get-text-property face (font-lock-function-name-face font-lock-keyword-face) company--prefix-str company-call-backend prefix] 6])
412#@279 Sort CANDIDATES as two priority groups.
413If `company-backend' is a function, do nothing. If it's a list, move
414candidates from backends before keyword `:with' to the front. Candidates
415from the rest of the backends in the group, if any, will be left at the end.
417(fn CANDIDATES)\1f
418(defalias 'company-sort-by-backend-importance #[257 "\301\b!\203\a\0\207\302\b>A\211\204\11\0\ 1\207\303\ 2\304\305\ 4\"\"\207" [company-backend functionp :with sort make-closure #[514 "\301\302\303\ 3#\211\205\f\0\211\300>\262\ 1\205!\0\301\302\303\ 4#\211?\206\1f\0\211\300>?\262\ 1\207" [V0 get-text-property 0 company-backend] 6 "\n\n(fn C1 C2)"]] 7 (#$ . 71447)])
419#@186 Prefer CANDIDATES with the exact same prefix.
420If a backend returns case insensitive matches, candidates with the an exact
421prefix match (same case) will be prioritized.
423(fn CANDIDATES)\1f
424(defalias 'company-sort-prefer-same-case-prefix #[257 "\211\301\211\211\ 3:\203*\0\ 3@\262\ 3\302\b\ 4\"\203\1d\0\ 1\ 3C\244\262\ 2\202#\0\211\ 3C\244\262\ 1\ 3A\262\ 4\202\ 4\0\303\ 2\ 2\"\207" [company-prefix nil string-prefix-p append] 8 (#$ . 72075)])
427(fn BUF WIN TICK POS)\1f
428(defalias 'company-idle-begin #[1028 "\ 3p=\205'\0\ 2\302 =\205'\0\ 1\303 =\205'\0\211`=\205'\0\304\18\305 \205&\0\306\19\307 ))\207" [non-essential this-command selected-window buffer-chars-modified-tick t company-auto-begin company-idle-begin company-post-command] 6 (#$ . 72487)])
429(defalias 'company-auto-begin #[0 "\b\2057\0 ?\2057\0\304\1a\30512\0\3061\1f\0\307\e\310 \210 )00\2026\00\311\312!\210\311\313\314\ 3!\"\210\315 \262\ 1\2026\0\315 \262\ 1)\207" [company-mode company-candidates company-idle-delay inhibit-quit now (debug quit) (debug error) nil company--perform message "Company: An error occurred in auto-begin" "%s" error-message-string company-cancel] 5])
430(defalias 'company-manual-begin #[0 "\b\204\v\0\304 \210\305\306!\210\307\11\310\216\311\1a\v\206\17\0\312 *\207" [company-mode company--manual-action company-minimum-prefix-length company-candidates company-uninstall-map user-error "Company not enabled" t #[0 "\b?\205\b\0\302\211\11\207" [company-candidates company--manual-action nil] 2] 0 company-auto-begin] 2 nil nil])
433(fn &optional BACKWARD)\1f
434(defalias 'company-other-backend #[256 "\b\204\v\0\304 \210\305\306!\210 \203\16\0 \n\235A\202\17\0\n \307\n!\235A\ 2\203*\0\310\ 1\307\ 4!\"\2020\0\310\ 2\307\ 3!\"\311 \210\3122_\0\211\211\205\\\0\211@\3131I\0\314\ 1!0\202M\0\210\202U\0\203U\0\315\312\316\"\210\ 1A\266\202\2028\0\262\ 10\266\ 4\v?\205i\0\305\317!\207" [company-mode company-backend company-backends company-candidates company-uninstall-map user-error "Company not enabled" reverse append company-cancel --cl-block-nil-- (error) company-begin-backend throw t "No other backend"] 9 (#$ . 73519) (list current-prefix-arg)])
435(defalias 'company-require-match-p #[0 "\301\302!\211\303=\206\1c\0\211\304=?\205\1c\0\305\b!\203\19\0\b \207\b\303=\207" [company-require-match company-call-backend require-match t never functionp] 3])
436#@149 Return non-nil if INPUT should trigger insertion.
437For more details see `company-insertion-on-trigger' and
440(fn INPUT)\1f
441(defalias 'company-insertion-on-trigger-p #[257 "\302\b!\203\v\0\b \202\f\0\b\205.\0\302 !\203\19\0 \ 1!\207 :\203%\0\303\ 1!z >\207\304\305\ 2\306\307O! \"\207" [company-insertion-on-trigger company-insertion-triggers functionp string-to-char string-match regexp-quote 0 1] 6 (#$ . 74296)])
442(defalias 'company--incremental-p #[0 "`\bV\205\e\0d V\205\e\0\n\304=?\205\e\0\b\vGZ\b{\v\232\207" [company-point company--point-max this-command company-prefix backward-delete-char-untabify] 2])
445(fn NEW-PREFIX)\1f
446(defalias 'company--continue-failed #[257 "\303 \203\12\0\211;\203\12\0\211G\bGX\203\1c\0\b \235\203\1c\0\304\305!\207\303 \2030\0\306\n`Z!\210\307 \210\310\311!\210 \207\304 \207" [company-prefix company-candidates company-point company-require-match-p company-cancel non-unique delete-char ding message "Matching input is required"] 4 (#$ . 74910)])
449(fn PREFIX)\1f
450(defalias 'company--good-prefix-p #[257 "\303\ 1!;\205,\0\211\243\304=\206,\0\211\243\206\15\0\211G\b\203'\0 ?\206*\0\211\n\bG^Y\202*\0\211\nY\262\ 1\207" [company--manual-prefix company-abort-manual-when-too-short company-minimum-prefix-length company--prefix-str t] 5 (#$ . 75271)])
451(defalias 'company--continue #[0 "\305\306\b\"\203 \0\307\11\305\310!\305\311!\312\ 2!\205.\0\313\ 2!\211\262\ 3\205.\0`\ 2GZ\n\bGZU\205.\0\314\ 2\ 2\"\v\203>\0\315\ 1\ 4\ 4#\203>\0\316\317!\207\211:\203J\0\ 2\10\320\ 1!\210\207\321\f!\203b\0\322\323\f!!\203b\0\212\nb\210\324 \210)\307\207\325 \204j\0\316 \207\326\ 3!\207" [company-prefix company-candidates-cache company-point company-abort-on-unique-match last-command-event company-call-backend no-cache nil prefix ignore-case company--good-prefix-p company--prefix-str company-calculate-candidates company--unique-match-p company-cancel unique company-update-candidates characterp company-insertion-on-trigger-p string company-complete-selection company--incremental-p company--continue-failed] 7])
452(defalias 'company--begin-new #[0 "\306\211\3072\242\0\b\203\ f\0\bC\202\10\0 \211\205\237\0\211@\2119\204!\0\310\ 1!\2030\0\311\ 1!\2054\0\211\18\312\313!)\2024\0\314\ 1\313\"\262\ 4\ 3\203\230\0\315\ 4!\203\223\0\312\316!\317\ 5!\12\ 1\10\320\n\ 2\"\262\ 4\v\203n\0\321\ 4\n\ 3#\203n\0\f\203f\0\322\323!\210\202n\0\324\325!\266\ 2\202\223\0\ 3\204~\0\f\203\222\0\322\326!\266\ 2\202\223\0\f\203\204\0\ 4\15\327\ 4!\210\330\331\332 \"\210\333\334!\210\210\335\307\ 4\"\210\ 1A\266\202\202\10\0\262\ 10\207" [company-backend company-backends company-prefix company-abort-on-unique-match company--manual-action company--manual-prefix nil --cl-block-nil-- functionp company--maybe-init-backend company-call-backend prefix company--multi-backend-adapter company--good-prefix-p ignore-case company--prefix-str company-calculate-candidates company--unique-match-p message "Sole completion" company-cancel unique "No completion found" company-update-candidates run-hook-with-args company-completion-started-hook company-explicit-action-p company-call-frontends show throw] 9])
453(defalias 'company--perform #[0 "\b\203\n\0\305 \210\202\12\0\306 \203\12\0\307 \210\b\204\1a\0\310\211\11\207`\12d\13\311 \210\312\f!\210\313\314!\207" [company-candidates company-backend company-point company--point-max company-active-map company--continue company--should-complete company--begin-new nil company-ensure-emulation-alist company-enable-overriding-keymap company-call-frontends update] 2])
456(fn &optional RESULT)\1f
457(defalias 'company-cancel #[256 "\b \306\211\11\10\306\211\12\13\306\211\14\15\306\16\15\ e\16\16\17\306\211\16\18\16\19\306\211\16\1a\16\e\306\16\1c\ e\1d\203.\0\307\ e\1d!\210\310\311!\210\312\313!\210\314\315!\210\316\306!\210\ 1\203a\0\ 2;\203W\0\211\19\317\320\ 4\"\210\321\322\ 4\"\210)\202\\\0\317\323\ 4\"\210\317\324\ 4\"\210\266\ 2\306\207" [company-prefix company-backend company-candidates company-candidates-length company-candidates-cache company-candidates-predicate nil cancel-timer company-echo-cancel t company-search-mode 0 company-call-frontends hide company-enable-overriding-keymap run-hook-with-args company-completion-finished-hook company-call-backend post-completion company-completion-cancelled-hook company-after-completion-hook company-common company-selection-default company-selection company-selection-changed company--manual-action company--manual-prefix company--point-max company-point company-timer] 7 (#$ . 77658)])
458(defalias 'company-abort #[0 "\300\301!\207" [company-cancel abort] 2 nil nil])
461(fn RESULT)\1f
462(defalias 'company-finish #[257 "\300\ 1!\210\301\ 1!\207" [company--insert-candidate company-cancel] 3 (#$ . 78649)])
465(fn COMMAND)\1f
466(defalias 'company-keep #[257 "\2119\205\b\0\211\300N\207" [company-keep] 3 (#$ . 78784)])
467(byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\304\301\305\306#\207" [function-put company-keep speed -1 put byte-optimizer byte-compile-inline-expand] 5)
468(defalias 'company--active-p #[0 "\b\207" [company-candidates] 1])
469(defalias 'company-pre-command #[0 "\303 \210\b\2119\205\f\0\211\304N\262\ 1\2049\0\3051*\0 \205%\0\306\307!\210\310 ?\205%\0\311 0\210\2029\0\312\313!\210\312\314\315\ 3!\"\210\316 \266\ 2\n\203C\0\317\n!\210\320\12\321\322!\210\323 \207" [this-command company-candidates company-timer company--electric-restore-window-configuration company-keep (debug error) company-call-frontends pre-command company--should-continue company-abort message "Company: An error occurred in pre-command" "%s" error-message-string company-cancel cancel-timer nil company-echo-cancel t company-uninstall-map] 5])
470(defalias 'company-post-command #[0 "\b\203\r\0 \204\r\0\306 \210\306\11 \2119\205\16\0\211\307N\262\ 1\204|\0\3101m\0`\n\232\204+\0\311\e\312 \210)\b\203F\0\313\314!\210\f\205h\0\3151A\0\316 0\202h\0\210\311\202h\0\317 \211\247\205f\0\r?\205f\0\320 \205f\0\321\ 1\311\322p\323 \324 `&\a\211\16\e\262\ 10\210\202|\0\325\326!\210\325\327\330\ 3!\"\210\331 \266\ 2\332 \207" [company-candidates this-command company-point company-idle-delay company-auto-update-doc defining-kbd-macro company-abort company-keep (debug error) nil company--perform company-call-frontends post-command (user-error) company-show-doc-buffer company--idle-delay company--should-begin run-with-timer company-idle-begin selected-window buffer-chars-modified-tick message "Company: An error occurred in post-command" "%s" error-message-string company-cancel company-install-map company-timer] 9])
471(defalias 'company--idle-delay #[0 "\301\b!\203\v\0\b \202\f\0\b\302\ 1\303\"\203\15\0\304\207\207" [company-idle-delay functionp memql (t 0 0.0) 0.01] 4])
472#@102 List of commands after which idle completion is (still) disabled when
473`company-begin-commands' is t.\1f
474(defvar company--begin-inhibit-commands '(company-abort company-complete-mouse company-complete company-complete-common company-complete-selection company-complete-tooltip-row) (#$ . 80652))
475(defalias 'company--should-begin #[0 "\b\303=\203\v\0 \n>?\207 \b>\206\19\0 9\205\19\0 \304N\207" [company-begin-commands this-command company--begin-inhibit-commands t company-begin] 2])
476(byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304DD\305\306\307%\207" [custom-declare-variable company-search-regexp-function funcall function #[0 "\300\207" [regexp-quote] 1 ""] "Function to construct the search regexp from input.\nIt's called with one argument, the current search input. It must return\neither a regexp without groups, or one where groups don't intersect and\neach one wraps a part of the input string." :type (choice (const :tag "Exact match" regexp-quote) (const :tag "Words separated with spaces" company-search-words-regexp) (const :tag "Words separated with spaces, in any order" company-search-words-in-any-order-regexp) (const :tag "All characters in given order, with anything in between" company-search-flex-regexp))] 6)
477(defvar company-search-string "" nil)
478(make-variable-buffer-local 'company-search-string)
479(defvar company-search-lighter '(" " (company-search-filtering "Filter" "Search") ": \"" company-search-string "\""))
480#@66 Non-nil to filter the completion candidates by the search string\1f
481(defvar company-search-filtering nil (#$ . 82069))
482(make-variable-buffer-local 'company-search-filtering)
483(defvar company--search-old-selection 0 nil)
484(make-variable-buffer-local 'company--search-old-selection)
485(defvar company--search-old-changed nil nil)
486(make-variable-buffer-local 'company--search-old-changed)
489(fn INPUT)\1f
490(defalias 'company-search-words-regexp #[257 "\300\301\302\ 3\303\304#\305#\207" [mapconcat #[257 "\300\301\302\ 3!\"\207" [format "\\(%s\\)" regexp-quote] 5 "\n\n(fn WORD)"] split-string " +" t ".*"] 7 (#$ . 82454)])
493(fn INPUT)\1f
494(defalias 'company-search-words-in-any-order-regexp #[257 "\300\301\302\ 3\303\304#\"\305\ 1!\306\307\ 2\310#\207" [mapcar #[257 "\300\301\302\ 3!\"\207" [format "\\(%s\\)" regexp-quote] 5 "\n\n(fn WORD)"] split-string " +" t company--permutations mapconcat #[257 "\300\301\ 2\302#\207" [mapconcat identity ".*"] 5 "\n\n(fn WORDS)"] "\\|"] 7 (#$ . 82687)])
497(fn INPUT)\1f
498(defalias 'company-search-flex-regexp #[257 "\211G\300U\203 \0\301\207\302\303\ 2\300H!!\304\305\ 3\306\307O\301#P\207" [0 "" regexp-quote string mapconcat #[257 "\300\301\ 2!\302\303\301\ 5!!R\207" ["[^" string "]*" regexp-quote] 7 "\n\n(fn C)"] 1 nil] 7 (#$ . 83053)])
501(fn LST)\1f
502(defalias 'company--permutations #[257 "\211\204\ 6\0\300\207\301\302\303\ 3\"\ 2\"\207" [(nil) cl-mapcan make-closure #[257 "\301\302\303\ 3\"\304\305\ 4\300\306\307$!\"\207" [V0 mapcar make-closure #[257 "\300\ 1B\207" [V0] 3 "\n\n(fn PERM)"] company--permutations cl-remove :count 1] 9 "\n\n(fn E)"]] 5 (#$ . 83334)])
505(fn TEXT LINES)\1f
506(defalias 'company--search #[514 "\b\ 2!\302\30322\0\ 2\211\205/\0\211@\ 3\ 1\304\305\19\306\ 3\ 3\ 3#)\266\203\203$\0\307\303\ 4\"\210\ 2T\262\ 3\ 1A\266\202\202 \0\262\ 10\207" [company-search-regexp-function inhibit-changing-match-data 0 --cl-block-nil-- nil t string-match throw] 13 (#$ . 83659)])
507(defalias 'company-search-printing-char #[0 "\303 \210\304\b!\305\ 1!\203\12\0\306\b!\202(\0\307\ 1!\310\311\ 2\"\203#\0\312\313\ 2\"\202&\0\314\315!\262\ 1 \ 1P\n\2033\0\316\ 1!\210\317\ 1!\207" [last-command-event company-search-string company-search-filtering company--search-assert-enabled event-basic-type characterp string symbol-name string-match "kp-\\([0-9]\\)" match-string 1 error "Unexpected printing char input" company--search-update-predicate company--search-update-string] 5 nil nil])
510(fn SS)\1f
511(defalias 'company--search-update-predicate #[257 "\b\ 1!\211\304\230?\205\12\0 \205\12\0\305\306\ 2\"\1a\307\v\310\311!\"\211\204!\0\312\313!\210\314\ 1!)\207" [company-search-regexp-function company-search-filtering company-candidates-predicate company-prefix "" make-closure #[257 "\301\300\ 2\"\207" [V0 string-match] 4 "\n\n(fn CANDIDATE)"] company-calculate-candidates company-call-backend ignore-case user-error "No match" company-update-candidates] 6 (#$ . 84430)])
514(fn NEW)\1f
515(defalias 'company--search-update-string #[257 "\b\206\ 5\0\303\304\ 2\ 2 \233\"\211\204\12\0\305 \207\ 2\12\306\ 2\ 2\\\307\"\207" [company-selection company-candidates company-search-string 0 company--search ding company-set-selection t] 6 (#$ . 84901)])
516(defalias 'company--search-assert-input #[0 "\301 \210\b\302\230\205\f\0\303\304!\207" [company-search-string company--search-assert-enabled "" user-error "Empty search string"] 2])
517#@65 Repeat the incremental search in completion candidates forward.\1f
518(defalias 'company-search-repeat-forward #[0 "\303 \210\b\206\b\0\304\305 \ 2\n\233A\"\211\204\16\0\306 \207\307\ 2\ 2\\T\310\"\207" [company-selection company-search-string company-candidates company--search-assert-input 0 company--search ding company-set-selection t] 5 (#$ . 85336) nil])
519#@67 Repeat the incremental search in completion candidates backwards.\1f
520(defalias 'company-search-repeat-backward #[0 "\304 \210\b\206\b\0\305\306 \n\ 3Z\307\v!\233\"\211\204\19\0\310 \207\311\ 2\ 2ZS\312\"\207" [company-selection company-search-string company-candidates-length company-candidates company--search-assert-input 0 company--search reverse ding company-set-selection t] 6 (#$ . 85685) nil])
521#@36 Toggle `company-search-filtering'.\1f
522(defalias 'company-search-toggle-filtering #[0 "\302 \210\b?\10 \303\ 1!\210\304\ 1!\207" [company-search-filtering company-search-string company--search-assert-enabled company--search-update-predicate company--search-update-string] 3 (#$ . 86076) nil])
523#@44 Abort searching the completion candidates.\1f
524(defalias 'company-search-abort #[0 "\303 \210\304\305!\210\306\b\307\"\210 \211\12\207" [company--search-old-selection company--search-old-changed company-selection-changed company--search-assert-enabled company-search-mode 0 company-set-selection t] 3 (#$ . 86364) nil])
525(defalias 'company-search-other-char #[0 "\300 \210\301\302!\210\303 \207" [company--search-assert-enabled company-search-mode 0 company--unread-this-command-keys] 2 nil nil])
526(defalias 'company-search-delete-char #[0 "\302 \210\b\303\230\203\f\0\304 \207\b\305\306O \203\18\0\307\ 1!\210\310\ 1!\207" [company-search-string company-search-filtering company--search-assert-enabled "" ding 0 -1 company--search-update-predicate company--search-update-string] 3 nil nil])
527#@68 Keymap used for incrementally searching the completion candidates.\1f
528(defvar company-search-map (byte-code "\301\302 \303\304!\203\17\0\305\ 1A@\306\304 B\307#\210\2020\0\310 \ 1A@\ 1\205.\0\311\ 1\ 3@\307#\210\ 1A\262\ 2\202\1c\0\266\ 3\312\ 1\313\314#\210\ 1\315W\203L\0\312\ 1\316\317\ 5\"\314#\210\ 1T\262\ 2\2026\0\ 1\306W\203a\0\312\ 1\320\ 4!\307#\210\ 1T\262\ 2\202L\0\301\211\321W\203z\0\312\ 2\322\323\324\ 5\"!\307#\210\211T\262\ 1\202b\0\210\325 \312\ 2\326\b!\ 3#\210\312\ 2\327\ 3#\266\ 2\312\ 1\320\b\330\"\314#\210\312\ 1\331\332#\210\312\ 1\333\334#\210\312\ 1\335\336#\210\312\ 1\337\340#\210\312\ 1\341\332#\210\312\ 1\342\334#\210\312\ 1\343\314#\210\312\ 1\344\314#\210\312\ 1\345\346#\210\312\ 1\347\346#\210\312\ 1\350\351#\210\312\ 1\352\353#\210\312\ 1\354\355#\210\312\ 1\356\357#\210\360\ 1!\210\207" [meta-prefix-char 0 make-keymap fboundp max-char set-char-table-range 256 company-search-printing-char generic-character-list set-char-table-default define-key [t] company-search-other-char 32 make-string 1 vector 10 kbd format "<kp-%d>" make-sparse-keymap char-to-string [escape] t "\ e" company-select-next-or-abort "\10" company-select-previous-or-abort [134217838] company--select-next-and-warn [134217840] company--select-previous-and-warn [down] [up] "\e\e\e" [escape escape escape] "\7f" company-search-delete-char [backspace] "\a" company-search-abort "\13" company-search-repeat-forward "\12" company-search-repeat-backward "\ f" company-search-toggle-filtering company-keymap--bind-quick-access] 9) (#$ . 87143))
529#@107 Non-nil if Company-Search mode is enabled.
530Use the command `company-search-mode' to change this variable.\1f
531(defvar company-search-mode nil (#$ . 88581))
532(make-variable-buffer-local 'company-search-mode)
533#@693 Search mode for completion candidates.
534Don't start this directly, use `company-search-candidates' or
537This is a minor mode. If called interactively, toggle the
538`Company-Search mode' mode. If the prefix argument is positive,
539enable the mode, and if it is zero or negative, disable the mode.
541If called from Lisp, toggle the mode if ARG is `toggle'. Enable
542the mode if ARG is nil, omitted, or is a positive number.
543Disable the mode if ARG is a negative number.
545To check whether the minor mode is enabled in the current buffer,
546evaluate `company-search-mode'.
548The mode's hook is called both when the mode is enabled and when
549it is disabled.
551(fn &optional ARG)\1f
552(defalias 'company-search-mode #[256 "\306 \ 1\307=\203\r\0\b?\202\1d\0\ 1\247\203\1c\0\ 1\310W\203\1c\0\311\202\1d\0\312\10\313\301!\2031\0\314\300 \"\11\b\2031\0\300 B\11\b\203O\0\315 \203J\0\n\13\f\15\316\317!\210\320\ e\"!\210\202q\0\311\10\202q\0\321\322!\210\321\323!\210\321\303!\210\321\305!\210\ e#\203l\0\324\325!\210\316\317!\210\320\ e$!\210\326\327\b\203{\0\330\202|\0\331\"\210\332\333!\203\236\0\306 \203\220\0\211\306 \232\203\236\0\334\335\b\203\232\0\336\202\233\0\337\340#\210\210\341 \210\b\207" [company-search-mode local-minor-modes company-selection company--search-old-selection company-selection-changed company--search-old-changed current-message toggle 1 nil t boundp delq company-manual-begin company-call-frontends update company-enable-overriding-keymap kill-local-variable company-search-string company-search-filtering company--search-update-predicate "" run-hooks company-search-mode-hook company-search-mode-on-hook company-search-mode-off-hook called-interactively-p any message "Company-Search mode %sabled%s" "en" "dis" " in current buffer" force-mode-line-update company-search-map company-backend company-active-map] 6 (#$ . 88790) (byte-code "\b\203\n\0\301\b!\202\v\0\302C\207" [current-prefix-arg prefix-numeric-value toggle] 2)])
553(defvar company-search-mode-hook nil)
554(byte-code "\301\302N\204\f\0\303\301\302\304#\210\303\301\305\306#\210\303\301\307\310C#\210\311\312\313\314\300!\205#\0\b\310\211%\207" [company-search-mode-map company-search-mode-hook variable-documentation put "Hook run after entering or leaving `company-search-mode'.\nNo problems result if this variable is not bound.\n`add-hook' automatically binds it. (This is true for all hook variables.)" custom-type hook standard-value nil add-minor-mode company-search-mode company-search-lighter boundp] 6)
555(defalias 'company--search-assert-enabled #[0 "\b\204\v\0\302 \210\303\304!\210 ?\205\16\0\302 \210\303\305!\207" [company-mode company-search-mode company-uninstall-map user-error "Company not enabled" "Company not in search mode"] 2])
556#@676 Start searching the completion candidates incrementally.
558\<company-search-map>Search can be controlled with the commands:
559- `company-search-repeat-forward' (\[company-search-repeat-forward])
560- `company-search-repeat-backward' (\[company-search-repeat-backward])
561- `company-search-abort' (\[company-search-abort])
562- `company-search-delete-char' (\[company-search-delete-char])
564Regular characters are appended to the search string.
566Customize `company-search-regexp-function' to change how the input
567is interpreted when searching.
569The command `company-search-toggle-filtering' (\[company-search-toggle-filtering])
570uses the search string to filter the completion candidates.\1f
571(defalias 'company-search-candidates #[0 "\300\301!\207" [company-search-mode 1] 2 (#$ . 91472) nil])
572#@172 Start filtering the completion candidates incrementally.
573This works the same way as `company-search-candidates' immediately
574followed by `company-search-toggle-filtering'.\1f
575(defalias 'company-filter-candidates #[0 "\301\302!\210\303\211\10\207" [company-search-filtering company-search-mode 1 t] 2 (#$ . 92256) nil])
576#@196 Select the next candidate in the list.
578With ARG, move by that many elements.
579When `company-selection-default' is nil, add a special pseudo candidates
580meant for no selection.
582(fn &optional ARG)\1f
583(defalias 'company-select-next #[256 "\302 \205\19\0\211\206\n\0\303\b\206\13\0 \206\13\0\304\\\305\ 1!\262\ 1\207" [company-selection company-selection-default company-manual-begin 1 -1 company-set-selection] 4 (#$ . 92576) "p"])
584#@103 Select the previous candidate in the list.
586With ARG, move by that many elements.
588(fn &optional ARG)\1f
589(defalias 'company-select-previous #[256 "\300\ 1\203\n\0\ 1[\202\v\0\301!\207" [company-select-next -1] 3 (#$ . 92994) "p"])
590#@146 Select the next candidate if more than one, else abort
591and invoke the normal binding.
593With ARG, move by that many elements.
595(fn &optional ARG)\1f
596(defalias 'company-select-next-or-abort #[256 "\b\203\n\0 \302V\203\ e\0\303\ 1!\207\304 \210\305 \207" [company-selection company-candidates-length 1 company-select-next company-abort company--unread-this-command-keys] 3 (#$ . 93222) "p"])
597#@150 Select the previous candidate if more than one, else abort
598and invoke the normal binding.
600With ARG, move by that many elements.
602(fn &optional ARG)\1f
603(defalias 'company-select-previous-or-abort #[256 "\b\301V\203\n\0\302\ 1!\207\303 \210\304 \207" [company-candidates-length 1 company-select-previous company-abort company--unread-this-command-keys] 3 (#$ . 93608) "p"])
604#@40 Select the first completion candidate.\1f
605(defalias 'company-select-first #[0 "\300\301!\207" [company-set-selection 0] 2 (#$ . 93980) nil])
606#@39 Select the last completion candidate.\1f
607(defalias 'company-select-last #[0 "\301\bS!\207" [company-candidates-length company-set-selection] 2 (#$ . 94124) nil])
608#@40 Select the candidate one page further.\1f
609(defalias 'company-next-page #[0 "\304 \205\1c\0\b\203\14\0 \nSU\203\14\0\305\306!\207\307\18\305 \v\\!)\207" [company-selection-wrap-around company-selection company-candidates-length company-tooltip-limit company-manual-begin company-set-selection 0 nil] 3 (#$ . 94288) nil])
610#@40 Select the candidate one page earlier.\1f
611(defalias 'company-previous-page #[0 "\304 \205\1c\0\b\203\14\0 \305U\203\14\0\306\nS!\207\307\18\306 \vZ!)\207" [company-selection-wrap-around company-selection company-candidates-length company-tooltip-limit company-manual-begin 0 company-set-selection nil] 3 (#$ . 94598) nil])
614(fn EVENT)\1f
615(defalias 'company--event-col-row #[257 "\300\301\ 2!!\207" [company--posn-col-row event-start] 4 (#$ . 94911)])
616#@113 Holds the mouse event from `company-select-mouse'.
617For use in the `select-mouse' frontend action. `let'-bound.\1f
618(defvar company-mouse-event nil (#$ . 95042))
619#@55 Select the candidate picked by the mouse.
621(fn EVENT)\1f
622(defalias 'company-select-mouse #[257 "\211\18\301\302\303\304!\")\206\13\0\305 \210\306 \210\307\207" [company-mouse-event cl-some identity company-call-frontends select-mouse company-abort company--unread-this-command-keys nil] 5 (#$ . 95206) "e"])
623#@55 Insert the candidate picked by the mouse.
625(fn EVENT)\1f
626(defalias 'company-complete-mouse #[257 "\300\ 1!\205\b\0\301 \207" [company-select-mouse company-complete-selection] 3 (#$ . 95512) "e"])
627#@32 Insert the selected candidate.\1f
628(defalias 'company-complete-selection #[0 "\302 \205\11\0\b\205\11\0\b 8\303\ 1!\262\ 1\207" [company-selection company-candidates company-manual-begin company-finish] 3 (#$ . 95707) nil])
629#@43 Insert the common part of all candidates.\1f
630(defalias 'company-complete-common #[0 "\302 \205\17\0\bA\204\14\0 \b@\232\203\14\0\303 \207\304 !\207" [company-candidates company-common company-manual-begin company-complete-selection company--insert-candidate] 2 (#$ . 95921) nil])
631#@126 Insert the common part of all candidates, or select the next one.
633With ARG, move by that many elements.
635(fn &optional ARG)\1f
636(defalias 'company-complete-common-or-cycle #[256 "\302 \205\1c\0\303 \304\305!\210\211\303 =\205\1a\0\306\ 2\18\19\304\307!*\262\ 1\207" [current-prefix-arg company-selection-wrap-around company-manual-begin buffer-chars-modified-tick call-interactively company-complete-common t company-select-next] 4 (#$ . 96194) "p"])
637#@62 Insert the common part of all candidates, or show a tooltip.\1f
638(defalias 'company-complete-common-or-show-delayed-tooltip #[0 "\302 \205!\0\303 \304\305!\210\211\303 =\205\1f\0\306\18\307 \210 \205\1e\0\310\311!)\262\ 1\207" [company-tooltip-idle-delay company-candidates company-manual-begin buffer-chars-modified-tick call-interactively company-complete-common 0.0 company-complete company-call-frontends post-command] 3 (#$ . 96634) nil])
639#@75 Indent the current line or region, or complete the common part.
641(fn ARG)\1f
642(defalias 'company-indent-or-complete-common #[257 "\302 \203\f\0\303\304 \305 \"\207\b\306>\203\15\0\307 \207`\310 \311\19\312\ 3!\210\ 1`=\205-\0\211\310 =\205-\0\307 )\207" [indent-line-function tab-always-indent use-region-p indent-region region-beginning region-end (indent-relative indent-relative-maybe) company-complete-common buffer-chars-modified-tick t indent-for-tab-command] 5 (#$ . 97069) "P"])
643#@168 Insert selection if appropriate, or select the next candidate.
644Insert selection if only preview is showing or only one candidate,
645otherwise select the next candidate.\1f
646(defalias 'company-select-next-if-tooltip-visible-or-complete-selection #[0 "\301 \203\ f\0\b\302V\203\ f\0\303\304!\207\303\305!\207" [company-candidates-length company-tooltip-visible-p 1 call-interactively company-select-next company-complete-selection] 2 (#$ . 97546) nil])
647#@221 Insert the common part of all candidates or the current selection.
648The first time this is called, the common part is inserted, the second
649time, or when the selection has been changed, the selected candidate is
651(defalias 'company-complete #[0 "\305 \205$\0\b\204\15\0 \306=\203\19\0\n\307=\203\19\0\310\311!\207\310\307!\210\v\205$\0\307\211\14\207" [company-selection-changed real-last-command last-command company-candidates this-command company-manual-begin company-complete company-complete-common call-interactively company-complete-selection] 2 (#$ . 97991) nil])
652(byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\210\304\301\302\305#\207" [defalias company-complete-number company-complete-tooltip-row nil make-obsolete "0.9.14"] 4)
653#@445 Insert a candidate visible on the tooltip's row NUMBER.
655Inserts one of the first ten candidates,
656numbered according to the current scrolling position starting with 1.
658When called interactively, uses the last typed digit, stripping the
659modifiers and translating 0 into 10, so `M-1' inserts the first visible
660candidate, and `M-0' insert to 10th one.
662To show hint numbers beside the candidates, enable `company-show-quick-access'.
664(fn NUMBER)\1f
665(defalias 'company-complete-tooltip-row #[257 "\300\ 1S!\207" [company--complete-nth] 3 (#$ . 98712) (byte-code "\301\b!\302\ 1!\203\r\0\211\202\19\0\303\304\ 2!\305\ 1\306\"\262\ 1!@\211\307Z\211\310U\203(\0\266\ 3\311\202+\0\211\266\203C\207" [last-command-event event-basic-type characterp last symbol-name append nil 48 0 10] 6)])
666#@136 Insert a candidate visible on a ROW matched by a quick-access key binding.
667See `company-quick-access-keys' for more details.
669(fn ROW)\1f
670(defalias 'company-complete-quick-access #[257 "\211\205\a\0\300\ 1!\207" [company--complete-nth] 3 (#$ . 99478) (byte-code "\302\b!\303\ 1!\203\ f\0\304\ 1!\202\12\0\305\306!\307\ 1 \310\311$\266\202C\207" [last-command-event company-quick-access-keys event-basic-type characterp string error "Unexpected input" cl-position :test equal] 7)])
671#@134 Current scrolling state of the tooltip.
672Represented by the index of the first visible completion candidate
673from the candidates list.\1f
674(defvar company-tooltip-offset 0 (#$ . 99946))
675(make-variable-buffer-local 'company-tooltip-offset)
676#@71 Insert a candidate visible on the tooltip's zero-based ROW.
678(fn ROW)\1f
679(defalias 'company--complete-nth #[257 "\303 \205\1f\0\211\304W\204\13\0\211\b ZY\203\18\0\305\306\ 2\"\210\307\ 1 \\\n8!\207" [company-candidates-length company-tooltip-offset company-candidates company-manual-begin 0 user-error "No candidate on the row number %d" company-finish] 4 (#$ . 100185)])
680(defconst company-space-strings-limit 100)
681(defconst company-space-strings (byte-code "\301\b\302\211\ 2W\203\e\0\303\bS\ 2Z\304\"\ 3B\262\ 3\211T\262\ 1\202\ 3\0\266\ 2\305\306\ 2\"\207" [company-space-strings-limit nil 0 make-string 32 apply vector] 6))
684(fn LEN)\1f
685(defalias 'company-space-string #[257 "\211\bW\203\n\0 \ 1H\207\302\ 1\303\"\207" [company-space-strings-limit company-space-strings make-string 32] 4 (#$ . 100782)])
688(fn STR FROM &optional TO)\1f
689(defalias 'company-safe-substring #[770 "\b\ 2\301\ 5!V\203\v\0\302\207\303\304\305\"r\211q\210\306\307\ 2\"\216\ 1\10\ 4c\210\310\ 4!\210`\ 3\203?\0\310\ 4!\210\211`{\ 4iZ\211\311V\2059\0\312\ 1!\262\ 1P\202B\0\211d{\262\ 1*\207" [buffer-invisibility-spec string-width "" generate-new-buffer " *temp*" t make-closure #[0 "\301\300!\205 \0\302\300!\207" [V0 buffer-name kill-buffer] 2] move-to-column 0 company-space-string] 10 (#$ . 100960)])
690(defvar company-last-metadata nil nil)
691(make-variable-buffer-local 'company-last-metadata)
692(defalias 'company-fetch-metadata #[0 "\b\206\ 5\0\303 8\211\n@=\204\15\0\211\304\305\ 3\"B\12\nA\207" [company-selection company-candidates company-last-metadata 0 company-call-backend meta] 5])
695(fn &optional STRING)\1f
696(defalias 'company-doc-buffer #[256 "r\300\301!q\210\302 \210\303 \210\211\203\18\0\212\211c\210\304 \210)p)\207" [get-buffer-create "*company-documentation*" erase-buffer fundamental-mode visual-line-mode] 3 (#$ . 101682)])
697(defvar company--electric-saved-window-configuration nil)
698#@61 List of Commands that won't break out of electric commands.\1f
699(defvar company--electric-commands '(scroll-other-window scroll-other-window-down mwheel-scroll) (#$ . 101992))
700#@57 Restore window configuration (after electric commands).\1f
701(defalias 'company--electric-restore-window-configuration #[0 "\b\205\12\0 \n>?\205\12\0\303\b!\210\304\211\10\207" [company--electric-saved-window-configuration this-command company--electric-commands set-window-configuration nil] 2 (#$ . 102170)])
704(fn &rest BODY)\1f
705(defalias 'company--electric-do '(macro . #[128 "\300\301\302\303\304\305\306\ 6\a\307\"BB\257\ 5\207" [when (company-manual-begin) (cl-assert (null company--electric-saved-window-configuration)) (setq company--electric-saved-window-configuration (current-window-configuration)) let ((height (window-height)) (row (company--row))) append ((and (< (window-height) height) (< (- (window-height) row 2) company-tooltip-limit) (recenter (- (window-height) row 2))))] 10 (#$ . 102472)]))
706(byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\304\301\305\306#\207" [function-put company--electric-do lisp-indent-function 0 put edebug-form-spec t] 5)
707(defalias 'company--unread-this-command-keys #[0 "\301 G\302V\205\12\0\303\301 !\b\244\10\304\305!\207" [unread-command-events this-command-keys 0 listify-key-sequence clear-this-command-keys t] 2])
708#@50 Show the documentation buffer for the selection.\1f
709(defalias 'company--show-doc-buffer #[0 "\303\b\206\ 6\0\304\ 1\19\211\n8\305\306\ 2\"\206\15\0\307\310!\303\ 1:\203#\0\ 1A\262\ 1\ 1@\262\ 2\311\ 2!\11\312\ 2\313\"\314\ 1\ 3\2035\0\ 3\2026\0e\"\262\ 1\266\203)\207" [company-selection other-window-scroll-buffer company-candidates nil 0 company-call-backend doc-buffer user-error "No documentation available" get-buffer display-buffer t set-window-start] 9 (#$ . 103304)])
710#@283 Show the documentation buffer for the selection.
711With a prefix argument TOGGLE-AUTO-UPDATE, toggle the value of
712`company-auto-update-doc'. When `company-auto-update-doc' is non-nil,
713automatically show the documentation buffer for each selection.
715(fn &optional TOGGLE-AUTO-UPDATE)\1f
716(defalias 'company-show-doc-buffer #[256 "\211\203\a\0\b?\10\303 \205:\0 \203\14\0\304\305!\210\306 \11\307 \310 \311 \210\307 \ 2W\2058\0\307 \ 1Z\312Z\nW\2058\0\313\307 \ 2Z\312Z!\266\202\207" [company-auto-update-doc company--electric-saved-window-configuration company-tooltip-limit company-manual-begin cl--assertion-failed (null company--electric-saved-window-configuration) current-window-configuration window-height company--row company--show-doc-buffer 2 recenter] 6 (#$ . 103744) "P"])
717(put 'company-show-doc-buffer 'company-keep t)
718#@73 Temporarily display a buffer showing the selected candidate in context.\1f
719(defalias 'company-show-location #[0 "\305\18\306 \205\210\0 \203\ f\0\307\310!\210\311 \11\312 \313 \n\v8\314\315\ 2\"\211A\206%\0\316\317!\320\ 2@!\2031\0\ 1@\2066\0\321\ 2@\322\"\323\ 1!\10\324\325\ 2\322\"!r\326\327\ 2\"\216\330\ 1@\331\"\210\214~\210\320\ 4@!\203\\\0\ 2b\210\202c\0eb\210\ 2Sy\210)\332\305`\"\210*\266\ 5\312 \ 2W\205\206\0\312 \ 1Z\333Z\fW\205\206\0\334\312 \ 2Z\333Z!\266\202)\207" [other-window-scroll-buffer company--electric-saved-window-configuration company-selection company-candidates company-tooltip-limit nil company-manual-begin cl--assertion-failed (null company--electric-saved-window-configuration) current-window-configuration window-height company--row company-call-backend location user-error "No location available" bufferp find-file-noselect t get-buffer internal--before-with-selected-window display-buffer make-closure #[0 "\301\300!\207" [V0 internal--after-with-selected-window] 2] select-window norecord set-window-start 2 recenter] 10 (#$ . 104556) nil])
720(put 'company-show-location 'company-keep t)
721(defvar company-callback nil nil)
722(make-variable-buffer-local 'company-callback)
725(fn &optional IGNORED)\1f
726(defalias 'company-remove-callback #[256 "\301\302\b\303#\210\301\304\305\303#\210\301\302\305\303#\207" [company-callback remove-hook company-completion-finished-hook t company-completion-cancelled-hook company-remove-callback] 5 (#$ . 105715)])
727#@77 Start a completion at point using BACKEND.
729(fn BACKEND &optional CALLBACK)\1f
730(defalias 'company-begin-backend #[513 "\211\211\10\203\r\0\302\303\b\304\305$\210\302\306\307\304\305$\210\302\303\307\304\305$\210\ 1\11\310 \206%\0\311\312!\207" [company-callback company-backend add-hook company-completion-finished-hook nil t company-completion-cancelled-hook company-remove-callback company-manual-begin user-error "Cannot complete at point"] 7 (#$ . 105992) (byte-code "\301\302\b\303\304\305%\211\205\ f\0\306\ 1!C\207" [obarray completing-read "Company backend: " functionp nil "company-" intern] 6)])
731#@411 Start a completion at point.
732CANDIDATES is the list of candidates to use and PREFIX-LENGTH is the length
733of the prefix that already is in the buffer before point.
734It defaults to 0.
736CALLBACK is a function called with the selected result if the user
737successfully completes the input.
739Example: (company-begin-with \='("foo" "foobar" "foobarbaz"))
742(defalias 'company-begin-with #[1025 "\300`\301\"\302\303\304\ 6\a\ 6\a\ 6\a\ 6\ 6%\ 3\"\207" [copy-marker t company-begin-backend make-closure #[641 "\ 2\304\267\202\1f\0`\305\303!\232\205 \0`\301\206\14\0\306Z`{\207\307\ 2\300\"\207\302\207\310\207" [V0 V1 V2 V3 #s(hash-table size 3 test eq rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold 0.8125 purecopy t data (prefix 6 candidates 24 require-match 29)) marker-position 0 all-completions nil] 6 "\n\n(fn COMMAND &optional ARG &rest IGNORED)"]] 12 (#$ . 106586)])
743#@129 Get the Company version as string.
745If SHOW-VERSION is non-nil, show the version in the echo area.
747(fn &optional SHOW-VERSION)\1f
748(defalias 'company-version #[256 "\300\301\302\"r\211q\210\303\304\ 2\"\216\305\306!\210\307\310\311!!\210\305\312!\210\ 1\203'\0\313\314\315 \"\202)\0\315 *\207" [generate-new-buffer " *temp*" t make-closure #[0 "\301\300!\205 \0\302\300!\207" [V0 buffer-name kill-buffer] 2] require find-func insert-file-contents find-library-name "company" lisp-mnt message "Company version: %s" lm-version] 5 (#$ . 107479) (list t)])
749#@59 Pop a buffer with information about completions at point.\1f
750(defalias 'company-diag #[0 "\b\306 !\307\ 2\307\211\211\ 3:\203,\0\ 3@\262\ 3\ 2\1a\ 2\262\ 5\310\311!)\211\262\ 2?\211\262\ 3\203,\0\ 3A\262\ 4\202 \0\266\203\v\307\211\ 3;\204;\0\ 3:\203[\0\ 4\1a\3121V\0\310\313\314\ 6\ 6!\"\262\ 2\315\316\ 3\"\211\262\ 20\210\202Z\0\210\317\262\ 1)\320\321\322!!\210\307\14\323 \210\324\325\r\ e*\326\327\ e+\"\ e,%c\210\330\331 \332\261\ 3\210\333\334\ 6\b!\261\ 2\210\335c\210\336\334\ 6\ 6!\261\ 2\210\335c\210\ 4<\203\235\0\337\ 5>\202\240\0\ 4\337=\203\252\0\340\334\ 4!\261\ 2\210\341\ 6\ 6\261\ 2\210\335c\210\342\334\ 5!\261\ 2\210\335c\210\343c\210\ 1\204\307\0\344c\210\211\317=\203\323\0\345c\210\202\371\0\212\211\211\203\367\0\211@\346\347\ 2@!\261\ 2\210\211A\203\360\0\350\347\ 2A!\261\ 2\210\ 1A\266\202\202\325\0\210)\351 \207" [company-backends major-mode company-backend completion-at-point-functions buffer-read-only emacs-version symbol-name nil company-call-backend prefix (error) candidates company--prefix-str mapcar #[257 "\211\300\301\ 3\"B\207" [company-call-backend annotation] 5 "\n\n(fn C)"] error pop-to-buffer get-buffer-create "*company-diag*" erase-buffer format "Emacs %s (%s) of %s on %s" format-time-string "%Y-%m-%d" "\nCompany " company-version "\n\n" "company-backends: " pp-to-string "\n" "Used backend: " company-capf "Value of c-a-p-f: " "Major mode: " "Prefix: " "Completions:" " none" "(error fetching)" "\n " prin1-to-string " " special-mode system-configuration emacs-build-time emacs-build-system] 14 (#$ . 108028) nil])
751(defvar company--tooltip-current-width 0 nil)
752(make-variable-buffer-local 'company--tooltip-current-width)
756(defalias 'company-tooltip--lines-update-offset #[771 "\211\301Z\262\ 1\ 2\b^\ 3T\ 2Z]\211\10\302X\203\1a\0\211T\262\ 1\303\10\b\ 2\ 2ZSY\203=\0\211T\262\ 1\ 2\ 2SU\203=\0\bS\211\10\302X\203=\0\303\10\211T\262\ 1\207" [company-tooltip-offset 2 1 0] 7 (#$ . 109589)])
760(defalias 'company-tooltip--simple-update-offset #[771 "\ 2\bW\203\n\0\ 2\202\10\0\b\ 3\ 2ZT]\211\10\207" [company-tooltip-offset] 6 (#$ . 109856)])
763(fn ARG)\1f
764(defalias 'company-round-tab #[257 "\211\b\\\b\245\b_\207" [tab-width] 3 (#$ . 110028)])
767(fn STR)\1f
768(defalias 'company-plainify #[257 "\300\301\302\ 3#\211\203\16\0\211\ 2P\262\ 2\303\301\ 3G\304\ 5$\210\210\305\ 1\306\"\211\211A\2037\0\211\307\ 2@\301\310\311\ 6\ 6@!!#\240\210\211A\262\ 1\202\1c\0\312\313\ 3\"\207" [get-text-property 0 line-prefix remove-text-properties (line-prefix) split-string " " company-safe-substring company-round-tab string-width apply concat] 10 (#$ . 110131)])
771(fn VALUE)\1f
772(defalias 'company--common-or-matches #[257 "\301\302\ 2\"\211\203,\0\b\203,\0\211<\203,\0\211G\303U\203,\0\211@@\304U\203,\0\bG\ 1@AV\203,\0\305\262\ 1\211\250\2037\0\304\ 1BC\262\ 1\211\206D\0\b\205D\0\304\bGBC\207" [company-common company-call-backend match 1 0 nil] 4 (#$ . 110511)])
776(defalias 'company-fill-propertize #[1542 "\ 1G\b\205 \0\305\b!\18\306\ 6\a!\307\310\ 6 !!\262\b\ 6\ 6\205 \0\310\ 6\a\311\"\262\a\312 \n\206)\0\313\ 6\b\ 6\vG\ 6\vG\\\ 2\\W\ 5\ 3\203O\0\ 1\203F\0\ 6\fG\ 3\\\202T\0\ 6\n\ 6\fGZ\202T\0\ 6\fG\ 3\\\\\211\ 6\fG\\\ 6\a\ 6\f\\^\ 6 \ 3\204j\0\ 5\204\200\0\314\ 6\ f\ 6\ f\205v\0\315\ 6\a!\ 6\10Q\313\ 6\ f#\202\216\0\314\ 6\ f\313\ 6\ f\ 6\11GZ#\ 6\ eP\ 6\nQ\ 6\f\ 6 \\\ 6\nG\\\262\r\316\313\ 6\ e\317\320\ 5%\210\ 2\ 2W\203\274\0\321\ 3\ 3\ 6\ e\203\267\0\322\202\270\0\323\311\ 5%\210\ 6\f\ 6\nGZ\ 6\b\312\211\211\211\211\ 5:\203\f\ 1\ 5@\262\ 5\ 4\211A\262\ 6\242\262\ 4\ 6\ f\ 4\\\262\ 3\ 6\ f\ 5\\\ 6\a^\262\ 2\ 2\ 6\aW\203\ 2\ 1\321\ 3\ 3\ 6\15\203\374\0\324\202\375\0\325\312\ 6\f%\210\ 5A\262\ 6\312\262\ 1\202\311\0\266\a\v\f!\211\326\230?\205\1d\ 1\327\ 1\ 6\11\"\262\ 1\203`\ 1\330 \211\203_\ 1\211@\211\242\ 1\243\ 6\f\ 2\\\ 6\r\ 2\\\ 6\12\ 6\10GZ\ 2\ 1W\203V\ 1\321\ 3\ 3\ 3^\ 6\15\203P\ 1\331\202Q\ 1\332\312\ 6\f%\210\266\ 5\ 1A\266\202\202$\ 1\210\ 6\v\203n\ 1\321\313\ 6\ e\333\311\ 5%\210\334\335\ 6\10\"\203\212\ 1\321\ 6 \211\ 6\11G\\\ 6\ f\ 6\rGZ^\336\311\ 5%\210\321\313\ 6\ e\337\311\ 5%\210)\207" [company-common company-tooltip-align-annotations company-tooltip-annotation-padding company-search-regexp-function company-search-string company--clean-string company--common-or-matches company-reformat company--pre-render t nil 0 company-safe-substring company-space-string font-lock-append-text-property mouse-face company-tooltip-mouse add-face-text-property company-tooltip-annotation-selection company-tooltip-annotation company-tooltip-common-selection company-tooltip-common "" string-match company--search-chunks company-tooltip-search-selection company-tooltip-search company-tooltip-selection company-call-backend deprecated company-tooltip-deprecated company-tooltip] 28 (#$ . 110795)])
777(defalias 'company--search-chunks #[0 "\300\301!\302\ 1G\303X\203\13\0\ 1@\ 2A@BC\207\ 1AA\211\262\ 3\203.\0\ 1@\203\13\0\ 1@\ 2A@B\ 1B\262\ 1\202\13\0\207" [match-data t nil 2] 4])
780(fn STR &optional ANNOTATION-P)\1f
781(defalias 'company--pre-render #[513 "\300\301\ 3\ 3#\206.\0\302\303\ 3G\304\305\ 6\ 6%\204 \0\302\303\ 3G\306\305\ 6\ 6%\203-\0\307\ 2!\262\ 2\310\303\ 3G\311\ 5$\210\ 1\207" [company-call-backend pre-render text-property-not-all 0 face nil mouse-face copy-sequence remove-text-properties (face nil font-lock-face nil mouse-face nil)] 8 (#$ . 112555)])
784(fn STR)\1f
785(defalias 'company--clean-string #[257 "\300\301\302\ 3#\207" [replace-regexp-in-string "\\([^[:graph:] ]\\)\\|\\(\\)\\|[[:multibyte:]]" #[257 "\300\224\203\a\0\301\207\302\224\203\ e\0\303\207\304\ 1!\300V\203 \0\305\304\ 2!S\306\"\ 1P\207\207" [1 "?" 2 "" string-width make-string 65279] 4 "\n\n(fn MATCH)"]] 5 (#$ . 112920)])
788(fn BEG END)\1f
789(defalias 'company-buffer-lines #[514 "\ 1b\210\300\211m\204O\0\301\302!\211\262\ 2\303V\203O\0`\ 3X\203O\0\ 2`^\ 4\212\ 5b\210\304\305\ 3\306#\210`){\ 3B\262\ 3\210\211S\303\211\ 2W\203G\0\300\307\ 5B\262\ 5\210\211T\262\ 1\2023\0\266\ 2`\262\ 4\202\ 5\0\ 3\ 3=\204\\\0\ 3\ 3{\ 2B\262\ 2\ 1\237\207" [nil vertical-motion 1 0 re-search-forward "$" move ""] 10 (#$ . 113255)])
792(fn OLD NEW OFFSET)\1f
793(defalias 'company-modify-line #[771 "\300\ 3\301\ 3#\ 2\300\ 5\ 4\ 6\ 6G\\\"Q\207" [company-safe-substring 0] 9 (#$ . 113599)])
796(fn NUMBERED)\1f
797(defalias 'company--show-numbers #[257 "\300\301\ 2\302X\203\ f\0\303\ 3\302\"\202\10\0\304\"\207" [format " %s" 10 mod " "] 6 (#$ . 113742)])
798(make-obsolete 'company--show-numbers "use `company-quick-access-hint-key' instead,\nbut adjust the expected values appropriately." "0.9.14")
799(defalias 'company--window-height #[0 "\300\301!\203\v\0\302\301 !\207\303 \207" [fboundp window-screen-lines floor window-body-height] 2])
800(byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\304\301\305\306#\207" [function-put company--window-height speed -1 put byte-optimizer byte-compile-inline-expand] 5)
801(defalias 'company--window-width #[0 "\302 \303 A@\304U\203\ f\0\211S\262\ 1\305\300!\203!\0\b\203!\0\211\306\307 \\Z\262\ 1 \2034\0 \310H\2034\0\211 \310HGSZ\262\ 1\207" [display-line-numbers buffer-display-table window-body-width window-fringes 0 boundp 2 line-number-display-width 10] 4])
804(fn FACE ATTR)\1f
805(defalias 'company--face-attribute #[514 "\ 1\204\ 6\0\301\207\ 19\203+\0\ 1\b\236A\211\203$\0\302\ 1<\203 \0\303\ 4\ 3\"\202!\0\ 1\ 3\"\207\304\ 3\ 3\301\305$\207\306\ 2\242!\203A\0\307\ 2\ 2\"\206P\0\302\307\ 3\310\"\ 2\"\207\ 1<\205P\0\311\312\313\314\315\ 5\"\ 5\"\"\207" [face-remapping-alist nil company--face-attribute remq face-attribute t keywordp plist-get :inherit cl-find-if stringp mapcar make-closure #[257 "\301\ 1\300\"\207" [V0 company--face-attribute] 4 "\n\n(fn F)"]] 8 (#$ . 114603)])
809(defalias 'company--replacement-string #[1541 "\ 2\ 5Z\262\ 3\ 2\302W\203\ e\0\302\262\ 3\211\203\1c\0\b\203\1c\0\303\ 6\ 6!\262\ 6\ 5@G\304 \305 \\\ 4Z\ 1\ 1V\2033\0\ 4\ 2\ 2ZZ\262\ 5\266\ 2\306\ 1\203]\0\ 4G\ 6\aGZ\302\211\ 2W\203[\0\306\ 6\a\211A\262 \242\ 4B\262\ 4\210\211T\262\ 1\202A\0\266\ 2\ 4\203y\0\307\ 5\211A\262\a\242\ 6\b\211A\262\n\242\ 6\ 6#\ 1B\262\ 1\202]\0\ 6\ 6\203\220\0\310\ 4!\ 6\a\211A\262 \242P\ 1B\262\ 1\202y\0\311\312\313 \"\205\231\0\314\315\306\316\317\320\316\"\206\251\0\321\320\316\306\322$F\"\323\324\ 5\205\262\0\325\326\327\330\ 6\ 6\"\ 6\ 6\237\"#\331\302\ 2G\320\322\ 5%\210\ 4\203\322\0\332\302\333\334\322\ 5%\210\207" [company-tooltip-flip-when-above emacs-version 0 reverse company--window-width window-hscroll nil company-modify-line company-space-string append version<= "27" (:extend t) :inverse-video :background company--face-attribute default face-attribute t apply concat " \n" cl-mapcan make-closure #[257 "\211\301\302\303\300#D\207" [V0 propertize "\n" face] 6 "\n\n(fn LINE)"] add-face-text-property put-text-property 1 cursor] 17 (#$ . 115082)])
813(defalias 'company--create-lines #[514 "\b\306 \206\10\0\n\203\ f\0\307\202\10\0\310\311\211\211\211\211\211\211\211\211\ 6 \19\ 6\v\v\ 6\ e\\W\203(\0\310\13\ 6\r\206.\0\310\f\312=\203@\0\313\ 1\ 6\ e\ 6\10#\262\ e\202H\0\314\ 1\ 6\ e\ 6\10#\210\f\315\267\210\202\204\0\316\v\ 6\ f\ 6\ f#\266\202\202\204\0\v\310V\203g\0\317\320\v\"\262\ 4\ 6\f\ 6\ eZ\vZ\262\ 3\ 2\310V\205}\0\317\320\ 4\"\211\262\ 4\262\ 3\210\202\204\0\210\ 6\r\203\217\0\ 6\r\vZ\262\ e\ 2G\ 2G]\262\ 6\v\r\233\262\a\ 6\f\ 6\f^\262\f\ 6\ 6\262\ 5\211\203\257\0\ 6\nS\262\v\ e)\203\335\0\ 4\311\310\211\ 6\ fW\203\326\0\ e)\ 3\211A\262\ 5\242\ 6\12\ 3\232\"\ 2B\262\ 2\211T\262\ 1\202\267\0\210\211\237\262\v\266\ 2\321\322\ e*\323\324\ 6\r\"#\262\b\ 6\n\ e*Z\262\v\ 6\n\ 6\bZ\262\v\310\211\ 6\rW\203W\ 1\311\ 6\ 6\211A\262\b\242\325\326\ 2\"\ 6\f\211A\262\ e\242\206\19\ 1\327\ 6\f!\330\ 3!\262\ 3\ 1\2030\ 1\330\ 2!\262\ 2\n\2030\ 1\331\ 2!\262\ 2\ 2\ 2\ 2E\ 6 B\262 \ 2G\ 2\203F\ 1\ 2G \\\202H\ 1\ 2G\\\ 6\v]\262\v\266\ 4\211T\262\ 1\202\370\0\210\ 6\n\ e+^\ e,\ e-\203k\ 1\332\ 6\b\\\202m\ 1\ 6\a]^\262\ 6\ e.\203\200\ 1\ e/\ 6\ 6]\262\ 6\ 5\16/\ 3\237\ e-\203\213\ 1\310\202\214\ 1\333\311\ 5\203\234\ 1\334\ 6\ 6\ 6\n\ 6\r#C\262\ 1\310\211\ 6\10W\2033\ 2\ 3\211A\262\ 5\242\211@\ 1A@\332\ 38C\327\ e*!C\ 6\ e\ 6\17\ 6\a\232\ e-\203\n\ 2\ e-\335=\203\330\ 1\336\337\ 5\"\336\340\ 6\ 6\"B\202\341\ 1\336\341\ 4\"\336\342\ 5\"B\336\343\ 2\"\336\344\ 3\"B\262\ 1\345\ 6\v\ 3\"\ 3\346\ 2!Z\262\ 4\ 1A\ 1\ 3\211@ \262\ 1P!\266\ 3\ 6 T\262\n\347\ 6\ 6\ 6\ 6\ 4\ 4\ 6\b\242\ 6\b\242&\ 6\ 6\f\205$\ 2\350\ 6 \ 6\ e\"P\ 6 B\262 \266\a\211T\262\ 1\202\235\ 1\210\ 4\203C\ 2\334\ 5\ 6\n\ 6\r#\ 1B\262\ 1\ 6\n\ 1\237B\266\203)\207" [company-candidates-length company-tooltip-annotation-padding company-tooltip-align-annotations company-tooltip-offset company-tooltip-offset-display company-candidates company--window-width 1 0 nil lines company-tooltip--lines-update-offset company-tooltip--simple-update-offset #s(hash-table size 2 test eq rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold 0.8125 purecopy t data (scrollbar 79 lines 91)) company--scrollbar-bounds format "...(%d)" apply max mapcar length company-call-backend annotation company-space-string company--clean-string string-trim-left 2 99999 company--scrollpos-line left make-closure #[0 "\300\242\207" [V0] 1] #[257 "\300\ 1\240\207" [V0] 3 "\n\n(fn V14)"] #[0 "\300\242\207" [V0] 1] #[257 "\300\ 1\240\207" [V0] 3 "\n\n(fn V14)"] #[0 "\300@ \207" [V0] 1] #[257 "\300A\ 1!\207" [V0] 3 "\n\n(fn GV--VAL)"] company-tooltip--format-quick-access-hint string-width company-fill-propertize company--scrollbar company-format-margin-function company-tooltip-margin company-tooltip-maximum-width company-tooltip-minimum-width company-show-quick-access company-tooltip-width-grow-only company--tooltip-current-width] 32 (#$ . 116127)])
817(defalias 'company--scrollbar-bounds #[771 "\211\ 2V\205 \0\300\ 2\301\ 4!_\ 2\"\302\ 3\301\ 6\ 6!_\ 3\"\211\ 2\\S\ 1\ 1B\266\203\207" [ceiling float floor] 8 (#$ . 118556)])
820(fn I BOUNDS)\1f
821(defalias 'company--scrollbar #[514 "\300\301\302\ 4\ 4@Y\203\15\0\ 4\ 4AX\203\15\0\303\202\16\0\304#\207" [propertize " " face company-tooltip-scrollbar-thumb company-tooltip-scrollbar-track] 7 (#$ . 118741)])
825(defalias 'company--scrollpos-line #[771 "\301\302\b!\303\ 5\304\ 6\ 6#\302\ 4!Q\305\306#\207" [company-tooltip-margin propertize company-space-string company-safe-substring 0 face company-tooltip] 9 (#$ . 118957)])
826#@127 Format a quick-access hint for outputting on a tooltip's ROW.
827Value of SELECTED determines the added face.
829(fn ROW SELECTED)\1f
830(defalias 'company-tooltip--format-quick-access-hint #[514 "\301\302\303\b\ 5!\"\304\ 3\203\10\0\305\202\11\0\306#\207" [company-quick-access-hint-function propertize format "%2s" face company-tooltip-quick-access-selection company-tooltip-quick-access] 7 (#$ . 119208)])
831(defvar company-pseudo-tooltip-overlay nil nil)
832(make-variable-buffer-local 'company-pseudo-tooltip-overlay)
836(defalias 'company--inside-tooltip-p #[771 "\b\301\ 1\302\"\301\ 2\303\"\ 5@\ 6\ 6A\ 1\ 4Y\205?\0\ 1\ 4\ 4\\W\205?\0\ 5\304V\2031\0\211\ 6\aV\205?\0\211\ 6\a\ 6\a\\X\207\211\ 6\aW\205?\0\211\ 6\a\ 6\a\\Y\207" [company-pseudo-tooltip-overlay overlay-get company-column company-width 0] 11 (#$ . 119710)])
837#@117 Calculate the appropriate tooltip height.
838Returns a negative number if the tooltip should be displayed above point.\1f
839(defalias 'company--pseudo-tooltip-height #[0 "\303 \304\305!\203\ f\0\306\305 !\202\11\0\307 S\ 1Z\211\b ^W\203)\0\ 1\ 1V\203)\0\310\n\ 3^][\207\310\n\ 2^]\207" [company-tooltip-minimum company-candidates-length company-tooltip-limit company--row fboundp window-screen-lines floor window-body-height 3] 5 (#$ . 120007)])
843(defalias 'company-pseudo-tooltip-show #[771 "\301 \210\302 \303\ 1\304W\203\15\0\ 4\ 2\\S\262\ 5\305\262\ 1\306\307 !\204 \0\ 4S\262\ 5\303\211\211\211\211\212\310\ 6\n!\ 6\nW\262\ 5`\262\ 4\212\310\ 6\n\311\ 6 !\\!\210`)\262\ 3\312\ 4\ 4\303\305$\262\ 2\313\314\315\ 6\ 6\ 6\ 6\"\"\ 6 \ 6\ 6\ 6\bF\262\ 1)\ 1\10\316\ 2\317\ 3#\210\320\ 6\b\311\ 6 !\"\211A\ 1@\316\ 5\321\322\323\ 6\ 6\ 6\ 6\ 6\n$#\210\316\ 5\324\325\ 5@!#\266\ 4\316\ 2\326\ 6\v#\210\316\ 2\327\ 6 #\207" [company-pseudo-tooltip-overlay company-pseudo-tooltip-hide company--pseudo-tooltip-height nil 0 t pos-visible-in-window-p window-start move-to-window-line abs make-overlay mapcar company-plainify company-buffer-lines overlay-put company-replacement-args company--create-lines company-display apply company--replacement-string company-width string-width company-column company-height] 21 (#$ . 120432)])
847(defalias 'company-pseudo-tooltip-show-at-point #[514 "\301\ 2!\211@\ 2Z\211\302W\203\10\0\302\262\ 1\303\ 2AT\ 2\b#\207" [company-selection company--col-row 0 company-pseudo-tooltip-show] 8 (#$ . 121245)])
850(fn SELECTION)\1f
851(defalias 'company-pseudo-tooltip-edit #[257 "\301\b\302\"\303\ 2\304\ 3!\"\211A\ 1@\305\b\306\307\ 5@!#\210\305\b\310\311\312\ 6\ 6\ 6\ 6\301\b\313\"$#\207" [company-pseudo-tooltip-overlay overlay-get company-height company--create-lines abs overlay-put company-width string-width company-display apply company--replacement-string company-replacement-args] 15 (#$ . 121469)])
852(defalias 'company-pseudo-tooltip-hide #[0 "\b\205\v\0\301\b!\210\302\211\10\207" [company-pseudo-tooltip-overlay delete-overlay nil] 2])
853(defalias 'company-pseudo-tooltip-hide-temporarily #[0 "\301\b!\205#\0\302\b\303\304#\210\302\b\305\304#\210\302\b\306\304#\210\302\b\307\304#\210\302\b\310\304#\207" [company-pseudo-tooltip-overlay overlayp overlay-put invisible nil line-prefix before-string display face] 4])
854(defalias 'company-pseudo-tooltip-unhide #[0 "\b\205E\0\b\301\ 1\302\"\303\ 2\304\305#\210\306\ 2!\206\16\0`Sf\307>\203+\0\310\301\ 3\311\"8\204+\0\312\ 1P\262\ 1\303\ 2\313\314#\210\303\ 2\315\ 3#\210\303\ 2\316\314#\210\303\ 2\317\320 #\266\202\207" [company-pseudo-tooltip-overlay overlay-get company-display overlay-put priority 111 overlay-start (32 9) 2 company-replacement-args "\n" line-prefix "" before-string display window selected-window] 6])
855(defalias 'company-pseudo-tooltip-guard #[0 "\212\301 )\302 \b\212\303 \210\304 `Z)\305\ 2\306\"\307Y\205'\0\310`\311\ 4!\"\ 1\307Y\205&\0\ 1B\266\202E\207" [company-pseudo-tooltip-overlay beginning-of-visual-line window-width end-of-visual-line line-end-position overlay-get company-height 0 buffer-substring-no-properties overlay-start] 8])
856#@83 `company-mode' frontend similar to a tooltip but based on overlays.
858(fn COMMAND)\1f
859(defalias 'company-pseudo-tooltip-frontend #[257 "\211\306\267\202\310\0\307 \207\b\310\ 1\311\"\312V\203)\0\212\313\314!\210`\315\ 2!U\204(\0\316\ 1`\317\ 4!#\210)\210\320 \207\321\b!\203X\0\b\310\ 1\311\"\322 \ 1\ 1_\312Y\205S\0\323\ 2!\323\ 2!Y\205S\0\324 \310\ 4\325\"\232\266\203\204e\0\326` G\"\210\327\b\325\324 #\210\320 \207\312\211\12\207\330 \210\312\211\13\207\321\b!\205\311\0\331\f!\207\332\r!\333 \b\205\215\0\310\b\311\"\ e#^\211\205\307\0\334\ 3\ 3\ 3#\205\307\0\335\336\ 4A\vS\ e$\337=\203\260\0\v\312U\204\260\0\340\202\261\0\312\ 6\ 6[\ 6\ 6\312W\203\302\0\314\ 6\aZ\202\303\0\312%!\210\341\207\342\207" [company-pseudo-tooltip-overlay company-prefix company--tooltip-current-width company-tooltip-offset company-selection company-mouse-event #s(hash-table size 7 test eq rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold 0.8125 purecopy t data (pre-command 6 unhide 9 post-command 45 show 104 hide 108 update 115 select-mouse 125)) company-pseudo-tooltip-hide-temporarily overlay-get company-height 0 vertical-motion 1 overlay-start move-overlay overlay-end company-pseudo-tooltip-unhide overlayp company--pseudo-tooltip-height abs company-pseudo-tooltip-guard company-guard company-pseudo-tooltip-show-at-point overlay-put company-pseudo-tooltip-hide company-pseudo-tooltip-edit company--event-col-row company--row company--inside-tooltip-p company-set-selection + lines -1 t nil company-candidates-length company-tooltip-offset-display] 12 (#$ . 123009)])
860#@87 `company-pseudo-tooltip-frontend', but not shown for single candidates.
862(fn COMMAND)\1f
863(defalias 'company-pseudo-tooltip-unless-just-one-frontend #[257 "\211\300>\205\b\0\301 ?\205\ f\0\302\ 1!\207" [(post-command unhide) company--show-inline-p company-pseudo-tooltip-frontend] 3 (#$ . 124486)])
866(fn COMMAND)\1f
867(defalias 'company-pseudo-tooltip--ujofwd-on-timer #[257 "\b\205\a\0\301\ 1!\207" [company-candidates company-pseudo-tooltip-unless-just-one-frontend-with-delay] 3 (#$ . 124780)])
868#@129 `compandy-pseudo-tooltip-frontend', but shown after a delay.
869Delay is determined by `company-tooltip-idle-delay'.
871(fn COMMAND)\1f
872(defalias 'company-pseudo-tooltip-unless-just-one-frontend-with-delay #[257 "\211\304>\203\10\0\b\203\10\0\305\b!\210\306\10\211\307\267\202H\0\b\204 \0\310 !\2035\0\310\n!\204*\0\311\ 1!\207\306\18\312\313!\210)\312\314!\207\315\v\306\316\314$\211\10\207\310 !\205K\0\311\ 1!\207\311\ 1!\207" [company-tooltip-timer company-pseudo-tooltip-overlay company-preview-overlay company-tooltip-idle-delay (pre-command hide) cancel-timer nil #s(hash-table size 2 test eq rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold 0.8125 purecopy t data (post-command 22 unhide 62)) overlayp company-pseudo-tooltip-unless-just-one-frontend company-call-frontends pre-command post-command run-with-timer company-pseudo-tooltip--ujofwd-on-timer] 6 (#$ . 124977)])
873(defvar company-preview-overlay nil nil)
874(make-variable-buffer-local 'company-preview-overlay)
878(defalias 'company-preview-show-at-point #[514 "\306 \210\b\205\ f\0\307 \b\"\205\ f\0\b\18\310\ 1!\311\312\ 3!!\262\ 2\313\314\ 3G\315\316\ 6\ 6%\210\211\316\211\ 2:\203H\0\ 2@\262\ 2\ 1\211A\262\ 3\242\262\ 1\313\ 1\ 3\317\316\ 6 %\210\ 2A\262\ 3\202'\0\266\ 3\320\n\v!\ 3\"\203q\0\321 \211\203p\0\211@\211\242\ 1\243\313\ 2\ 2\322\316\ 6\n%\266\ 3\ 1A\266\202\202U\0\210\307 \ 3\323\324!\325=#\203\210\0\ 1\211 G\316O\262\ 1\202\211\0\ 1\262\ 2\307\326\ 3\"\203\237\0\327\330\331\315#\326\ 3\332\316OQ\262\ 2\ 2`\232\203\262\0\ 1\333\232\204\262\0\334\314\332\335\ 5$\210\ 2\f\211\205\307\0\ 4\206\275\0`Sf\205\307\0\ 4\336\ 2!=\211\203\327\0\ 5S\262\ 3\ 2\ 6\ 6{\ 5P\262\ 5\337\ 3\ 6\a\"\211\15\340\ 1\ 3\203\350\0\341\202\351\0\342\ 6\b#\210\340\ 1\343\344 #\262\ 1\266\203)\207" [company-common company-prefix company-search-regexp-function company-search-string company-pseudo-tooltip-overlay company-preview-overlay company-preview-hide string-prefix-p company--common-or-matches copy-sequence company--pre-render add-face-text-property 0 company-preview nil company-preview-common string-match company--search-chunks company-preview-search company-call-backend ignore-case keep-prefix "\n" propertize " " face 1 "" add-text-properties (cursor 1) overlay-start make-overlay overlay-put display after-string window selected-window] 14 (#$ . 125907)])
879(defalias 'company-preview-hide #[0 "\b\205\v\0\301\b!\210\302\211\10\207" [company-preview-overlay delete-overlay nil] 2])
880#@89 `company-mode' frontend showing the selection as if it had been inserted.
882(fn COMMAND)\1f
883(defalias 'company-preview-frontend #[257 "\211\304\267\2025\0\305 \207\b\2056\0\b 8\211\n\232\203\1a\0\211\202 \0\v\nGZ`{\1a\306`\ 2\")\207\b\2056\0\306`\b 8\"\207\305 \207\307\207" [company-selection company-candidates company-prefix company-point #s(hash-table size 4 test eq rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold 0.8125 purecopy t data (pre-command 6 unhide 9 post-command 39 hide 50)) company-preview-hide company-preview-show-at-point nil] 5 (#$ . 127271)])
884#@81 `company-preview-frontend', but only shown for single candidates.
886(fn COMMAND)\1f
887(defalias 'company-preview-if-just-one-frontend #[257 "\211\300>\203\v\0\301 \205\ e\0\302\ 1!\207" [(post-command unhide) company--show-inline-p company-preview-frontend] 3 (#$ . 127808)])
888(defalias 'company--show-inline-p #[0 "\bA?\205'\0 \205'\0\303\n\304\211\b@\304\211\305&\a\305=?\205'\0\306\307!\310=\206'\0\311\n \"\207" [company-candidates company-common company-prefix compare-strings nil t company-call-backend ignore-case keep-prefix string-prefix-p] 8])
889#@41 Returns whether the tooltip is visible.\1f
890(defalias 'company-tooltip-visible-p #[0 "\301\b!\205\v\0\302\b\303\"?\207" [company-pseudo-tooltip-overlay overlayp overlay-get invisible] 3 (#$ . 128347)])
891#@60 Returns whether the preview of common can be showed or not\1f
892(defalias 'company-preview-common--show-p #[0 "\b\205\10\0\302\303!\304=\206\10\0\305 \b\"\207" [company-common company-prefix company-call-backend ignore-case keep-prefix string-prefix-p] 3 (#$ . 128547)])
893#@78 `company-mode' frontend preview the common part of candidates.
895(fn COMMAND)\1f
896(defalias 'company-preview-common-frontend #[257 "\211\301>\203\v\0\302 \205\1d\0\211\303\267\202\1c\0\304 \207\305`\b\"\207\304 \207\306\207" [company-common (post-command unhide) company-preview-common--show-p #s(hash-table size 4 test eq rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold 0.8125 purecopy t data (pre-command 17 unhide 20 post-command 20 hide 25)) company-preview-hide company-preview-show-at-point nil] 4 (#$ . 128811)])
897(defvar company-echo-last-msg nil nil)
898(make-variable-buffer-local 'company-echo-last-msg)
899(defvar company-echo-timer nil)
900(defvar company-echo-delay 0.01)
901(byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304DD\305\306\307\310\311&\a\207" [custom-declare-variable company-echo-truncate-lines funcall function #[0 "\300\207" [t] 1 ""] "Whether frontend messages written to the echo area should be truncated." :type boolean :package-version (company . "0.9.3")] 8)
904(fn &optional GETTER)\1f
905(defalias 'company-echo-show #[256 "\b\304 \1a\e\ 1\203\f\0\ 1 \10\b\305\235\204\19\0\306\307\b\"\202#\0\211\310\235?\205#\0\306\311!*\207" [company-echo-last-msg company-echo-truncate-lines message-truncate-lines message-log-max nil (nil #1="") message "%s" (nil #1#) #1#] 5 (#$ . 129750)])
908(fn &optional GETTER DELAY)\1f
909(defalias 'company-echo-show-soon #[512 "\302 \210\303\ 1\206 \0\b\304\305\ 5$\211\11\207" [company-echo-delay company-echo-timer company-echo-cancel run-with-timer nil company-echo-show] 7 (#$ . 130054)])
912(fn &optional UNSET)\1f
913(defalias 'company-echo-cancel #[256 "\b\203\b\0\301\b!\210\211\205\ f\0\302\211\10\207" [company-echo-timer cancel-timer nil] 3 (#$ . 130288)])
914(defalias 'company-echo-format #[0 "\b\206\ 5\0\306\307\310 !\311\ 2 \233\n\203\15\0\ 3\202\16\0\312\vG\313\211\ 4\203\210\0\314\315\316\ 6\a\211A\262 \242!!\317\320#\262\ 2\ 5T\ 2G\\\262\ 6\306\321\f\206=\0\322!\ 5\ 5W\203j\0\323\324\r\ 6\b!\"\321\ 1!\262\ 3\ 2\ 2\\\262\ 2\ 6\b\ 3\\\262 \314\ 1\ 6\ 6P\317\320#\262\ 5\210\ 5T\262\ 6\325\ 2\ 2\326\ 6\a$\266\ 3\ 5\ 6\aY\203\200\0\313\262\ 5\202\1a\0\ 1\ 1B\262\ 1\202\1a\0\327\330\ 2\237\331#\207" [company-selection company-candidates company-show-quick-access company-quick-access-keys company-common company-quick-access-hint-function 0 window-body-width minibuffer-window -1 99999 nil propertize company-reformat company--clean-string face company-echo string-width "" format "%s: " add-text-properties (face company-echo-common) mapconcat identity " "] 15])
915(defalias 'company-echo-strip-common-format #[0 "\b\206\ 5\0\306\307\310 ! G\311\\\ 2\n\233\v\203\18\0\ 3\202\19\0\312\fG\313\211\ 4\203p\0\ 4\211A\262\ 6\242\211 G\313O\262\ 1\262\ 2\ 5\311\\\ 2G\\\262\ 6\ 3\ 3W\203W\0\314\315\r\ 6\ 6!\"\ 2\ 1P\262\ 3\ 6\ 6\316\ 2!\\\262\a\210\ 3T\262\ 4\ 5\ 6\aY\203d\0\313\262\ 5\202\1d\0\317\ 2\320\321#\ 1B\262\ 1\202\1d\0\317 \320\322#\323\324\325\ 4\237\326#\327R\207" [company-selection company-prefix company-candidates company-show-quick-access company-quick-access-keys company-quick-access-hint-function 0 window-body-width minibuffer-window 2 99999 nil format " (%s)" string-width propertize face company-echo company-echo-common "{" mapconcat identity ", " "}"] 14])
916(defalias 'company-echo-hide #[0 "\b\301\232?\205\v\0\301\10\302 \207" [company-echo-last-msg "" company-echo-show] 2])
917#@80 `company-mode' frontend showing the candidates in the echo area.
919(fn COMMAND)\1f
920(defalias 'company-echo-frontend #[257 "\211\300\267\202\ e\0\301\302\303\"\207\304 \207\305\207" [#s(hash-table size 2 test eq rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold 0.8125 purecopy t data (post-command 6 hide 11)) company-echo-show-soon company-echo-format 0 company-echo-hide nil] 4 (#$ . 131919)])
921#@80 `company-mode' frontend showing the candidates in the echo area.
923(fn COMMAND)\1f
924(defalias 'company-echo-strip-common-frontend #[257 "\211\300\267\202\ e\0\301\302\303\"\207\304 \207\305\207" [#s(hash-table size 2 test eq rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold 0.8125 purecopy t data (post-command 6 hide 11)) company-echo-show-soon company-echo-strip-common-format 0 company-echo-hide nil] 4 (#$ . 132297)])
925#@83 `company-mode' frontend showing the documentation in the echo area.
927(fn COMMAND)\1f
928(defalias 'company-echo-metadata-frontend #[257 "\211\300\267\202\10\0\301\302!\207\303 \207\304 \207\305\207" [#s(hash-table size 3 test eq rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold 0.8125 purecopy t data (post-command 6 unhide 10 hide 13)) company-echo-show-soon company-fetch-metadata company-echo-show company-echo-hide nil] 3 (#$ . 132701)])
929(provide 'company)