]> crepu.dev Git - config.git/blame_incremental - djavu-asus/elpa/jabber-20230715.456/jabber-muc-nick-completion.elc
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[config.git] / djavu-asus / elpa / jabber-20230715.456 / jabber-muc-nick-completion.elc
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2;;; Compiled
3;;; in Emacs version 28.2
4;;; with all optimizations.
8(byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304DD\305\306\307\310\311&\a\210\300\312\302\303\313DD\314\306\315\310\311&\a\210\300\316\302\303\317DD\320\306\321\310\311&\a\210\300\322\302\303\323DD\324\306\307\310\311&\a\210\325\326!\207" [custom-declare-variable jabber-muc-completion-delimiter funcall function #[0 "\300\207" [": "] 1 #1=""] "String to add to end of completion line." :type string :group jabber-chat jabber-muc-looks-personaling-symbols #[0 "\300\207" [("," ":" ">")] 1 #1#] "Symbols for personaling messages." (repeat string) jabber-muc-personal-message-bonus #[0 "\300\207" [1200] 1 #1#] "Bonus for personal message, in seconds." integer jabber-muc-all-string #[0 "\300\207" ["all"] 1 #1#] "String meaning all conference members (to insert in completion).\nNote that \":\" or alike not needed (it appended in other string)" require hippie-exp] 8)
9#@76 Global alist in form (group . ((member . time-of-last-speaking) ...) ...).\1f
10(defvar *jabber-muc-participant-last-speaking* nil (#$ . 932))
11#@55 Return my jabber nick in GROUP.
13(fn &optional GROUP)\1f
14(defalias 'jabber-my-nick #[256 "\211\206\ 5\0\b\303\ 1 \"\206\10\0\303\ 1\n\"A\207" [jabber-group *jabber-active-groupchats* jabber-muc-default-nicknames assoc] 5 (#$ . 1076)])
15#@116 Return non-nil if jabber MESSAGE is addresed to me.
16Optional argument GROUP to look.
18(fn MESSAGE &optional GROUP)\1f
19(defalias 'jabber-muc-looks-like-personal-p #[513 "\ 1\205\ f\0\301\302\303\ 3!\304\b!Q\ 3\"\207" [jabber-muc-looks-personaling-symbols string-match "^" jabber-my-nick regexp-opt] 7 (#$ . 1304)])
20#@82 List of conference participants, excluding self, or nil if we not in conference.\1f
21(defalias 'jabber-muc-nicknames #[0 "\303\304\305\306\307\310\b \"A\"\nC\"\"\207" [jabber-group jabber-muc-participants jabber-muc-all-string cl-delete-if (lambda (nick) (string= nick (jabber-my-nick))) append mapcar car assoc] 8 (#$ . 1611)])
22#@77 Update NICK's time of last speaking in GROUP to TIME.
25(defalias 'jabber-muc-participant-update-activity #[771 "\301\ 3\b\"\211A\301\ 4\ 2\"\211A\206\10\0\302\ 4\ 1V\2058\0\ 1\203!\0\ 1\ 5\241\210\202(\0\ 5\ 5B\ 3B\262\ 3\ 3\2030\0\ 3\ 3\241\207\ 6\ 6\ 3B\bB\211\10\207" [*jabber-muc-participant-last-speaking* assoc 0] 9 (#$ . 1941)])
26#@92 Tracks time of NICK's last speaking in GROUP.
28(fn NICK GROUP BUFFER TEXT &optional TITLE)\1f
29(defalias 'jabber-muc-track-message-time #[1284 "\ 4\205\1d\0\301 \302\ 5\ 6\a\303\ 6\ 6\ 6 \"\203\19\0\ 3\b\\\202\1a\0\ 3#\262\ 1\207" [jabber-muc-personal-message-bonus float-time jabber-muc-participant-update-activity jabber-muc-looks-like-personal-p] 12 (#$ . 2257)])
30#@58 Return list of NICKS in GROUP, sorted.
32(fn NICKS GROUP)\1f
33(defalias 'jabber-sort-nicks #[514 "\301\ 1\b\"A\302\303\ 2\"\304K\302\305\ 2\"\216\304\ 2M\210\306\307K\302\310\ 2\"\216\307\ 2M\210\311\312\313\311\304\ 6\v\"\307\"\")\266\202)\207" [*jabber-muc-participant-last-speaking* assoc make-closure #[257 "\301\ 1\300\"\206\n\0\211\302B\207" [V0 assoc 0] 4 "\n\n(fn NICK)"] fetch-time #[0 "\301\300M\207" [V0 fetch-time] 2] #[514 "\ 1A\ 1A\ 1\300U\203\16\0\211\300U\203\16\0\ 3@\ 3@\231\207\ 1\ 1V\207" [0] 6 "\n\n(fn NT1 NT2)"] cmp #[0 "\301\300M\207" [V0 cmp] 2] mapcar car sort] 13 (#$ . 2597)])
34#@35 Return position of line begining.\1f
35(defalias 'jabber-muc-beginning-of-line #[0 "\212\301\b\302 \"\203\13\0\bGT\206\10\0\303[u\210\304\305!\210`)\207" [jabber-muc-completion-delimiter looking-back line-beginning-position 1 skip-syntax-backward "^-"] 3 (#$ . 3164)])
36#@48 Delete last tried competion variand from line.\1f
37(defalias 'jabber-muc-completion-delete-last-tried #[0 "\b@\211\205\1a\0 b\210\303\ 1G!\210\3041\18\0\303\nG!0\207\210\305\207" [he-tried-table he-string-beg jabber-muc-completion-delimiter delete-char (error) nil] 3 (#$ . 3426)])
38#@105 Try to expand target nick in MUC according to last speaking time.
39OLD is last tried nickname.
41(fn OLD)\1f
42(defalias 'try-expand-jabber-muc #[257 "\b?\205\207\0\211\204\1d\0\306 \307\310 `\"\210\311\312 \313\314\ 5\"\"\n\"\13\210\315\316\v\"\211\13\204;\0\211\2039\0 \317\230\2036\0\320 \210\2029\0\321 \210\322\207\323 \310 =\203J\0\v@\fP\202L\0\v@ \317\230\204Z\0\324\ 1!\266\ 2\202}\0\320 \210\211c\210\325\326\327\v@!P\322\"\203|\0\325\326\327\v@!\fQ\322\"\204|\0\fc\210\210\v@\rAB\15\vA\13\330\207" [jabber-chatting-with he-search-string jabber-group he-expand-list jabber-muc-completion-delimiter he-tried-table jabber-muc-nicknames he-init-string jabber-muc-beginning-of-line jabber-sort-nicks all-completions mapcar list cl-delete-if (lambda (x) (he-string-member x he-tried-table)) "" jabber-muc-completion-delete-last-tried he-reset-string nil line-beginning-position he-substitute-string looking-back "^" regexp-quote t] 9 (#$ . 3702)])
43(byte-code "\300\301\302\"\210\303\304\305!M\210\306\307\310\"\210\311\312!\207" [add-hook jabber-muc-hooks jabber-muc-track-message-time jabber-muc-completion make-hippie-expand-function (try-expand-jabber-muc) eval-after-load jabber-chatbuffer #[0 "\301\b\302\303#\207" [jabber-chat-mode-map define-key [9] jabber-muc-completion] 4] provide jabber-muc-nick-completion] 3)