Commit | Line | Data |
53e6db90 DC |
1 | ;;; company-keywords.el --- A company backend for programming language keywords |
2 | ||
3 | ;; Copyright (C) 2009-2011, 2013-2018, 2020-2022 Free Software Foundation, Inc. | |
4 | ||
5 | ;; Author: Nikolaj Schumacher | |
6 | ||
7 | ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs. | |
8 | ||
9 | ;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify | |
10 | ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by | |
11 | ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or | |
12 | ;; (at your option) any later version. | |
13 | ||
14 | ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, | |
15 | ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of | |
17 | ;; GNU General Public License for more details. | |
18 | ||
19 | ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License | |
20 | ;; along with GNU Emacs. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. | |
21 | ||
22 | ||
23 | ;;; Commentary: | |
24 | ;; | |
25 | ||
26 | ;;; Code: | |
27 | ||
28 | (require 'company) | |
29 | (require 'cl-lib) | |
30 | (eval-when-compile (require 'make-mode)) | |
31 | ||
32 | (defgroup company-keywords nil | |
33 | "Completion backend for keywords." | |
34 | :group 'company) | |
35 | ||
36 | (defcustom company-keywords-ignore-case nil | |
37 | "Non-nil to ignore case in completion candidates." | |
38 | :type 'boolean) | |
39 | ||
40 | (defun company-keywords-upper-lower (&rest lst) | |
41 | ;; Upcase order is different for _. | |
42 | (nconc (sort (mapcar 'upcase lst) 'string<) lst)) | |
43 | ||
44 | (defvar company-keywords-alist | |
45 | ;; Please contribute corrections or additions. | |
46 | `((c++-mode | |
47 | ;; from https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/keyword | |
48 | "alignas" "alignof" "and" "and_eq" "asm" "atomic_cancel" "atomic_commit" | |
49 | "atomic_noexcept" "auto" "bitand" "bitor" "bool" "break" "case" "catch" | |
50 | "char" "char16_t" "char32_t" "char8_t" "class" "co_await" "co_return" | |
51 | "co_yield" "compl" "concept" "const" "const_cast" "consteval" "constexpr" | |
52 | "constinit" "continue" "decltype" "default" "delete" "do" "double" | |
53 | "dynamic_cast" "else" "enum" "explicit" "export" "extern" "false" "final" | |
54 | "float" "for" "friend" "goto" "if" "import" "inline" "int" "long" "module" | |
55 | "mutable" "namespace" "new" "noexcept" "not" "not_eq" "nullptr" "operator" | |
56 | "or" "or_eq" "override" "private" "protected" "public" "reflexpr" "register" | |
57 | "reinterpret_cast" "requires" "return" "short" "signed" "sizeof" "static" | |
58 | "static_assert" "static_cast" "struct" "switch" "synchronized" "template" | |
59 | "this" "thread_local" "throw" "true" "try" "typedef" "typeid" "typename" | |
60 | "union" "unsigned" "using" "virtual" "void" "volatile" "wchar_t" "while" | |
61 | "xor" "xor_eq") | |
62 | (c-mode | |
63 | ;; from https://en.cppreference.com/w/c/keyword | |
64 | "_Alignas" "_Alignof" "_Atomic" "_Bool" "_Complex" | |
65 | "_Decimal128" "_Decimal32" "_Decimal64" "_Generic" "_Imaginary" | |
66 | "_Noreturn" "_Static_assert" "_Thread_local" "__asm__" "asm" | |
67 | "auto" "break" "case" "char" "const" "continue" "default" "do" | |
68 | "double" "else" "enum" "extern" "float" "for" "goto" "if" "inline" | |
69 | "int" "long" "register" "restrict" "return" "short" "signed" "sizeof" | |
70 | "static" "struct" "switch" "typedef" "union" "unsigned" "void" "volatile" | |
71 | "while") | |
72 | (crystal-mode | |
73 | ;; from https://github.com/crystal-lang/crystal-book/issues/124#issuecomment-1008311227 | |
74 | "abstract" "alias" "annotation" "as" "as?" "asm" "begin" "break" "case" "class" | |
75 | "def" "do" "else" "elsif" "end" "ensure" "enum" "extend" "false" "for" "fun" | |
76 | "if" "in" "include" "instance_sizeof" "is_a?" "lib" "macro" "module" "next" | |
77 | "nil" "nil?" "of" "offsetof" "out" "pointerof" "private" "protected" "require" | |
78 | "rescue" "responds_to?" "return" "select" "self" "sizeof" "struct" "super" | |
79 | "then" "true" "type" "typeof" "uninitialized" "union" "unless" "until" "verbatim" | |
80 | "when" "while" "with" "yield") | |
81 | (csharp-mode | |
82 | "abstract" "add" "alias" "as" "base" "bool" "break" "byte" "case" | |
83 | "catch" "char" "checked" "class" "const" "continue" "decimal" "default" | |
84 | "delegate" "do" "double" "else" "enum" "event" "explicit" "extern" | |
85 | "false" "finally" "fixed" "float" "for" "foreach" "get" "global" "goto" | |
86 | "if" "implicit" "in" "int" "interface" "internal" "is" "lock" "long" | |
87 | "namespace" "new" "null" "object" "operator" "out" "override" "params" | |
88 | "partial" "private" "protected" "public" "readonly" "ref" "remove" | |
89 | "return" "sbyte" "sealed" "set" "short" "sizeof" "stackalloc" "static" | |
90 | "string" "struct" "switch" "this" "throw" "true" "try" "typeof" "uint" | |
91 | "ulong" "unchecked" "unsafe" "ushort" "using" "value" "var" "virtual" | |
92 | "void" "volatile" "where" "while" "yield") | |
93 | (d-mode | |
94 | ;; from http://www.digitalmars.com/d/2.0/lex.html | |
95 | "abstract" "alias" "align" "asm" | |
96 | "assert" "auto" "body" "bool" "break" "byte" "case" "cast" "catch" | |
97 | "cdouble" "cent" "cfloat" "char" "class" "const" "continue" "creal" | |
98 | "dchar" "debug" "default" "delegate" "delete" "deprecated" "do" | |
99 | "double" "else" "enum" "export" "extern" "false" "final" "finally" | |
100 | "float" "for" "foreach" "foreach_reverse" "function" "goto" "idouble" | |
101 | "if" "ifloat" "import" "in" "inout" "int" "interface" "invariant" | |
102 | "ireal" "is" "lazy" "long" "macro" "mixin" "module" "new" "nothrow" | |
103 | "null" "out" "override" "package" "pragma" "private" "protected" | |
104 | "public" "pure" "real" "ref" "return" "scope" "short" "static" "struct" | |
105 | "super" "switch" "synchronized" "template" "this" "throw" "true" "try" | |
106 | "typedef" "typeid" "typeof" "ubyte" "ucent" "uint" "ulong" "union" | |
107 | "unittest" "ushort" "version" "void" "volatile" "wchar" "while" "with") | |
108 | (elixir-mode | |
109 | ;; from https://hexdocs.pm/elixir/Kernel.html | |
110 | "__CALLER__" "__DIR__" "__ENV__" "__MODULE__" "__STACKTRACE__" | |
111 | "__aliases__" "__block__" "abs" "alias" "alias!" "and" "apply" | |
112 | "binary_part" "binary_slice" "binding" "bit_size" "byte_size" "case" "ceil" | |
113 | "cond" "dbg" "def" "defdelegate" "defexception" "defguard" "defguardp" | |
114 | "defimpl" "defmacro" "defmacrop" "defmodule" "defoverridable" "defp" | |
115 | "defprotocol" "defstruct" "destructure" "div" "elem" "exit" "floor" "fn" | |
116 | "for" "function_exported?" "get_and_update_in" "get_in" "hd" "if" "import" | |
117 | "in" "inspect" "is_atom" "is_binary" "is_bitstring" "is_boolean" | |
118 | "is_exception" "is_float" "is_function" "is_integer" "is_list" "is_map" | |
119 | "is_map_key" "is_nil" "is_number" "is_pid" "is_port" "is_reference" | |
120 | "is_struct" "is_tuple" "length" "macro_exported?" "make_ref" "map_size" | |
121 | "match?" "max" "min" "node" "not" "or" "pop_in" "put_elem" "put_in" "quote" | |
122 | "raise" "receive" "rem" "require" "reraise" "round" "self" "send" "spawn" | |
123 | "spawn_link" "spawn_monitor" "struct" "struct!" "super" "tap" "then" | |
124 | "throw" "tl" "to_charlist" "to_string" "trunc" "try" "tuple_size" "unless" | |
125 | "unquote" "unquote_splicing" "update_in" "use" "var!" "with") | |
126 | (erlang-mode | |
127 | ;; from https://www.erlang.org/docs/20/reference_manual/introduction.html#id63536 | |
128 | "after" "and" "andalso" "band" "begin" "bnot" "bor" "bsl" "bsr" "bxor" | |
129 | "case" "catch" "cond" "div" "end" "fun" "if" "let" "not" "of" "or" "orelse" | |
130 | "receive" "rem" "try" "when" "xor") | |
131 | (f90-mode . | |
132 | ;; from f90.el | |
133 | ;; ".AND." ".GE." ".GT." ".LT." ".LE." ".NE." ".OR." ".TRUE." ".FALSE." | |
134 | ,(company-keywords-upper-lower | |
135 | "abs" "abstract" "achar" "acos" "adjustl" "adjustr" "aimag" "aint" | |
136 | "align" "all" "all_prefix" "all_scatter" "all_suffix" "allocatable" | |
137 | "allocate" "allocated" "and" "anint" "any" "any_prefix" "any_scatter" | |
138 | "any_suffix" "asin" "assign" "assignment" "associate" "associated" | |
139 | "asynchronous" "atan" "atan2" "backspace" "bind" "bit_size" "block" | |
140 | "btest" "c_alert" "c_associated" "c_backspace" "c_bool" | |
141 | "c_carriage_return" "c_char" "c_double" "c_double_complex" "c_f_pointer" | |
142 | "c_f_procpointer" "c_float" "c_float_complex" "c_form_feed" "c_funloc" | |
143 | "c_funptr" "c_horizontal_tab" "c_int" "c_int16_t" "c_int32_t" "c_int64_t" | |
144 | "c_int8_t" "c_int_fast16_t" "c_int_fast32_t" "c_int_fast64_t" | |
145 | "c_int_fast8_t" "c_int_least16_t" "c_int_least32_t" "c_int_least64_t" | |
146 | "c_int_least8_t" "c_intmax_t" "c_intptr_t" "c_loc" "c_long" | |
147 | "c_long_double" "c_long_double_complex" "c_long_long" "c_new_line" | |
148 | "c_null_char" "c_null_funptr" "c_null_ptr" "c_ptr" "c_short" | |
149 | "c_signed_char" "c_size_t" "c_vertical_tab" "call" "case" "ceiling" | |
150 | "char" "character" "character_storage_size" "class" "close" "cmplx" | |
151 | "command_argument_count" "common" "complex" "conjg" "contains" "continue" | |
152 | "copy_prefix" "copy_scatter" "copy_suffix" "cos" "cosh" "count" | |
153 | "count_prefix" "count_scatter" "count_suffix" "cpu_time" "cshift" | |
154 | "cycle" "cyclic" "data" "date_and_time" "dble" "deallocate" "deferred" | |
155 | "digits" "dim" "dimension" "distribute" "do" "dot_product" "double" | |
156 | "dprod" "dynamic" "elemental" "else" "elseif" "elsewhere" "end" "enddo" | |
157 | "endfile" "endif" "entry" "enum" "enumerator" "eoshift" "epsilon" "eq" | |
158 | "equivalence" "eqv" "error_unit" "exit" "exp" "exponent" "extends" | |
159 | "extends_type_of" "external" "extrinsic" "false" "file_storage_size" | |
160 | "final" "floor" "flush" "forall" "format" "fraction" "function" "ge" | |
161 | "generic" "get_command" "get_command_argument" "get_environment_variable" | |
162 | "goto" "grade_down" "grade_up" "gt" "hpf_alignment" "hpf_distribution" | |
163 | "hpf_template" "huge" "iachar" "iall" "iall_prefix" "iall_scatter" | |
164 | "iall_suffix" "iand" "iany" "iany_prefix" "iany_scatter" "iany_suffix" | |
165 | "ibclr" "ibits" "ibset" "ichar" "ieee_arithmetic" "ieee_exceptions" | |
166 | "ieee_features" "ieee_get_underflow_mode" "ieee_set_underflow_mode" | |
167 | "ieee_support_underflow_control" "ieor" "if" "ilen" "implicit" | |
168 | "import" "include" "independent" "index" "inherit" "input_unit" | |
169 | "inquire" "int" "integer" "intent" "interface" "intrinsic" "ior" | |
170 | "iostat_end" "iostat_eor" "iparity" "iparity_prefix" "iparity_scatter" | |
171 | "iparity_suffix" "ishft" "ishftc" "iso_c_binding" "iso_fortran_env" | |
172 | "kind" "lbound" "le" "leadz" "len" "len_trim" "lge" "lgt" "lle" "llt" | |
173 | "log" "log10" "logical" "lt" "matmul" "max" "maxexponent" "maxloc" | |
174 | "maxval" "maxval_prefix" "maxval_scatter" "maxval_suffix" "merge" | |
175 | "min" "minexponent" "minloc" "minval" "minval_prefix" "minval_scatter" | |
176 | "minval_suffix" "mod" "module" "modulo" "move_alloc" "mvbits" "namelist" | |
177 | "ne" "nearest" "neqv" "new" "new_line" "nint" "non_intrinsic" | |
178 | "non_overridable" "none" "nopass" "not" "null" "nullify" | |
179 | "number_of_processors" "numeric_storage_size" "only" "onto" "open" | |
180 | "operator" "optional" "or" "output_unit" "pack" "parameter" "parity" | |
181 | "parity_prefix" "parity_scatter" "parity_suffix" "pass" "pause" | |
182 | "pointer" "popcnt" "poppar" "precision" "present" "print" "private" | |
183 | "procedure" "processors" "processors_shape" "product" "product_prefix" | |
184 | "product_scatter" "product_suffix" "program" "protected" "public" | |
185 | "pure" "radix" "random_number" "random_seed" "range" "read" "real" | |
186 | "realign" "recursive" "redistribute" "repeat" "reshape" "result" | |
187 | "return" "rewind" "rrspacing" "same_type_as" "save" "scale" "scan" | |
188 | "select" "selected_char_kind" "selected_int_kind" "selected_real_kind" | |
189 | "sequence" "set_exponent" "shape" "sign" "sin" "sinh" "size" "spacing" | |
190 | "spread" "sqrt" "stop" "subroutine" "sum" "sum_prefix" "sum_scatter" | |
191 | "sum_suffix" "system_clock" "tan" "tanh" "target" "template" "then" | |
192 | "tiny" "transfer" "transpose" "trim" "true" "type" "ubound" "unpack" | |
193 | "use" "value" "verify" "volatile" "wait" "where" "while" "with" "write")) | |
194 | (go-mode | |
195 | ;; 1. Keywords ref: https://golang.org/ref/spec#Keywords | |
196 | ;; 2. Builtin functions and types ref: https://golang.org/pkg/builtin/ | |
197 | "append" "bool" "break" "byte" "cap" "case" "chan" "close" "complex" "complex128" | |
198 | "complex64" "const" "continue" "copy" "default" "defer" "delete" "else" "error" | |
199 | "fallthrough" "false" "float32" "float64" "for" "func" "go" "goto" "if" "imag" | |
200 | "import" "int" "int16" "int32" "int64" "int8" "interface" "len" "make" | |
201 | "map" "new" "nil" "package" "panic" "print" "println" "range" "real" "recover" | |
202 | "return" "rune" "select" "string" "struct" "switch" "true" "type" "uint" "uint16" | |
203 | "uint32" "uint64" "uint8" "uintptr" "var") | |
204 | (java-mode | |
205 | "abstract" "assert" "boolean" "break" "byte" "case" "catch" "char" "class" | |
206 | "continue" "default" "do" "double" "else" "enum" "extends" "final" | |
207 | "finally" "float" "for" "if" "implements" "import" "instanceof" "int" | |
208 | "interface" "long" "native" "new" "package" "private" "protected" "public" | |
209 | "return" "short" "static" "strictfp" "super" "switch" "synchronized" | |
210 | "this" "throw" "throws" "transient" "try" "void" "volatile" "while") | |
211 | (javascript-mode | |
212 | ;; https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/ + async, static and undefined | |
213 | "async" "await" "break" "case" "catch" "class" "const" "continue" | |
214 | "debugger" "default" "delete" "do" "else" "enum" "export" "extends" "false" | |
215 | "finally" "for" "function" "if" "import" "in" "instanceof" "let" "new" | |
216 | "null" "return" "static" "super" "switch" "this" "throw" "true" "try" | |
217 | "typeof" "undefined" "var" "void" "while" "with" "yield") | |
218 | (kotlin-mode | |
219 | "abstract" "annotation" "as" "break" "by" "catch" "class" "companion" | |
220 | "const" "constructor" "continue" "data" "do" "else" "enum" "false" "final" | |
221 | "finally" "for" "fun" "if" "import" "in" "init" "inner" "interface" | |
222 | "internal" "is" "lateinit" "nested" "null" "object" "open" "out" "override" | |
223 | "package" "private" "protected" "public" "return" "super" "this" "throw" | |
224 | "trait" "true" "try" "typealias" "val" "var" "when" "while") | |
225 | (lua-mode | |
226 | ;; https://www.lua.org/manual/5.3/manual.html | |
227 | "and" "break" "do" "else" "elseif" "end" "false" "for" "function" "goto" "if" | |
228 | "in" "local" "nil" "not" "or" "repeat" "return" "then" "true" "until" "while") | |
229 | (nim-mode | |
230 | ;; https://nim-lang.org/docs/manual.html#lexical-analysis-identifiers-amp-keywords | |
231 | "addr" "and" "as" "asm" "bind" "block" "break" "case" "cast" "concept" "const" "continue" | |
232 | "converter" "defer" "discard" "distinct" "div" "do" "elif" "else" "end" "enum" "except" | |
233 | "export" "finally" "for" "from" "func" "if" "import" "in" "include" "interface" "is" "isnot" | |
234 | "iterator" "let" "macro" "method" "mixin" "mod" "nil" "not" "notin" "object" "of" "or" "out" | |
235 | "proc" "ptr" "raise" "ref" "return" "shl" "shr" "static" "template" "try" "tuple" "type" | |
236 | "using" "var" "when" "while" "xor" "yield") | |
237 | (objc-mode | |
238 | "@catch" "@class" "@encode" "@end" "@finally" "@implementation" | |
239 | "@interface" "@private" "@protected" "@protocol" "@public" | |
240 | "@selector" "@synchronized" "@throw" "@try" "alloc" "autorelease" | |
241 | "bycopy" "byref" "in" "inout" "oneway" "out" "release" "retain") | |
242 | (perl-mode | |
243 | ;; from cperl.el | |
245 | "__FILE__" "__LINE__" "abs" "accept" "alarm" "and" "atan2" "bind" | |
246 | "binmode" "bless" "caller" "chdir" "chmod" "chomp" "chop" "chown" "chr" | |
247 | "chroot" "close" "closedir" "cmp" "connect" "continue" "cos" | |
248 | "crypt" "dbmclose" "dbmopen" "defined" "delete" "die" "do" "dump" "each" | |
249 | "else" "elsif" "endgrent" "endhostent" "endnetent" "endprotoent" | |
250 | "endpwent" "endservent" "eof" "eq" "eval" "exec" "exists" "exit" "exp" | |
251 | "fcntl" "fileno" "flock" "for" "foreach" "fork" "format" "formline" | |
252 | "ge" "getc" "getgrent" "getgrgid" "getgrnam" "gethostbyaddr" | |
253 | "gethostbyname" "gethostent" "getlogin" "getnetbyaddr" "getnetbyname" | |
254 | "getnetent" "getpeername" "getpgrp" "getppid" "getpriority" | |
255 | "getprotobyname" "getprotobynumber" "getprotoent" "getpwent" "getpwnam" | |
256 | "getpwuid" "getservbyname" "getservbyport" "getservent" "getsockname" | |
257 | "getsockopt" "glob" "gmtime" "goto" "grep" "gt" "hex" "if" "index" "int" | |
258 | "ioctl" "join" "keys" "kill" "last" "lc" "lcfirst" "le" "length" | |
259 | "link" "listen" "local" "localtime" "lock" "log" "lstat" "lt" "map" | |
260 | "mkdir" "msgctl" "msgget" "msgrcv" "msgsnd" "my" "ne" "next" "no" | |
261 | "not" "oct" "open" "opendir" "or" "ord" "our" "pack" "package" "pipe" | |
262 | "pop" "pos" "print" "printf" "push" "q" "qq" "quotemeta" "qw" "qx" | |
263 | "rand" "read" "readdir" "readline" "readlink" "readpipe" "recv" "redo" | |
264 | "ref" "rename" "require" "reset" "return" "reverse" "rewinddir" "rindex" | |
265 | "rmdir" "scalar" "seek" "seekdir" "select" "semctl" "semget" "semop" | |
266 | "send" "setgrent" "sethostent" "setnetent" "setpgrp" "setpriority" | |
267 | "setprotoent" "setpwent" "setservent" "setsockopt" "shift" "shmctl" | |
268 | "shmget" "shmread" "shmwrite" "shutdown" "sin" "sleep" "socket" | |
269 | "socketpair" "sort" "splice" "split" "sprintf" "sqrt" "srand" "stat" | |
270 | "study" "sub" "substr" "symlink" "syscall" "sysopen" "sysread" "system" | |
271 | "syswrite" "tell" "telldir" "tie" "time" "times" "tr" "truncate" "uc" | |
272 | "ucfirst" "umask" "undef" "unless" "unlink" "unpack" "unshift" "untie" | |
273 | "until" "use" "utime" "values" "vec" "wait" "waitpid" | |
274 | "wantarray" "warn" "while" "write" "x" "xor" "y") | |
275 | (php-mode ;; https://www.php.net/manual/reserved.php | |
276 | "Closure" "Error" "Exception" "Generator" "Throwable" | |
277 | "__CLASS__" "__DIR__" "__FILE__" "__FUNCTION__" "__LINE__" "__METHOD__" | |
278 | "__NAMESPACE__" "__TRAIT__" | |
279 | "abstract" "and" "array" "as" "bool" "break" "callable" "case" "catch" | |
280 | "class" "clone" "const" "continue" "declare" "default" "die" "do" "echo" | |
281 | "else" "elseif" "empty" "enddeclare" "endfor" "endforeach" "endif" | |
282 | "endswitch" "endwhile" "enum" "eval" "exit" "extends" "false" "final" "finally" | |
283 | "float" "fn" "for" "foreach" "function" "global" "goto" "if" | |
284 | "implements" "include" "include_once" "instanceof" "insteadof" "interface" | |
285 | "isset" "iterable" "list" "match" "namespace" "new" "null" "object" "or" | |
286 | "print" "private" "protected" "public" "readonly" "require" "require_once" | |
287 | "return" "self" "static" "string" "switch" "this" "throw" "trait" "true" | |
288 | "try" "unset" "use" "var" "void" "while" "xor" "yield" "yield from") | |
289 | (purescript-mode ;; purescript-font-lock.el | |
290 | "ado" "case" "class" "data" "default" "deriving" "do" "else" "if" "import" | |
291 | "in" "infix" "infixl" "infixr" "instance" "let" "module" "newtype" "of" | |
292 | "then" "type" "where") | |
293 | (python-mode | |
294 | ;; https://docs.python.org/3/reference/lexical_analysis.html#keywords | |
295 | "False" "None" "True" "and" "as" "assert" "break" "class" "continue" "def" | |
296 | "del" "elif" "else" "except" "exec" "finally" "for" "from" "global" "if" | |
297 | "import" "in" "is" "lambda" "nonlocal" "not" "or" "pass" "print" "raise" | |
298 | "return" "try" "while" "with" "yield") | |
299 | (ruby-mode | |
300 | "BEGIN" "END" "alias" "and" "begin" "break" "case" "class" "def" "defined?" | |
301 | "do" "else" "elsif" "end" "ensure" "false" "for" "if" "in" "module" | |
302 | "next" "nil" "not" "or" "redo" "rescue" "retry" "return" "self" "super" | |
303 | "then" "true" "undef" "unless" "until" "when" "while" "yield") | |
304 | ;; From https://doc.rust-lang.org/grammar.html#keywords | |
305 | ;; but excluding unused reserved words: https://www.reddit.com/r/rust/comments/34fq0k/is_there_a_good_list_of_rusts_keywords/cqucvnj | |
306 | (rust-mode | |
307 | "Self" | |
308 | "as" "box" "break" "const" "continue" "crate" "else" "enum" "extern" | |
309 | "false" "fn" "for" "if" "impl" "in" "let" "loop" "macro" "match" "mod" | |
310 | "move" "mut" "pub" "ref" "return" "self" "static" "struct" "super" | |
311 | "trait" "true" "type" "unsafe" "use" "where" "while") | |
312 | ; Extract from R7RS-small Tex: https://small.r7rs.org/ | |
313 | (scheme-mode | |
314 | "abs" "acos" "angle" "append" "apply" "asin" "assoc" "assq" "assv" | |
315 | "atan" "binary-port?" "body" "boolean=?" "boolean?" "bytevector" | |
316 | "bytevector-append" "bytevector-copy" "bytevector-copy!" | |
317 | "bytevector-length" "bytevector-u8-ref" "bytevector-u8-set!" | |
318 | "bytevector?" "caaaar" "caaadr" "caaar" "caadar" "caaddr" "caadr" | |
319 | "caar" "cadaar" "cadadr" "cadar" "caddar" "cadddr" "caddr" "cadr" | |
320 | "call-with-port" "call-with-values" "car" "car-internal" "cdaaar" | |
321 | "cdaadr" "cdaar" "cdadar" "cdaddr" "cdadr" "cdar" "cddaar" "cddadr" | |
322 | "cddar" "cdddar" "cddddr" "cdddr" "cddr" "cdr" "ceiling" | |
323 | "char->integer" "char-alphabetic?" "char-ci<=?" "char-ci<?" | |
324 | "char-ci=?" "char-ci>=?" "char-ci>?" "char-downcase" "char-foldcase" | |
325 | "char-lower-case?" "char-numeric?" "char-ready?" "char-upcase" | |
326 | "char-upper-case?" "char-whitespace?" "char<=?" "char<?" "char=?" | |
327 | "char>=?" "char>?" "char?" "close-input-port" "close-output-port" | |
328 | "close-port" "command-line" "complex?" "cons" "cos" | |
329 | "current-error-port" "current-input-port" "current-jiffy" | |
330 | "current-output-port" "current-second" "delete-file" "denominator" | |
331 | "digit-value" "display" "dynamic-wind" "emergency-exit" "environment" | |
332 | "eof-object" "eof-object?" "eq?" "equal?" "eqv?" "error" | |
333 | "error-object-irritants" "error-object-message" "error-object?" "eval" | |
334 | "even?" "exact" "exact-integer-sqrt" "exact-integer?" "exact?" "exit" | |
335 | "exp" "expt" "features" "file-error?" "file-exists?" "finite?" "floor" | |
336 | "floor-quotient" "floor-remainder" "floor/" "flush-output-port" "gcd" | |
337 | "get-environment-variable" "get-environment-variables" | |
338 | "get-output-bytevector" "get-output-string" "imag-part" "inexact" | |
339 | "inexact?" "infinite?" "input-port-open?" "input-port?" | |
340 | "integer->char" "integer?" "interaction-environment" | |
341 | "jiffies-per-second" "lcm" "length" "list" "list->string" | |
342 | "list->vector" "list-copy" "list-ref" "list-set!" "list-tail" "list?" | |
343 | "load" "log" "magnitude" "make-bytevector" "make-list" | |
344 | "make-parameter" "make-polar" "make-promise" "make-rectangular" | |
345 | "make-string" "make-vector" "max" "member" "memq" "memv" "min" | |
346 | "modulo" "nan?" "negative?" "newline" "nil" "not" "null-environment" | |
347 | "null?" "number->string" "number?" "numerator" "odd?" | |
348 | "open-binary-input-file" "open-binary-output-file" | |
349 | "open-input-bytevector" "open-input-file" "open-input-string" | |
350 | "open-output-bytevector" "open-output-file" "open-output-string" | |
351 | "output-port-open?" "output-port?" "pair?" "peek-char" "peek-u8" | |
352 | "port?" "positive?" "procedure?" "promise?" "quasiquote" "quote" | |
353 | "quotient" "raise" "raise-continuable" "rational?" "rationalize" | |
354 | "read" "read-bytevector" "read-bytevector!" "read-char" "read-error?" | |
355 | "read-line" "read-string" "read-u8" "real-part" "real?" "remainder" | |
356 | "reverse" "round" "scheme-report-environment" "set!" "set-car!" | |
357 | "set-cdr!" "setcar" "sin" "sqrt" "square" "string" "string->list" | |
358 | "string->number" "string->symbol" "string->utf" "string->vector" | |
359 | "string-append" "string-ci<=?" "string-ci<?" "string-ci=?" | |
360 | "string-ci>=?" "string-ci>?" "string-copy" "string-copy!" | |
361 | "string-downcase" "string-fill!" "string-foldcase" "string-for-each" | |
362 | "string-length" "string-map" "string-ref" "string-set!" | |
363 | "string-upcase" "string<=?" "string<?" "string=?" "string>=?" | |
364 | "string>?" "string?" "substring" "symbol->string" "symbol=?" "symbol?" | |
365 | "tan" "textual-port?" "truncate" "truncate-quotient" | |
366 | "truncate-remainder" "truncate/" "u8-ready?" "unquote" | |
367 | "unquote-splicing" "utf->string" "values" "vector" "vector->list" | |
368 | "vector->string" "vector-append" "vector-copy" "vector-copy!" | |
369 | "vector-fill!" "vector-for-each" "vector-length" "vector-map" | |
370 | "vector-ref" "vector-set!" "vector?" "with-exception-handler" | |
371 | "with-input-from-file" "with-output-to-file" "write" | |
372 | "write-bytevector" "write-char" "write-shared" "write-simple" | |
373 | "write-string" "write-u8" "zero?") | |
374 | (scala-mode | |
375 | "abstract" "case" "catch" "class" "def" "do" "else" "extends" "false" | |
376 | "final" "finally" "for" "forSome" "if" "implicit" "import" "lazy" "match" | |
377 | "new" "null" "object" "override" "package" "private" "protected" | |
378 | "return" "sealed" "super" "this" "throw" "trait" "true" "try" "type" "val" | |
379 | "var" "while" "with" "yield") | |
380 | (swift-mode | |
381 | "Protocol" "Self" "Type" "and" "as" "assignment" "associatedtype" | |
382 | "associativity" "available" "break" "case" "catch" "class" "column" "continue" | |
383 | "convenience" "default" "defer" "deinit" "didSet" "do" "dynamic" "dynamicType" | |
384 | "else" "elseif" "endif" "enum" "extension" "fallthrough" "false" "file" | |
385 | "fileprivate" "final" "for" "func" "function" "get" "guard" "higherThan" "if" | |
386 | "import" "in" "indirect" "infix" "init" "inout" "internal" "is" "lazy" "left" | |
387 | "let" "line" "lowerThan" "mutating" "nil" "none" "nonmutating" "open" | |
388 | "operator" "optional" "override" "postfix" "precedence" "precedencegroup" | |
389 | "prefix" "private" "protocol" "public" "repeat" "required" "rethrows" "return" | |
390 | "right" "selector" "self" "set" "static" "struct" "subscript" "super" "switch" | |
391 | "throw" "throws" "true" "try" "typealias" "unowned" "var" "weak" "where" | |
392 | "while" "willSet") | |
393 | (julia-mode | |
394 | "abstract" "break" "case" "catch" "const" "continue" "do" "else" "elseif" | |
395 | "end" "eval" "export" "false" "finally" "for" "function" "global" "if" | |
396 | "ifelse" "immutable" "import" "importall" "in" "let" "macro" "module" | |
397 | "otherwise" "quote" "return" "switch" "throw" "true" "try" "type" | |
398 | "typealias" "using" "while" | |
399 | ) | |
400 | ;; From https://github.com/apache/thrift/blob/master/contrib/thrift.el | |
401 | (thrift-mode | |
402 | "binary" "bool" "byte" "const" "double" "enum" "exception" "extends" | |
403 | "i16" "i32" "i64" "include" "list" "map" "oneway" "optional" "required" | |
404 | "service" "set" "string" "struct" "throws" "typedef" "void" | |
405 | ) | |
406 | ;; aliases | |
407 | (js2-mode . javascript-mode) | |
408 | (js2-jsx-mode . javascript-mode) | |
409 | (espresso-mode . javascript-mode) | |
410 | (js-mode . javascript-mode) | |
411 | (js-jsx-mode . javascript-mode) | |
412 | (rjsx-mode . javascript-mode) | |
413 | (cperl-mode . perl-mode) | |
414 | (jde-mode . java-mode) | |
415 | (ess-julia-mode . julia-mode) | |
416 | (phps-mode . php-mode) | |
417 | (enh-ruby-mode . ruby-mode)) | |
418 | "Alist mapping major-modes to sorted keywords for `company-keywords'.") | |
419 | ||
420 | (with-eval-after-load 'make-mode | |
421 | (mapc | |
422 | (lambda (mode-stmnts) | |
423 | (setf (alist-get (car mode-stmnts) company-keywords-alist) | |
424 | (cl-remove-duplicates | |
425 | (sort (append makefile-special-targets-list | |
426 | (cl-mapcan #'identity | |
427 | (mapcar | |
428 | #'split-string | |
429 | (cl-remove-if-not | |
430 | #'stringp | |
431 | (symbol-value (cdr mode-stmnts)))))) | |
432 | #'string<) | |
433 | :test #'string=))) | |
434 | '((makefile-automake-mode . makefile-automake-statements) | |
435 | (makefile-gmake-mode . makefile-gmake-statements) | |
436 | (makefile-makepp-mode . makefile-makepp-statements) | |
437 | (makefile-bsdmake-mode . makefile-bsdmake-statements) | |
438 | (makefile-imake-mode . makefile-statements) | |
439 | (makefile-mode . makefile-statements)))) | |
440 | ||
441 | ;;;###autoload | |
442 | (defun company-keywords (command &optional arg &rest ignored) | |
443 | "`company-mode' backend for programming language keywords." | |
444 | (interactive (list 'interactive)) | |
445 | (cl-case command | |
446 | (interactive (company-begin-backend 'company-keywords)) | |
447 | (prefix (and (assq major-mode company-keywords-alist) | |
448 | (not (company-in-string-or-comment)) | |
449 | (or (company-grab-symbol) 'stop))) | |
450 | (candidates | |
451 | (let ((completion-ignore-case company-keywords-ignore-case) | |
452 | (symbols (cdr (assq major-mode company-keywords-alist)))) | |
453 | (all-completions arg (if (consp symbols) | |
454 | symbols | |
455 | (cdr (assq symbols company-keywords-alist)))))) | |
456 | (kind 'keyword) | |
457 | (sorted t) | |
458 | (ignore-case company-keywords-ignore-case))) | |
459 | ||
460 | (provide 'company-keywords) | |
461 | ;;; company-keywords.el ends here |