]> crepu.dev Git - config.git/blob - djavu-asus/emacs/elpa/solarized-theme-20230816.1732/solarized-faces.el
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[config.git] / djavu-asus / emacs / elpa / solarized-theme-20230816.1732 / solarized-faces.el
1 ;;; solarized-faces.el --- the faces definitions for solarized theme -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
3 ;; Copyright (C) 2011-2021 Bozhidar Batsov
5 ;; Author: Bozhidar Batsov <bozhidar@batsov.dev>
6 ;; Author: Thomas Frössman <thomasf@jossystem.se>
8 ;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
9 ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
10 ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
11 ;; (at your option) any later version.
13 ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
14 ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16 ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
18 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
19 ;; along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
21 ;;; Commentary:
23 ;; the faces definitions for solarized theme
25 ;;; Code:
27 (defvar solarized-definition
28 ;;; Color palette
29 '(
30 ;;; Theme Faces
31 (custom-theme-set-faces
32 theme-name
33 ;;;; Built-in
34 ;;;;; basic faces
35 '(button ((t (:underline t))))
36 `(cursor ((,class (:foreground ,base03 :background ,base0
37 :inverse-video t))))
38 `(default ((,class (:foreground ,base0 :background ,base03))))
39 `(error ((,class (:foreground ,orange))))
40 `(escape-glyph ((,class (:foreground ,violet))))
41 `(fringe ((,class (:foreground ,s-fringe-fg :background ,s-fringe-bg))))
42 `(header-line
43 ((,class (:inverse-video unspecified
44 :overline nil
45 :underline ,s-header-line-underline
46 :foreground ,s-header-line-fg
47 :background ,s-header-line-bg
48 :box (:line-width 2 :color ,s-header-line-bg
49 :style unspecified)))))
50 `(highlight ((,class (:background ,base02))))
51 `(lazy-highlight ((,class (:foreground ,base03 :background ,yellow
52 :weight normal))))
53 `(link ((,class (:foreground ,yellow :underline t :weight bold))))
54 `(link-visited ((,class (:foreground ,yellow :underline t :weight normal))))
55 `(match ((,class (:background ,base02 :foreground ,base1 :weight bold))))
56 `(menu ((,class (:foreground ,base0 :background ,base03))))
57 `(help-key-binding ((,class (:box (:line-width (1 . -1) :color ,s-line :style nil) :background ,base02))))
58 `(minibuffer-prompt ((,class (:foreground ,base0))))
59 `(mode-line
60 ((,class (:inverse-video unspecified
61 :overline ,s-mode-line-bg
62 :underline ,s-mode-line-underline
63 :foreground ,s-mode-line-fg
64 :background ,s-mode-line-bg
65 :box (:line-width 1 :color ,s-mode-line-bg
66 :style unspecified)))))
67 `(mode-line-buffer-id ((,class (:foreground ,s-mode-line-buffer-id-fg :weight bold))))
68 `(mode-line-inactive
69 ((,class (:inverse-video unspecified
70 :overline ,s-mode-line-inactive-bc
71 :underline ,s-mode-line-underline
72 :foreground ,s-mode-line-inactive-fg
73 :background ,s-mode-line-inactive-bg
74 :box (:line-width 1 :color ,s-mode-line-inactive-bg
75 :style unspecified)))))
76 `(region
77 ((,class (,@(and (>= emacs-major-version 27) '(:extend t))
78 :foreground ,base03
79 :background ,base1))))
80 `(secondary-selection
81 ((,class (,@(and (>= emacs-major-version 27) '(:extend t))
82 :background ,base02))))
83 `(shadow ((,class (:foreground ,base01))))
84 `(success ((,class (:foreground ,green ))))
85 `(trailing-whitespace ((,class (:background ,red))))
86 `(vertical-border ((,class (:foreground ,s-line))))
87 `(warning ((,class (:foreground ,yellow ))))
88 `(next-error ((,class (:foreground ,magenta-2fg :background ,magenta-2bg :weight normal))))
90 ;;;;; ansi-color
91 `(ansi-color-black ((,class (:foreground ,base1 :background ,base1))))
92 `(ansi-color-red ((,class (:foreground ,red :background ,red))))
93 `(ansi-color-green ((,class (:foreground ,green :background ,green))))
94 `(ansi-color-yellow ((,class (:foreground ,yellow :background ,yellow))))
95 `(ansi-color-blue ((,class (:foreground ,blue :background ,blue))))
96 `(ansi-color-magenta ((,class (:foreground ,magenta :background ,magenta))))
97 `(ansi-color-cyan ((,class (:foreground ,cyan :background ,cyan))))
98 `(ansi-color-bright-black ((,class (:foreground ,base0 :background ,base0))))
99 `(ansi-color-bright-red ((,class (:foreground ,red-l :background ,red-l))))
100 `(ansi-color-bright-green ((,class (:foreground ,green-l :background ,green-l))))
101 `(ansi-color-bright-yellow ((,class (:foreground ,yellow-l :background ,yellow-l))))
102 `(ansi-color-bright-blue ((,class (:foreground ,blue-l :background ,blue-l))))
103 `(ansi-color-bright-magenta ((,class (:foreground ,magenta-l :background ,magenta-l))))
104 `(ansi-color-bright-cyan ((,class (:foreground ,cyan-l :background ,cyan-l))))
105 ;;;;; compilation
106 `(compilation-column-face ((,class (:foreground ,cyan :underline nil))))
107 `(compilation-column-number ((,class (:inherit font-lock-doc-face :foreground ,cyan
108 :underline nil))))
109 `(compilation-enter-directory-face ((,class (:foreground ,green :underline nil))))
110 `(compilation-error ((,class (:inherit error :underline nil))))
111 `(compilation-error-face ((,class (:foreground ,red : :underline nil))))
112 `(compilation-face ((,class (:foreground ,base0 :underline nil))))
113 `(compilation-info ((,class (:foreground ,base01 :underline nil :bold nil))))
114 `(compilation-info-face ((,class (:foreground ,blue :underline nil))))
115 `(compilation-leave-directory-face ((,class (:foreground ,green :underline nil))))
116 `(compilation-line-face ((,class (:foreground ,green :underline nil))))
117 `(compilation-line-number ((,class (:foreground ,green :underline nil))))
118 `(compilation-warning ((,class (:inherit warning :underline nil))))
119 `(compilation-warning-face ((,class (:foreground ,yellow :weight normal :underline nil))))
121 `(compilation-mode-line-exit
122 ((,class (:foreground unspecified :weight bold))))
123 `(compilation-mode-line-fail
124 ((,class (:inherit compilation-error :foreground ,red :weight bold))))
125 `(compilation-mode-line-run ((,class (:foreground ,orange :weight bold))))
126 ;;;;; completions
127 `(completions-annotations ((t (:foreground ,base01))))
128 `(completions-common-part ((t (:foreground ,blue))))
129 ;;;;; cua
130 `(cua-global-mark ((,class (:background ,yellow :foreground ,base03))))
131 `(cua-rectangle ((,class (:inherit region
132 :background ,magenta :foreground ,base03))))
133 `(cua-rectangle-noselect ((,class (:inherit region :background ,base02
134 :foreground ,base01))))
135 ;;;;; debbugs
136 `(debbugs-gnu-archived ((,class (:inverse-video t))))
137 `(debbugs-gnu-done ((,class (:foreground ,base01))))
138 `(debbugs-gnu-handled ((,class (:foreground ,green))))
139 `(debbugs-gnu-new ((,class (:foreground ,blue))))
140 `(debbugs-gnu-pending ((,class (:foreground ,cyan))))
141 `(debbugs-gnu-stale ((,class (:foreground ,yellow)))) ;@deprecated0.20
142 `(debbugs-gnu-stale-1 ((,class (:foreground ,yellow))))
143 `(debbugs-gnu-stale-2 ((,class (:foreground ,yellow-1fg))))
144 `(debbugs-gnu-stale-3 ((,class (:foreground ,yellow-2fg))))
145 `(debbugs-gnu-stale-4 ((,class (:foreground ,orange-1fg))))
146 `(debbugs-gnu-stale-5 ((,class (:foreground ,orange-2fg))))
147 `(debbugs-gnu-tagged ((,class (:foreground ,base1 :weight bold))))
149 ;;;;; diary
150 `(diary ((,class (:foreground ,yellow))))
151 ;;;;; dired
152 `(dired-directory ((,class (:foreground ,blue :weight normal))))
153 `(dired-flagged ((,class (:foreground ,red))))
154 `(dired-header ((,class (:foreground ,base03 :background ,blue))))
155 `(dired-ignored ((,class (:inherit shadow))))
156 `(dired-mark ((,class (:foreground ,yellow :weight bold))))
157 `(dired-marked ((,class (:foreground ,magenta :weight bold))))
158 `(dired-perm-write ((,class (:foreground ,base0 :underline t))))
159 `(dired-symlink ((,class (:foreground ,cyan :weight normal :slant italic))))
160 `(dired-warning ((,class (:foreground ,orange :underline t))))
161 ;;;;; dired-async
162 `(dired-async-message ((,light-class (:background ,yellow-l ))
163 (,dark-class (:background ,yellow ))))
164 `(dired-async-mode-message ((,light-class (:background ,red-l))
165 (,dark-class (:background ,red))))
166 ;;;;; dired-efap
167 `(dired-efap-face ((,class (:box nil
168 :background ,base02
169 :foreground ,base1
170 :underline ,s-line
171 :weight bold))))
172 ;;;;; display-fill-column-indicator
173 `(fill-column-indicator ((,class :foreground ,base02 :weight semilight)))
174 ;;;;; dropdown
175 `(dropdown-list-face ((,class (:background ,base02 :foreground ,cyan))))
176 `(dropdown-list-selection-face ((,class (:background ,cyan-lc :foreground ,cyan-hc))))
177 ;;;;; ecb
178 `(ecb-default-highlight-face ((,class (:background ,blue :foreground ,base03))))
179 `(ecb-history-bucket-node-dir-soure-path-face
180 ((,class (:inherit ecb-history-bucket-node-face :foreground ,yellow))))
181 `(ecb-source-in-directories-buffer-face ((,class (:inherit ecb-directories-general-face
182 :foreground ,base0))))
183 `(ecb-history-dead-buffer-face ((,class (:inherit ecb-history-general-face
184 :foreground ,base01))))
185 `(ecb-directory-not-accessible-face ((,class (:inherit ecb-directories-general-face
186 :foreground ,base01))))
187 `(ecb-bucket-node-face ((,class (:inherit ecb-default-general-face :weight normal
188 :foreground ,blue))))
189 `(ecb-tag-header-face ((,class (:background ,base02))))
190 `(ecb-analyse-bucket-element-face ((,class (:inherit ecb-analyse-general-face
191 :foreground ,green))))
192 `(ecb-directories-general-face ((,class (:inherit ecb-default-general-face :height 1.0))))
193 `(ecb-method-non-semantic-face ((,class (:inherit ecb-methods-general-face
194 :foreground ,cyan))))
195 `(ecb-mode-line-prefix-face ((,class (:foreground ,green))))
196 `(ecb-tree-guide-line-face ((,class (:inherit ecb-default-general-face
197 :foreground ,base02 :height 1.0))))
198 ;;;;; ee
199 `(ee-bookmarked ((,class (:foreground ,base1))))
200 `(ee-category ((,class (:foreground ,blue))))
201 `(ee-link ((,class (:inherit link))))
202 `(ee-link-visited ((,class (:inherit link-visited))))
203 `(ee-marked ((,class (:foreground ,magenta :weight bold))))
204 `(ee-omitted ((,class (:foreground ,base01))))
205 `(ee-shadow ((,class (:inherit shadow))))
206 ;;;;; enh-ruby-mode
207 `(enh-ruby-string-delimiter-face ((,class (:foreground ,yellow))))
208 `(enh-ruby-heredoc-delimiter-face ((,class (:inherit enh-ruby-string-delimiter-face))))
209 `(enh-ruby-regexp-delimiter-face ((,class (:inherit enh-ruby-string-delimiter-face))))
210 `(enh-ruby-op-face ((,class (:foreground ,base0))))
211 `(erm-syn-errline ((,class (:inherit flymake-errline))))
212 `(erm-syn-warnline ((,class (:inherit flymake-warnline))))
213 ;;;;; grep
214 `(grep-context-face ((,class (:foreground ,base0))))
215 `(grep-error-face ((,class (:foreground ,red :weight bold :underline t))))
216 `(grep-hit-face ((,class (:foreground ,blue))))
217 `(grep-match-face ((,class (:foreground ,orange :weight bold))))
218 ;;;;; isearch
219 `(isearch ((,class (:foreground ,base03 :background ,magenta :weight normal))))
220 `(isearch-fail ((,class (:foreground ,red :background ,base03 :bold t))))
221 ;;;;; man
222 `(Man-overstrike ((,class (:foreground ,blue :weight bold))))
223 `(Man-reverse ((,class (:foreground ,orange))))
224 `(Man-underline ((,class (:foreground ,green :underline t))))
226 ;;;;; pulse
227 `(pulse-highlight-start-face ((,light-class
228 (:background ,(solarized-color-blend yellow base03 0.4)))
229 (,dark-class (:background ,(solarized-color-blend cyan base03 0.4)))))
230 ;;;;; wid-edit
231 `(widget-field ((,class (:background ,base02))))
232 ;;;;; font lock
233 `(font-lock-builtin-face ((,class (:foreground ,base0 :weight ,s-maybe-bold
234 :slant ,s-maybe-italic))))
235 `(font-lock-comment-delimiter-face
236 ((,class (:foreground ,base01 :slant ,s-maybe-italic))))
237 `(font-lock-comment-face ((,class (:foreground ,base01))))
238 `(font-lock-constant-face ((,class (:foreground ,blue :weight bold))))
239 `(font-lock-doc-face ((,class (:foreground ,(if solarized-distinct-doc-face violet cyan)
240 :slant ,s-maybe-italic))))
241 `(font-lock-function-name-face ((,class (:foreground ,blue))))
242 `(font-lock-keyword-face ((,class (:foreground ,green :weight ,s-maybe-bold))))
243 `(font-lock-negation-char-face ((,class (:foreground ,yellow :weight bold))))
244 `(font-lock-preprocessor-face ((,class (:foreground ,blue))))
245 `(font-lock-regexp-grouping-construct ((,class (:foreground ,yellow :weight bold))))
246 `(font-lock-regexp-grouping-backslash ((,class (:foreground ,green :weight bold))))
247 `(font-lock-string-face ((,class (:foreground ,cyan))))
248 `(font-lock-type-face ((,class (:foreground ,yellow))))
249 `(font-lock-variable-name-face ((,class (:foreground ,blue))))
250 `(font-lock-warning-face ((,class (:inherit error :weight bold))))
251 `(c-annotation-face ((,class (:inherit font-lock-constant-face))))
252 ;;;; Third-party
253 ;;;;; ace-jump-mode
254 `(ace-jump-face-background
255 ((,class (:foreground ,base01 :background ,base03
256 :inverse-video nil))))
257 `(ace-jump-face-foreground
258 ((,class (:foreground ,red :background ,base03 :inverse-video nil :weight bold))))
259 ;;;;; all-the-icons, all-the-icons-dired, spaceline-all-the-icons
260 `(spaceline-all-the-icons-info-face ((,class (:foreground ,blue))))
261 `(spaceline-all-the-icons-sunrise-face ((,class (:foreground ,yellow))))
262 `(spaceline-all-the-icons-sunrise-face ((,class (:foreground ,orange))))
263 `(all-the-icons-dired-dir-face ((,class (:foreground ,base0))))
264 `(all-the-icons-red ((,class (:foreground ,red))))
265 `(all-the-icons-lred ((,class (:foreground ,red-lc))))
266 `(all-the-icons-dred ((,class (:foreground ,red-hc))))
267 `(all-the-icons-red-alt ((,class (:foreground ,red))))
268 `(all-the-icons-green ((,class (:foreground ,green))))
269 `(all-the-icons-lgreen ((,class (:foreground ,green-lc))))
270 `(all-the-icons-dgreen ((,class (:foreground ,green-hc))))
271 `(all-the-icons-yellow ((,class (:foreground ,yellow))))
272 `(all-the-icons-lyellow ((,class (:foreground ,yellow-lc))))
273 `(all-the-icons-dyellow ((,class (:foreground ,yellow-hc))))
274 `(all-the-icons-blue ((,class (:foreground ,blue))))
275 `(all-the-icons-blue-alt ((,class (:foreground ,blue))))
276 `(all-the-icons-lblue ((,class (:foreground ,blue-lc))))
277 `(all-the-icons-dblue ((,class (:foreground ,blue-hc))))
278 `(all-the-icons-maroon ((,class (:foreground ,magenta-d))))
279 `(all-the-icons-lmaroon ((,class (:foreground ,magenta-d))))
280 `(all-the-icons-dmaroon ((,class (:foreground ,magenta-d))))
281 `(all-the-icons-purple ((,class (:foreground ,violet))))
282 `(all-the-icons-lpurple ((,class (:foreground ,violet-lc))))
283 `(all-the-icons-dpurple ((,class (:foreground ,violet-hc))))
284 `(all-the-icons-orange ((,class (:foreground ,orange))))
285 `(all-the-icons-lorange ((,class (:foreground ,orange-lc))))
286 `(all-the-icons-dorange ((,class (:foreground ,orange-hc))))
287 `(all-the-icons-cyan ((,class (:foreground ,cyan))))
288 `(all-the-icons-cyan-alt ((,class (:foreground ,cyan))))
289 `(all-the-icons-lcyan ((,class (:foreground ,cyan-lc))))
290 `(all-the-icons-dcyan ((,class (:foreground ,cyan-hc))))
291 `(all-the-icons-pink ((,class (:foreground ,magenta))))
292 `(all-the-icons-lpink ((,class (:foreground ,magenta-lc))))
293 `(all-the-icons-dpink ((,class (:foreground ,magenta-hc))))
294 `(all-the-icons-silver ((,class (:foreground ,base0))))
295 `(all-the-icons-lsilver ((,class (:foreground ,base01))))
296 `(all-the-icons-dsilver ((,class (:foreground ,base1))))
297 ;;;;; android-mode
298 `(android-mode-debug-face ((,class (:foreground ,green))))
299 `(android-mode-error-face ((,class (:foreground ,orange :weight bold))))
300 `(android-mode-info-face ((,class (:foreground ,base0))))
301 `(android-mode-verbose-face ((,class (:foreground ,base01))))
302 `(android-mode-warning-face ((,class (:foreground ,yellow))))
303 ;;;;; anzu-mode
304 `(anzu-mode-line ((,class (:foreground ,yellow :weight bold))))
305 ;;;;; auctex
306 `(font-latex-bold-face ((,class (:inherit bold :foreground ,base1))))
307 `(font-latex-doctex-documentation-face ((,class (:background unspecified))))
308 `(font-latex-doctex-preprocessor-face ((,class
309 (:inherit (font-latex-doctex-documentation-face
310 font-lock-builtin-face
311 font-lock-preprocessor-face)))))
312 `(font-latex-italic-face ((,class (:inherit italic :foreground ,base1))))
313 `(font-latex-math-face ((,class (:foreground ,violet))))
314 `(font-latex-sectioning-0-face ((,class (:inherit font-latex-sectioning-1-face
315 :height ,solarized-height-plus-1))))
316 `(font-latex-sectioning-1-face ((,class (:inherit font-latex-sectioning-2-face
317 :height ,solarized-height-plus-1))))
318 `(font-latex-sectioning-2-face ((,class (:inherit font-latex-sectioning-3-face
319 :height ,solarized-height-plus-1))))
320 `(font-latex-sectioning-3-face ((,class (:inherit font-latex-sectioning-4-face
321 :height ,solarized-height-plus-1))))
322 `(font-latex-sectioning-4-face ((,class (:inherit font-latex-sectioning-5-face
323 :height ,solarized-height-plus-1))))
324 `(font-latex-sectioning-5-face ((,class (:inherit ,s-variable-pitch :foreground ,yellow
325 :weight bold))))
326 `(font-latex-sedate-face ((,class (:foreground ,base1))))
327 `(font-latex-slide-title-face ((,class (:inherit (,s-variable-pitch font-lock-type-face)
328 :weight bold :height ,solarized-height-plus-3))))
329 `(font-latex-string-face ((,class (:foreground ,cyan))))
330 `(font-latex-subscript-face ((,class (:height ,solarized-height-minus-1))))
331 `(font-latex-superscript-face ((,class (:height ,solarized-height-minus-1))))
332 `(font-latex-verbatim-face ((,class (:inherit fixed-pitch :foreground ,base0
333 :slant italic))))
334 `(font-latex-warning-face ((,class (:inherit bold :foreground ,orange))))
335 ;;;;; auto-complete
336 `(ac-candidate-face ((,class (:background ,base02 :foreground ,cyan))))
337 `(ac-selection-face ((,class (:background ,cyan-lc :foreground ,cyan-hc))))
338 `(ac-candidate-mouse-face ((,class (:background ,cyan-hc :foreground ,cyan-lc))))
339 `(ac-completion-face ((,class (:foreground ,base1 :underline t))))
340 `(ac-gtags-candidate-face ((,class (:background ,base02 :foreground ,blue))))
341 `(ac-gtags-selection-face ((,class (:background ,blue-lc :foreground ,blue-hc))))
342 `(ac-yasnippet-candidate-face ((,class (:background ,base02 :foreground ,yellow))))
343 `(ac-yasnippet-selection-face ((,class (:background ,yellow-lc :foreground ,yellow-hc))))
344 ;;;;; auto-dim-other-buffers
345 `(auto-dim-other-buffers-face ((,class (:background ,base02))))
346 ;;;;; auto-highlight-symbol
347 `(ahs-definition-face ((,class (:foreground ,magenta :background unspecified
348 :slant normal))))
349 `(ahs-definition-face-unfocused ((,class (:foreground ,magenta :background unspecified
350 :slant normal))))
351 `(ahs-edit-mode-face ((,class (:foreground ,base03 :background ,magenta))))
352 `(ahs-face ((,class (:foreground ,magenta :background unspecified))))
353 `(ahs-face-unfocused ((,class (:foreground ,magenta :background unspecified))))
354 `(ahs-plugin-bod-face ((,class (:foreground ,magenta :background unspecified ))))
355 `(ahs-plugin-default-face ((,class (:foreground ,magenta :background unspecified))))
356 `(ahs-plugin-default-face-unfocused ((,class (:foreground ,magenta :background unspecified))))
357 `(ahs-plugin-whole-buffer-face ((,class (:foreground ,magenta :background unspecified))))
358 `(ahs-warning-face ((,class (:foreground ,red :weight bold))))
359 ;;;;; avy-mode
360 `(avy-lead-face ((,class (:inherit isearch))))
361 `(avy-lead-face-0 ((,class (:inherit isearch :background ,violet))))
362 `(avy-lead-face-1 ((,class (:inherit isearch :background ,orange))))
363 `(avy-lead-face-2 ((,class (:inherit isearch :background ,cyan))))
364 `(avy-background-face ((,class (:inherit font-lock-comment-face))))
365 ;;;;; bm
366 `(bm-face ((,class (:overline ,base0))))
367 `(bm-fringe-face ((,class (:overline ,base0))))
368 `(bm-fringe-persistent-face ((,class (:overline ,base0))))
369 `(bm-persistent-face ((,class (:overline ,base0))))
370 ;;;;; calfw
371 `(cfw:face-day-title ((,class (:background ,base02))))
372 `(cfw:face-annotation ((,class (:inherit cfw:face-day-title :foreground ,yellow))))
373 `(cfw:face-default-content ((,class (:foreground ,green))))
374 `(cfw:face-default-day ((,class (:inherit cfw:face-day-title :weight bold))))
375 `(cfw:face-disable ((,class (:inherit cfw:face-day-title
376 :foreground ,base01))))
377 `(cfw:face-grid ((,class (:foreground ,base01))))
378 `(cfw:face-header ((,class (:foreground ,blue-hc :background ,blue-lc :weight bold))))
379 `(cfw:face-holiday ((,class (:background nil :foreground ,red :weight bold))))
380 `(cfw:face-periods ((,class (:foreground ,magenta))))
381 `(cfw:face-select ((,class (:background ,magenta-lc :foreground ,magenta-hc))))
382 `(cfw:face-saturday ((,class (:foreground ,cyan-hc :background ,cyan-lc))))
383 `(cfw:face-sunday ((,class (:foreground ,red-hc :background ,red-lc :weight bold))))
384 `(cfw:face-title ((,class (:inherit ,s-variable-pitch :foreground ,yellow
385 :weight bold :height ,solarized-height-plus-4))))
386 `(cfw:face-today ((,class (:weight bold :background ,base02 :foreground nil))))
387 `(cfw:face-today-title ((,class (:background ,yellow-lc
388 :foreground ,yellow-hc :weight bold))))
389 `(cfw:face-toolbar ((,class (:background ,base02 :foreground ,base0))))
390 `(cfw:face-toolbar-button-off ((,class (:background ,yellow-lc :foreground ,yellow-hc
391 :weight bold))))
392 `(cfw:face-toolbar-button-on ((,class (:background ,yellow-hc :foreground ,yellow-lc
393 :weight bold))))
394 ;;;;; cider
395 `(cider-result-overlay-face ((t (:background unspecified))))
396 `(cider-enlightened-face ((t (:box (:color ,magenta :line-width -1)))))
397 `(cider-enlightened-local-face ((t (:weight bold :foreground ,green-l))))
398 `(cider-deprecated-face ((t (:underline (:color ,yellow)))))
399 `(cider-instrumented-face ((t (:box (:color ,red-l :line-width -1)))))
400 `(cider-traced-face ((t (:box (:color ,cyan :line-width -1)))))
401 `(cider-fringe-good-face ((t (:foreground ,green-l))))
402 ;;;;; cider-repl-mode
403 `(cider-repl-err-output-face ((t (:inherit ,font-lock-warning-face :underline nil))))
404 ;;;;; cider-test-mode
405 `(cider-test-failure-face ((t (:foreground ,orange :weight bold :underline t))))
406 `(cider-test-error-face ((t (:foreground ,red :weight bold :underline t))))
407 `(cider-test-success-face ((t (:foreground ,green :weight bold :underline t))))
408 ;;;;; coffee
409 `(coffee-mode-class-name ((,class (:foreground ,yellow :weight bold))))
410 `(coffee-mode-function-param ((,class (:foreground ,violet :slant italic))))
411 ;;;;; column-enforce-mode
412 `(column-enforce-face ((,class (:background unspecified :foreground ,magenta
413 :inverse-video unspecified))))
414 ;;;;; col-highlight
415 `(col-highlight ((,class (:background ,base02))))
416 ;;;;; company-box
417 `(company-box-scrollbar ((,class (:background ,base01))))
418 ;;;;; company-mode
419 `(company-echo ((,class nil)))
420 `(company-echo-common ((,class (:background ,red))))
421 `(company-preview ((,class (:background ,base02 :foreground ,base1))))
422 `(company-preview-common ((,class (:foreground ,base1))))
423 `(company-preview-search ((,class (:foreground ,magenta))))
424 `(company-scrollbar-bg ((,class (:background ,base02 :foreground ,cyan))))
425 `(company-scrollbar-fg ((,class (:foreground ,base03 :background ,base0))))
426 `(company-template-field ((,class (:background ,yellow :foreground ,base02))))
427 `(company-tooltip ((,class (:foreground ,base1 :background ,base02))))
428 `(company-tooltip-annotation ((,class (:foreground ,cyan))))
429 `(company-tooltip-annotation-selection ((,class (:foreground ,cyan))))
430 `(company-tooltip-common ((,class (:foreground ,base0))))
431 `(company-tooltip-common-selection ((,class (:weight bold))))
432 `(company-tooltip-mouse ((,class (:background ,cyan-2bg :foreground ,cyan-2fg))))
433 `(company-tooltip-search ((,class (:foreground ,magenta))))
434 `(company-tooltip-search-selection ((,class (:foreground ,magenta :weight bold))))
435 `(company-tooltip-selection ((,class (:weight bold))))
436 ;;;;; corfu
437 `(corfu-default ((,class (:foreground ,base1 :background ,base02))))
438 `(corfu-current ((,class (:inherit corfu-default :weight bold :inverse-video t))))
439 `(corfu-bar ((,class (:background ,base0))))
440 `(corfu-border ((,class (:background ,base02))))
441 ;;;;; consult
442 `(consult-preview-insertion ((,class (:background ,base02))))
443 `(consult-preview-line ((,class (:background ,base02))))
444 ;;;;; cperl-mode
445 `(cperl-array-face ((,class (:background unspecified :foreground ,blue))))
446 `(cperl-hash-face ((,class (:background unspecified :foreground ,blue))))
447 `(cperl-nonoverridable-face ((,class (:foreground ,base0 :weight bold))))
448 ;;;;; cscope
449 `(cscope-file-face ((,class (:foreground ,green :weight bold))))
450 `(cscope-function-face ((,class (:foreground ,blue))))
451 `(cscope-line-number-face ((,class (:foreground ,yellow))))
452 `(cscope-line-face ((,class (:foreground ,base0))))
453 `(cscope-mouse-face ((,class (:background ,blue :foreground ,base0))))
454 ;;;;; ctable
455 `(ctbl:face-cell-select ((,class (:background ,base02 :foreground ,base1
456 :underline ,base1 :weight bold))))
457 `(ctbl:face-continue-bar ((,class (:background ,base02 :foreground ,yellow))))
458 `(ctbl:face-row-select ((,class (:background ,base02 :foreground ,base0
459 :underline t))))
460 ;;;;; custom
461 `(custom-face-tag ((,class (:inherit ,s-variable-pitch :height ,solarized-height-plus-3
462 :foreground ,violet :weight normal))))
463 `(custom-variable-tag ((,class (:inherit ,s-variable-pitch
464 :foreground ,cyan :height ,solarized-height-plus-3))))
465 `(custom-comment-tag ((,class (:foreground ,base01))))
466 `(custom-group-tag ((,class (:inherit ,s-variable-pitch :foreground ,blue :height ,solarized-height-plus-3))))
467 `(custom-group-tag-1 ((,class (:inherit ,s-variable-pitch :foreground ,red :height ,solarized-height-plus-3))))
468 `(custom-state ((,class (:foreground ,green))))
469 `(custom-button ((,class (:background ,base02 :foreground ,base1
470 :box (:line-width 2 :style released-button)))))
471 `(custom-button-mouse ((,class (:background ,base01 :foreground ,base02
472 :box (:line-width 2 :style released-button)))))
473 `(custom-button-pressed ((,class (:background ,base01 :foreground ,base1
474 :box (:line-width 2 :style pressed-button)))))
475 `(custom-button-unraised ((,class (:inherit underline))))
476 `(custom-button-pressed-unraised ((,class (:inherit custom-button-unraised :foreground ,magenta))))
477 ;;;;; deadgrep
478 `(deadgrep-filename-face ((,class (:foreground ,base01 :underline t))))
479 `(deadgrep-match-face ((,class (:background ,base02 :foreground ,base1))))
480 `(deadgrep-meta-face ((,class (:inherit font-lock-comment-face))))
481 `(deadgrep-regexp-metachar-face ((,class (:inherit font-lock-constant-face))))
482 `(deadgrep-search-term-face ((,class (:inherit font-lock-variable-name-face))))
483 ;;;;; diff
484 `(diff-added ((,class (:background ,s-diff-B-bg :foreground ,s-diff-B-fg))))
485 `(diff-changed ((t nil)))
486 `(diff-removed ((,class (:background ,s-diff-A-bg :foreground ,s-diff-A-fg))))
487 `(diff-refine-added ((,class (:background ,s-diff-fine-B-bg :foreground ,s-diff-fine-B-fg))))
488 `(diff-refine-changed ((,class (:background ,s-diff-fine-C-bg :foreground ,s-diff-fine-C-fg))))
489 `(diff-refine-removed ((,class (:background ,s-diff-fine-A-bg :foreground ,s-diff-fine-A-fg))))
490 `(diff-header ((t (:background ,s-diff-heading-bg))))
491 `(diff-file-header
492 ((,class (:background ,base03 :foreground ,base0 :weight bold))))
493 `(diff-context ((,class :foreground ,s-diff-context-fg)))
494 `(diff-indicator-added ((t (:foreground ,s-diffstat-added-fg))))
495 `(diff-indicator-changed ((t (:foreground ,s-diffstat-changed-fg))))
496 `(diff-indicator-removed ((t (:foreground ,s-diffstat-removed-fg))))
497 ;;;;; diff-hl
498 `(diff-hl-change ((,class (:background ,s-diff-C-bg :foreground ,s-diff-C-fg))))
499 `(diff-hl-delete ((,class (:background ,s-diff-A-bg :foreground ,s-diff-A-fg))))
500 `(diff-hl-insert ((,class (:background ,s-diff-B-bg :foreground ,s-diff-B-fg))))
501 `(diff-hl-reverted-hunk-highlight ((,class (:background ,s-diff-Ancestor-bg :foreground ,s-diff-Ancestor-fg))))
502 ;;;;; ediff
503 `(ediff-even-diff-A ((t (:background ,base02))))
504 `(ediff-even-diff-Ancestor ((t (:background ,base02))))
505 `(ediff-even-diff-B ((t (:background ,base02))))
506 `(ediff-even-diff-C ((t (:background ,base02))))
507 `(ediff-odd-diff-A ((t (:background ,base02))))
508 `(ediff-odd-diff-Ancestor ((t (:background ,base02))))
509 `(ediff-odd-diff-B ((t (:background ,base02))))
510 `(ediff-odd-diff-C ((t (:background ,base02))))
511 `(ediff-current-diff-A ((,class (:background ,s-diff-A-bg :foreground ,s-diff-A-fg))))
512 `(ediff-current-diff-Ancestor ((,class (:background ,s-diff-Ancestor-bg :foreground ,s-diff-Ancestor-fg))))
513 `(ediff-current-diff-B ((,class (:background ,s-diff-B-bg :foreground ,s-diff-B-fg))))
514 `(ediff-current-diff-C ((,class (:background ,s-diff-C-bg :foreground ,s-diff-C-fg))))
515 `(ediff-fine-diff-A ((,class (:background ,s-diff-fine-A-bg :foreground ,s-diff-fine-A-fg))))
516 `(ediff-fine-diff-Ancestor ((,class (:background ,s-diff-fine-Ancestor-bg :foreground ,s-diff-fine-Ancestor-fg))))
517 `(ediff-fine-diff-B ((,class (:background ,s-diff-fine-B-bg :foreground ,s-diff-fine-B-fg))))
518 `(ediff-fine-diff-C ((,class (:background ,s-diff-fine-C-bg :foreground ,s-diff-fine-C-fg))))
519 ;;;;; smerge
520 `(smerge-base ((,class (:background ,s-diff-Ancestor-bg :foreground ,s-diff-Ancestor-fg))))
521 `(smerge-lower ((,class (:background ,s-diff-B-bg :foreground ,s-diff-B-fg))))
522 `(smerge-markers ((t (:background ,s-diff-heading-bg))))
523 `(smerge-refined-added ((,class (:background ,s-diff-fine-B-bg :foreground ,s-diff-fine-B-fg))))
524 `(smerge-refined-removed ((,class (:background ,s-diff-fine-A-bg :foreground ,s-diff-fine-A-fg))))
525 `(smerge-upper ((,class (:background ,s-diff-A-bg :foreground ,s-diff-A-fg))))
526 ;;;;; edts
527 `(edts-face-error-line
528 ((,(append '((supports :underline (:style line))) light-class)
529 (:underline (:style line :color ,red-l) :inherit unspecified))
530 (,(append '((supports :underline (:style line))) dark-class)
531 (:underline (:style line :color ,red) :inherit unspecified))
532 (,class (:foreground ,red-hc :background ,red-lc :weight bold :underline t))))
533 `(edts-face-warning-line
534 ((,(append '((supports :underline (:style line))) light-class)
535 (:underline (:style line :color ,yellow-l) :inherit unspecified))
536 (,(append '((supports :underline (:style line))) dark-class)
537 (:underline (:style line :color ,yellow) :inherit unspecified))
538 (,class (:foreground ,yellow-hc :background ,yellow-lc :weight bold :underline t))))
539 `(edts-face-error-fringe-bitmap
540 ((,light-class (:foreground ,red-l :background unspecified :weight bold))
541 (,dark-class (:foreground ,red :background unspecified :weight bold))))
542 `(edts-face-warning-fringe-bitmap
543 ((,light-class (:foreground ,yellow-l :background unspecified :weight bold))
544 (,dark-class (:foreground ,yellow :background unspecified :weight bold))))
545 `(edts-face-error-mode-line
546 ((,light-class (:background ,red-l :foreground unspecified))
547 (,dark-class (:background ,red :foreground unspecified))))
548 `(edts-face-warning-mode-line
549 ((,light-class (:background ,yellow-l :foreground unspecified))
550 (,dark-class (:background ,yellow :foreground unspecified))))
551 ;;;;; elfeed
552 `(elfeed-search-date-face ((,class (:foreground ,base01))))
553 `(elfeed-search-feed-face ((,class (:foreground ,base01))))
554 `(elfeed-search-tag-face ((,class (:foreground ,base0))))
555 `(elfeed-search-title-face ((,class (:foreground ,base0))))
557 ;;;;; elscreen
558 `(elscreen-tab-background-face ((,class (:background ,base03))))
559 `(elscreen-tab-current-screen-face ((,class (:background ,base1 :foreground ,base03)) (t (:underline t))))
560 `(elscreen-tab-other-screen-face ((,class (:background ,base02 :foreground ,base01))))
561 `(elscreen-tab-control-face ((,class (:background ,base03 :foreground ,base0))))
562 ;;;;; epa
563 `(epa-mark ((,class (:foreground ,magenta :weight bold))))
564 `(epa-string ((,class (:foreground ,violet))))
565 `(epa-validity-disabled ((,class (:inverse-video t :slant italic))))
566 `(epa-validity-high ((,class (:weight bold))))
567 `(epa-validity-low ((,class (:slant italic))))
568 `(epa-validity-medium ((,class (:slant italic))))
569 ;;;;; epc
570 `(epc:face-title ((,class (:foreground ,blue :background ,base03
571 :weight normal :underline nil))))
572 ;;;;; erc
573 `(erc-action-face ((,class (:inherit erc-default-face))))
574 `(erc-bold-face ((,class (:weight bold))))
575 `(erc-current-nick-face ((,class (:foreground ,blue :weight bold))))
576 `(erc-dangerous-host-face ((,class (:inherit font-lock-warning-face))))
577 `(erc-default-face ((,class (:foreground ,base0))))
578 `(erc-highlight-face ((,class (:inherit erc-default-face
579 :background ,base02))))
580 `(erc-direct-msg-face ((,class (:inherit erc-default-face))))
581 `(erc-error-face ((,class (:inherit font-lock-warning-face))))
582 `(erc-fool-face ((,class (:inherit erc-default-face))))
583 `(erc-input-face ((,class (:foreground ,yellow))))
584 `(erc-keyword-face ((,class (:foreground ,blue :weight bold))))
585 `(erc-nick-default-face ((,class (:foreground ,yellow :weight bold))))
586 `(erc-my-nick-face ((,class (:foreground ,red :weight bold))))
587 `(erc-nick-msg-face ((,class (:inherit erc-default-face))))
588 `(erc-notice-face ((,class (:foreground ,green))))
589 `(erc-pal-face ((,class (:foreground ,orange :weight bold))))
590 `(erc-prompt-face ((,class (:foreground ,orange :background ,base03 :weight bold))))
591 `(erc-timestamp-face ((,class (:foreground ,green))))
592 `(erc-underline-face ((t (:underline t))))
593 ;;;;; eros
594 `(eros-result-overlay-face ((t (:background unspecified))))
595 ;;;;; eshell
596 `(eshell-prompt ((,class (:foreground ,yellow :weight bold))))
597 `(eshell-ls-archive ((,class (:foreground ,red :weight bold))))
598 `(eshell-ls-backup ((,class (:inherit font-lock-comment-face))))
599 `(eshell-ls-clutter ((,class (:inherit font-lock-comment-face))))
600 `(eshell-ls-directory ((,class (:foreground ,blue :weight bold))))
601 `(eshell-ls-executable ((,class (:foreground ,red :weight bold))))
602 `(eshell-ls-unreadable ((,class (:foreground ,base0))))
603 `(eshell-ls-missing ((,class (:inherit font-lock-warning-face))))
604 `(eshell-ls-product ((,class (:inherit font-lock-doc-face))))
605 `(eshell-ls-special ((,class (:foreground ,yellow :weight bold))))
606 `(eshell-ls-symlink ((,class (:foreground ,cyan :weight bold))))
607 ;;;;; evil-search-highlight-persist
608 `(evil-search-highlight-persist-highlight-face ((,light-class (:background ,green-lc))
609 (,dark-class (:background ,violet-lc))))
610 ;;;;; fic
611 `(fic-author-face ((,class (:background ,base03 :foreground ,orange
612 :underline t :slant italic))))
613 `(fic-face ((,class (:background ,base03 :foreground ,orange
614 :weight normal :slant italic))))
615 `(font-lock-fic-face ((,class (:background ,base03 :foreground ,orange
616 :weight normal :slant italic))))
617 ;;;;; fixmee
618 `(fixmee-notice-face ((,class (:background nil :foreground ,base1
619 :underline nil :slant italic :weight bold))))
621 ;;;;; flx
622 `(flx-highlight-face ((,class (:foreground ,blue
623 :weight normal :underline nil))))
624 ;;;;; flycheck
625 `(flycheck-error
626 ((,(append '((supports :underline (:style wave))) class)
627 (:underline (:style wave :color ,red) :inherit unspecified))
628 (,class (:foreground ,red-hc :background ,red-lc :weight bold :underline t))))
629 `(flycheck-warning
630 ((,(append '((supports :underline (:style wave))) class)
631 (:underline (:style wave :color ,yellow) :inherit unspecified))
632 (,class (:foreground ,yellow-hc :background ,yellow-lc :weight bold :underline t))))
633 `(flycheck-info
634 ((,(append '((supports :underline (:style wave))) class)
635 (:underline (:style wave :color ,(if solarized-emphasize-indicators
636 blue base03)) :inherit unspecified))
637 (,class (:foreground ,blue-hc :background ,blue-lc :weight bold :underline t))))
638 `(flycheck-fringe-error
639 ((,class (:foreground ,(if solarized-emphasize-indicators
640 red-hc red)
641 :background ,(if solarized-emphasize-indicators
642 red-lc s-fringe-bg) :weight bold))))
643 `(flycheck-fringe-warning
644 ((,class (:foreground ,(if solarized-emphasize-indicators
645 yellow-hc yellow)
646 :background ,(if solarized-emphasize-indicators
647 yellow-lc s-fringe-bg) :weight bold))))
648 `(flycheck-fringe-info
649 ((,class (:foreground ,(if solarized-emphasize-indicators
650 blue-hc base01)
651 :background ,(if solarized-emphasize-indicators
652 blue-lc s-fringe-bg) :weight bold))))
653 ;;;;; flymake
654 `(flymake-errline
655 ((,(append '((supports :underline (:style wave))) class)
656 (:underline (:style wave :color ,red) :inherit unspecified
657 :foreground unspecified :background unspecified))
658 (,class (:foreground ,red-hc :background ,red-lc :weight bold :underline t))))
659 `(flymake-infoline
660 ((,(append '((supports :underline (:style wave))) class)
661 (:underline (:style wave :color ,green) :inherit unspecified
662 :foreground unspecified :background unspecified))
663 (,class (:foreground ,green-hc :background ,green-lc))))
664 `(flymake-warnline
665 ((,(append '((supports :underline (:style wave))) class)
666 (:underline (:style wave :color ,yellow) :inherit unspecified
667 :foreground unspecified :background unspecified))
668 (,class (:foreground ,yellow-hc :background ,yellow-lc :weight bold :underline t))))
669 ;;;;; flyspell
670 `(flyspell-duplicate
671 ((,(append '((supports :underline (:style wave))) class)
672 (:underline (:style wave :color ,yellow) :inherit unspecified))
673 (,class (:foreground ,yellow :weight bold :underline t))))
674 `(flyspell-incorrect
675 ((,(append '((supports :underline (:style wave))) class)
676 (:underline (:style wave :color ,red) :inherit unspecified))
677 (,class (:foreground ,red :weight bold :underline t))))
678 ;;;;; fold-this
679 `(fold-this-overlay ((,class (:inherit default :foreground ,violet))))
680 ;;;;; form-feed
681 `(form-feed-line
682 ((,class (:strike-through ,s-line))))
683 ;;;;; git-commit
684 `(git-commit-comment-action ((,class (:foreground ,base0 :weight bold))))
685 `(git-commit-comment-branch ; obsolete
686 ((,class (:foreground ,blue :weight bold))))
687 `(git-commit-comment-branch-local
688 ((,class (:foreground ,blue :weight bold))))
689 `(git-commit-comment-branch-remote
690 ((,class (:foreground ,green :weight bold))))
691 `(git-commit-comment-heading ((,class (:foreground ,yellow :weight bold))))
692 ;;;;; git-gutter
693 `(git-gutter:added
694 ((,class (:weight normal
695 :foreground ,(if solarized-emphasize-indicators
696 green s-fringe-fg)
697 :background ,s-fringe-bg))))
698 `(git-gutter:deleted
699 ((,class (:weight normal
700 :foreground ,(if solarized-emphasize-indicators
701 red s-fringe-fg)
702 :background ,s-fringe-bg))))
703 `(git-gutter:modified
704 ((,class (:weight normal
705 :foreground ,(if solarized-emphasize-indicators
706 blue s-fringe-fg)
707 :background ,s-fringe-bg))))
708 `(git-gutter:unchanged
709 ((,class (:weight normal
710 :foreground ,(if solarized-emphasize-indicators
711 base01 s-fringe-fg)
712 :background ,s-fringe-bg))))
713 ;;;;; git-gutter-fr
714 `(git-gutter-fr:added ((,class (:foreground ,green :weight bold))))
715 `(git-gutter-fr:deleted ((,class (:foreground ,red :weight bold))))
716 `(git-gutter-fr:modified ((,class (:foreground ,blue :weight bold))))
717 ;;;;; git-gutter+ and git-gutter+-fr
718 `(git-gutter+-added ((,class (:background ,green :foreground ,base03
719 :weight bold))))
720 `(git-gutter+-deleted ((,class (:background ,red :foreground ,base03
721 :weight bold))))
722 `(git-gutter+-modified ((,class (:background ,blue :foreground ,base03
723 :weight bold))))
724 `(git-gutter+-unchanged ((,class (:background ,base02
725 :foreground ,base03
726 :weight bold))))
727 `(git-gutter-fr+-added ((,class (:foreground ,green :weight bold))))
728 `(git-gutter-fr+-deleted ((,class (:foreground ,red :weight bold))))
729 `(git-gutter-fr+-modified ((,class (:foreground ,blue :weight bold))))
730 ;;;;; git-rebase
731 `(git-rebase-hash ((,class (:foreground ,base01))))
732 ;;;;; git-timemachine
733 `(git-timemachine-minibuffer-author-face ((,class (:foreground ,orange))))
734 `(git-timemachine-minibuffer-detail-face ((,class (:foreground ,yellow))))
735 ;;;;; gnus
736 `(gnus-group-mail-1 ((,class (:weight bold :inherit gnus-group-mail-1-empty))))
737 `(gnus-group-mail-1-empty ((,class (:inherit gnus-group-news-1-empty))))
738 `(gnus-group-mail-2 ((,class (:weight bold :inherit gnus-group-mail-2-empty))))
739 `(gnus-group-mail-2-empty ((,class (:inherit gnus-group-news-2-empty))))
740 `(gnus-group-mail-3 ((,class (:weight bold :inherit gnus-group-mail-3-empty))))
741 `(gnus-group-mail-3-empty ((,class (:inherit gnus-group-news-3-empty))))
742 `(gnus-group-mail-low ((,class (:weight bold :inherit gnus-group-mail-low-empty))))
743 `(gnus-group-mail-low-empty ((,class (:inherit gnus-group-news-low-empty))))
744 `(gnus-group-news-1 ((,class (:weight bold :inherit gnus-group-news-1-empty))))
745 `(gnus-group-news-2 ((,class (:weight bold :inherit gnus-group-news-2-empty))))
746 `(gnus-group-news-3 ((,class (:weight bold :inherit gnus-group-news-3-empty))))
747 `(gnus-group-news-4 ((,class (:weight bold :inherit gnus-group-news-4-empty))))
748 `(gnus-group-news-5 ((,class (:weight bold :inherit gnus-group-news-5-empty))))
749 `(gnus-group-news-6 ((,class (:weight bold :inherit gnus-group-news-6-empty))))
750 `(gnus-group-news-low ((,class (:weight bold :inherit gnus-group-news-low-empty))))
751 `(gnus-header-content ((,class (:inherit message-header-other))))
752 `(gnus-header-from ((,class (:inherit message-header-other))))
753 `(gnus-header-name ((,class (:inherit message-header-name))))
754 `(gnus-header-newsgroups ((,class (:inherit message-header-other))))
755 `(gnus-header-subject ((,class (:inherit message-header-subject))))
756 `(gnus-summary-cancelled ((,class (:foreground ,orange))))
757 `(gnus-summary-high-ancient ((,class (:foreground ,blue :weight bold))))
758 `(gnus-summary-high-read ((,class (:foreground ,green :weight bold))))
759 `(gnus-summary-high-ticked ((,class (:foreground ,orange :weight bold))))
760 `(gnus-summary-high-unread ((,class (:foreground ,base0 :weight bold))))
761 `(gnus-summary-low-ancient ((,class (:foreground ,blue))))
762 `(gnus-summary-low-read ((t (:foreground ,green))))
763 `(gnus-summary-low-ticked ((,class (:foreground ,orange))))
764 `(gnus-summary-low-unread ((,class (:foreground ,base0))))
765 `(gnus-summary-normal-ancient ((,class (:foreground ,blue))))
766 `(gnus-summary-normal-read ((,class (:foreground ,green))))
767 `(gnus-summary-normal-ticked ((,class (:foreground ,orange))))
768 `(gnus-summary-normal-unread ((,class (:foreground ,base0))))
769 `(gnus-summary-selected ((,class (:foreground ,yellow :weight bold))))
770 `(gnus-cite-1 ((,class (:foreground ,blue))))
771 `(gnus-cite-2 ((,class (:foreground ,blue))))
772 `(gnus-cite-3 ((,class (:foreground ,blue))))
773 `(gnus-cite-4 ((,class (:foreground ,green))))
774 `(gnus-cite-5 ((,class (:foreground ,green))))
775 `(gnus-cite-6 ((,class (:foreground ,green))))
776 `(gnus-cite-7 ((,class (:foreground ,red))))
777 `(gnus-cite-8 ((,class (:foreground ,red))))
778 `(gnus-cite-9 ((,class (:foreground ,red))))
779 `(gnus-cite-10 ((,class (:foreground ,yellow))))
780 `(gnus-cite-11 ((,class (:foreground ,yellow))))
781 `(gnus-group-news-1-empty ((,class (:foreground ,yellow))))
782 `(gnus-group-news-2-empty ((,class (:foreground ,green))))
783 `(gnus-group-news-3-empty ((,class (:foreground ,green))))
784 `(gnus-group-news-4-empty ((,class (:foreground ,blue))))
785 `(gnus-group-news-5-empty ((,class (:foreground ,blue))))
786 `(gnus-group-news-6-empty ((,class (:foreground ,blue-lc))))
787 `(gnus-group-news-low-empty ((,class (:foreground ,base01))))
788 `(gnus-signature ((,class (:foreground ,yellow))))
789 `(gnus-x-face ((,class (:background ,base0 :foreground ,base03))))
790 ;;;;; go-direx
791 `(go-direx-header ((,class (:foreground ,blue))))
792 `(go-direx-label ((,class (:foreground ,green))))
793 `(go-direx-package ((,class (:foreground ,base1 :weight bold))))
794 ;;;;; go-guru
795 `(go-guru-hl-identifier-face ((,class (:foreground ,magenta))))
796 ;;;;; go-mode
797 `(go-coverage-0 ((,class (:foreground ,orange))))
798 `(go-coverage-1 ((,class (:foreground ,(solarized-color-blend blue yellow (/ 2.0 6))))))
799 `(go-coverage-2 ((,class (:foreground ,(solarized-color-blend blue yellow (/ 3.0 6))))))
800 `(go-coverage-3 ((,class (:foreground ,(solarized-color-blend blue yellow (/ 4.0 6))))))
801 `(go-coverage-4 ((,class (:foreground ,(solarized-color-blend blue yellow (/ 5.0 6))))))
802 `(go-coverage-5 ((,class (:foreground ,blue))))
803 `(go-coverage-6 ((,class (:foreground ,(solarized-color-blend cyan blue (/ 2.0 6))))))
804 `(go-coverage-7 ((,class (:foreground ,(solarized-color-blend cyan blue (/ 3.0 6))))))
805 `(go-coverage-8 ((,class (:foreground ,(solarized-color-blend cyan blue (/ 4.0 6))))))
806 `(go-coverage-9 ((,class (:foreground ,(solarized-color-blend cyan blue (/ 5.0 6))))))
807 `(go-coverage-10 ((,class (:foreground ,cyan))))
808 `(go-coverage-covered ((,class (:foreground ,green))))
809 `(go-coverage-untracked ((,class (:foreground ,base01))))
810 ;;;;; guide-key
811 `(guide-key/highlight-command-face ((,class (:foreground ,blue))))
812 `(guide-key/key-face ((,class (:foreground ,base01))))
813 `(guide-key/prefix-command-face ((,class (:foreground ,green))))
814 ;;;;; helm
815 ;; These probably needs tweaking.
816 `(helm-apt-deinstalled ((,class (:foreground ,base01))))
817 `(helm-apt-installed ((,class (:foreground ,green))))
818 `(helm-bookmark-directory ((,class (:inherit helm-ff-directory))))
819 `(helm-bookmark-file ((,class (:foreground ,base0))))
820 `(helm-bookmark-gnus ((,class (:foreground ,cyan))))
821 `(helm-bookmark-info ((,class (:foreground ,green))))
822 `(helm-bookmark-man ((,class (:foreground ,violet))))
823 `(helm-bookmark-w3m ((,class (:foreground ,yellow))))
824 `(helm-bookmarks-su ((,class (:foreground ,orange))))
825 `(helm-buffer-not-saved ((,class (:foreground ,orange))))
826 `(helm-buffer-saved-out ((,class (:foreground ,red :background ,base03
827 :inverse-video t))))
828 `(helm-buffer-size ((,class (:foreground ,base01))))
829 `(helm-candidate-number ((,class (:background ,base02 :foreground ,base1
830 :bold t))))
831 `(helm-ff-dotted-directory ((,class (:foreground ,base03 :background ,base01))))
832 `(helm-ff-directory ((,class (:background ,base03 :foreground ,blue))))
833 `(helm-ff-executable ((,class (:foreground ,green))))
834 `(helm-ff-socket ((,class (:foreground ,magenta))))
835 `(helm-ff-pipe ((,class (:foreground ,yellow))))
836 `(helm-ff-suid ((,class (:foreground ,base03 :background ,red))))
837 `(helm-ff-file ((,class (:background ,base03 :foreground ,base0))))
838 `(helm-ff-backup-file ((,class (:foreground ,base01))))
839 `(helm-ff-invalid-symlink ((,class (:background ,base03 :foreground ,orange
840 :slant italic))))
841 `(helm-ff-prefix ((,class (:background ,yellow :foreground ,base03))))
842 `(helm-ff-symlink ((,class (:foreground ,cyan))))
843 `(helm-grep-file ((,class (:foreground ,cyan :underline t))))
844 `(helm-grep-finish ((,class (:foreground ,green))))
845 `(helm-grep-lineno ((,class (:foreground ,orange))))
846 `(helm-grep-match ((,class (:inherit match))))
847 `(helm-grep-running ((,class (:foreground ,red))))
848 `(helm-header ((,class (:inherit header-line))))
849 `(helm-header-line-left-margin ((,class (:inherit header-line))))
850 `(helm-lisp-completion-info ((,class (:foreground ,base0))))
851 `(helm-lisp-show-completion ((,class (:foreground ,yellow :background ,base02
852 :bold t))))
853 `(helm-M-x-key ((,class (:foreground ,orange :underline t))))
854 `(helm-moccur-buffer ((,class (:foreground ,cyan :underline t))))
855 `(helm-match ((,class (:inherit match))))
856 `(helm-selection ((,class (:background ,base02 :underline t))))
857 `(helm-selection-line ((,class (:background ,base02 :foreground ,base1
858 :underline nil))))
859 `(helm-separator ((,class (:foreground ,red))))
860 `(helm-source-header ((,class (:background ,blue-lc :foreground ,base03
861 :underline nil))))
862 `(helm-time-zone-current ((,class (:foreground ,green))))
863 `(helm-time-zone-home ((,class (:foreground ,red))))
864 `(helm-visible-mark ((,class (:background ,base03 :foreground ,magenta :bold t))))
865 ;;;;; helm-css-scss
866 `(helm-css-scss-selector-depth-face-1 ((,class (:foreground ,base0))))
867 `(helm-css-scss-selector-depth-face-2 ((,class (:foreground ,blue))))
868 `(helm-css-scss-selector-depth-face-3 ((,class (:foreground ,cyan))))
869 `(helm-css-scss-selector-depth-face-4 ((,class (:foreground ,green))))
870 `(helm-css-scss-selector-depth-face-5 ((,class (:foreground ,yellow))))
871 `(helm-css-scss-selector-depth-face-6 ((,class (:foreground ,violet))))
872 `(helm-css-scss-target-line-face ((,class (:background unspecified :foreground ,magenta))))
873 ;;;;; helm-go-package
874 `(helm-source-go-package-godoc-description ((,class (:foreground ,base01))))
875 ;;;;; helm-swoop
876 `(helm-swoop-target-line-face ((,class (:foreground unspecified :background ,base02))))
877 `(helm-swoop-target-line-block-face ((,class (:foreground unspecified :background ,base02))))
878 `(helm-swoop-target-word-face ((,class (:foreground ,magenta :background unspecified))))
879 ;;;;; hi-lock-mode
880 `(hi-yellow ((,class (:foreground ,(solarized-color-blend yellow base1 0.5)
881 :background,(solarized-color-blend yellow base03 0.15)))))
882 `(hi-pink ((,class (:foreground ,(solarized-color-blend magenta base1 0.5)
883 :background,(solarized-color-blend magenta base03 0.15)))))
884 `(hi-green ((,class (:foreground ,(solarized-color-blend green base1 0.5)
885 :background,(solarized-color-blend green base03 0.15)))))
886 `(hi-blue ((,class (:foreground ,(solarized-color-blend blue base1 0.5)
887 :background,(solarized-color-blend blue base03 0.15)))))
888 `(hi-black-b ((,class (:foreground ,base1
889 :background ,base03
890 :weight bold))))
891 `(hi-blue-b ((,class (:weight bold
892 :foreground ,(solarized-color-blend cyan base1 0.7)
893 :background ,(solarized-color-blend cyan base03 0.2)))))
894 `(hi-green-b ((,class (:weight bold
895 :foreground ,(solarized-color-blend green base1 0.7)
896 :background ,(solarized-color-blend green base03 0.2)))))
897 `(hi-red-b ((,class (:weight bold
898 :foreground ,(solarized-color-blend red base1 0.7)
899 :background ,(solarized-color-blend red base03 0.2)))))
900 `(hi-black-hb ((,class (:weight bold
901 :foreground ,base1
902 :background ,base02))))
903 ;;;;; highlight-changes
904 `(highlight-changes ((,class (:foreground ,orange))))
905 `(highlight-changes-delete ((,class (:foreground ,red :underline t))))
906 ;;;;; highlight-indentation
907 `(highlight-indentation-face ((,class (:background ,base02))))
908 `(highlight-indentation-current-column-face((,class (:background ,base02))))
909 ;;;;; highlight-numbers
910 `(highlight-numbers-number ((,class (:foreground ,violet :bold nil))))
911 ;;;;; highlight-symbol
912 `(highlight-symbol-face ((,class (:foreground ,magenta))))
913 ;;;;; hl-line-mode
914 `(hl-line
915 ((,class (,@(and (>= emacs-major-version 27) '(:extend t))
916 :background ,base02))))
917 `(hl-line-face
918 ((,class (,@(and (>= emacs-major-version 27) '(:extend t))
919 :background ,base02))))
920 ;;;;; hydra
921 `(hydra-face-red ((,class (:foreground ,base1 :weight bold))))
922 `(hydra-face-blue ((,class (:foreground ,blue))))
923 `(hydra-face-amaranth ((,class (:foreground ,orange))))
924 `(hydra-face-pink ((,class (:foreground ,magenta))))
925 `(hydra-face-teal ((,class (:foreground ,cyan))))
926 ;;;;; ido-mode
927 `(ido-first-match ((,class (:foreground ,yellow :weight normal))))
928 `(ido-only-match ((,class (:foreground ,base03 :background ,yellow :weight normal))))
929 `(ido-subdir ((,class (:foreground ,blue))))
930 `(ido-incomplete-regexp ((,class (:foreground ,red :weight bold ))))
931 `(ido-indicator ((,class (:background ,red :foreground ,base03 :width condensed))))
932 `(ido-virtual ((,class (:foreground ,cyan))))
933 ;;;;; iedit-mode
934 `(iedit-occurrence ((,class (:background ,base03 :foreground ,magenta :bold t))))
935 ;;;;; imenu-list
936 `(imenu-list-entry-face-0 ((,class (:inherit font-lock-type-face))))
937 `(imenu-list-entry-face-1 ((,class (:inherit font-lock-function-name-face))))
938 `(imenu-list-entry-face-2 ((,class (:inherit font-lock-variable-name-face))))
939 `(imenu-list-entry-face-3 ((,class (:inherit font-lock-string-face))))
940 ;;;;; info
941 `(info-title-1 ((,class (:foreground ,base1 :weight bold))))
942 `(info-title-2 ((,class (:foreground ,base1 :weight bold))))
943 `(info-title-3 ((,class (:weight bold))))
944 `(info-title-4 ((,class (:weight bold))))
945 `(info-node ((,class (:foreground ,base1 :slant italic :weight bold))))
946 `(info-header-node ((,class (:inherit info-node))))
947 `(info-header-xref ((,class (:inherit info-xref))))
948 `(info-index-match ((,class (:inherit match))))
949 `(info-menu-header ((,class (:inherit variable-pitch :weight bold))))
950 `(info-menu-star ((,class (:foreground ,orange))))
951 `(info-xref ((,class (:inherit link))))
952 `(info-xref-visited ((,class (:inherit (link-visited info-xref)))))
953 ;;;;; info+
954 `(info-file
955 ((,class (:foreground ,yellow :background ,base02))))
956 `(info-menu
957 ((,class (:foreground ,violet :background ,base02))))
958 `(info-single-quote
959 ((,class (:foreground ,cyan :inherit font-lock-string-face))))
960 `(info-quoted-name
961 ((,class (:foreground ,orange :inherit font-lock-string-face))))
962 `(info-string
963 ((,class (:foreground ,blue :inherit font-lock-string-face))))
964 `(info-command-ref-item
965 ((,class (:foreground ,green :background ,base02))))
966 `(info-constant-ref-item
967 ((,class (:foreground ,red :background ,base02))))
968 `(info-function-ref-item
969 ((,class (:foreground ,cyan :background ,base02))))
970 `(info-macro-ref-item
971 ((,class (:foreground ,green :background ,base02))))
972 `(info-reference-item
973 ((,class (:background ,base02))))
974 `(info-special-form-ref-item
975 ((,class (:foreground ,magenta :background ,base02))))
976 `(info-syntax-class-item
977 ((,class (:foreground ,magenta :background ,base02))))
978 `(info-user-option-ref-item
979 ((,class (:foreground ,orange :background ,base02))))
980 ;;;;; ivy
981 `(ivy-confirm-face ((,class (:foreground ,green))))
982 `(ivy-current-match ((,class (:weight bold :background ,base02 :underline t))))
983 `(ivy-match-required-face ((,class (:foreground ,red))))
984 `(ivy-minibuffer-match-face-1 ((,class (:foreground ,base1))))
985 `(ivy-minibuffer-match-face-2 ((,class (:foreground ,yellow))))
986 `(ivy-minibuffer-match-face-3 ((,class (:foreground ,yellow))))
987 `(ivy-minibuffer-match-face-4 ((,class (:foreground ,yellow))))
988 `(ivy-remote ((,class (:foreground ,blue))))
989 ;;;;; jabber
990 `(jabber-activity-face ((,class (:weight bold :foreground ,red))))
991 `(jabber-activity-personal-face ((,class (:weight bold :foreground ,blue))))
992 `(jabber-chat-error ((,class (:weight bold :foreground ,red))))
993 `(jabber-chat-prompt-foreign ((,class (:weight bold :foreground ,red))))
994 `(jabber-chat-prompt-local ((,class (:weight bold :foreground ,blue))))
995 `(jabber-chat-prompt-system ((,class (:weight bold :foreground ,green))))
996 `(jabber-chat-text-foreign ((,class (:foreground ,base1))))
997 `(jabber-chat-text-local ((,class (:foreground ,base0))))
998 `(jabber-chat-rare-time-face ((,class (:underline t :foreground ,green))))
999 `(jabber-roster-user-away ((,class (:slant italic :foreground ,green))))
1000 `(jabber-roster-user-chatty ((,class (:weight bold :foreground ,orange))))
1001 `(jabber-roster-user-dnd ((,class (:slant italic :foreground ,red))))
1002 `(jabber-roster-user-error ((,class (:weight light :slant italic :foreground ,red))))
1003 `(jabber-roster-user-offline ((,class (:foreground ,base01))))
1004 `(jabber-roster-user-online ((,class (:weight bold :foreground ,blue))))
1005 `(jabber-roster-user-xa ((,class (:slant italic :foreground ,magenta))))
1006 ;;;;; jedi
1007 `(jedi:highlight-function-argument ((,class (:inherit bold))))
1008 ;;;;; js2-mode
1009 `(js2-error ((,class (:foreground ,red))))
1010 `(js2-external-variable ((,class (:foreground ,orange))))
1011 `(js2-function-param ((,class (:foreground ,green))))
1012 `(js2-instance-member ((,class (:foreground ,magenta))))
1013 `(js2-jsdoc-html-tag-delimiter ((,class (:foreground ,cyan))))
1014 `(js2-jsdoc-html-tag-name ((,class (:foreground ,orange))))
1015 `(js2-jsdoc-tag ((,class (:foreground ,cyan))))
1016 `(js2-jsdoc-type ((,class (:foreground ,blue))))
1017 `(js2-jsdoc-value ((,class (:foreground ,violet))))
1018 `(js2-magic-paren ((,class (:underline t))))
1019 `(js2-private-function-call ((,class (:foreground ,yellow))))
1020 `(js2-private-member ((,class (:foreground ,blue))))
1021 `(js2-warning ((,class (:underline ,orange))))
1022 ;;;;; js3-mode
1023 `(js3-error ((,class (:foreground ,red))))
1024 `(js3-external-variable ((,class (:foreground ,orange))))
1025 `(js3-function-param ((,class (:foreground ,green))))
1026 `(js3-instance-member ((,class (:foreground ,magenta))))
1027 `(js3-jsdoc-html-tag-delimiter ((,class (:foreground ,cyan))))
1028 `(js3-jsdoc-html-tag-name ((,class (:foreground ,orange))))
1029 `(js3-jsdoc-tag ((,class (:foreground ,cyan))))
1030 `(js3-jsdoc-type ((,class (:foreground ,blue))))
1031 `(js3-jsdoc-value ((,class (:foreground ,violet))))
1032 `(js3-magic-paren ((,class (:underline t))))
1033 `(js3-private-function-call ((,class (:foreground ,yellow))))
1034 `(js3-private-member ((,class (:foreground ,blue))))
1035 `(js3-warning ((,class (:underline ,orange))))
1036 ;;;;; langtool
1037 `(langtool-errline ((,(append '((supports :underline (:style wave))) class)
1038 (:underline (:style wave :color ,green) :inherit unspecified))
1039 (,class (:foreground ,red :weight bold :underline t))))
1040 `(langtool-correction-face ((,class (:inherit default :weight bold))))
1041 ;;;;; ledger-mode
1042 `(ledger-font-payee-uncleared-face ((t (:foreground ,red))))
1043 `(ledger-font-payee-cleared-face ((t (:foreground ,green :weight normal))))
1044 `(ledger-font-xact-highlight-face ((t (:background ,base02))))
1045 `(ledger-font-pending-face ((t (:foreground ,yellow weight: normal))))
1046 `(ledger-font-other-face ((t (:foreground ,base0))))
1047 `(ledger-font-posting-account-face ((t (:foreground ,cyan))))
1048 `(ledger-font-posting-account-cleared-face ((t (:foreground ,base0))))
1049 `(ledger-font-posting-account-pending-face ((t (:foreground ,yellow))))
1050 `(ledger-font-posting-amount-face ((t (:foreground ,yellow))))
1051 `(ledger-occur-narrowed-face ((t (:foreground ,base3 :invisible t))))
1052 `(ledger-occur-xact-face ((t (:background ,base02))))
1053 `(ledger-font-comment-face ((t (:foreground ,base01))))
1054 `(ledger-font-reconciler-uncleared-face ((t (:foreground ,red :weight bold))))
1055 `(ledger-font-reconciler-cleared-face ((t (:foreground ,base0 :weight normal))))
1056 `(ledger-font-reconciler-pending-face ((t (:foreground ,yellow :weight normal))))
1057 `(ledger-font-report-clickable-face ((t (:foreground ,yellow :weight normal))))
1058 ;;;;; linum-mode
1059 `(linum ((,class (:weight extra-light :underline nil :foreground ,s-fringe-fg :background ,s-fringe-bg))))
1060 `(linum-relative-current-face ((,class (:inherit linum))))
1061 ;;;;; display-line-number-mode
1062 `(line-number ((,class (:weight extra-light :underline nil :foreground ,s-fringe-fg :background ,s-fringe-bg))))
1063 `(line-number-minor-tick ((,class (:inherit line-number :weight normal))))
1064 `(line-number-major-tick ((,class (:inherit line-number-minor-tick :weight bold))))
1065 `(line-number-current-line ((,class (:inherit line-number :background ,base03 :foreground ,base0))))
1066 ;;;;; lsp-ui
1067 `(lsp-ui-doc-background ((,class (:background ,base03))))
1068 `(lsp-ui-doc-header ((,class (:background ,yellow-1bg :foreground ,yellow-1fg))))
1069 `(lsp-ui-doc-url ((,class (:inherit link))))
1070 `(lsp-ui-sideline-code-action ((,class (:foreground ,yellow-1fg :background ,yellow-1bg :weight normal))))
1071 `(lsp-ui-sideline-current-symbol ((,class (:foreground ,magenta :weight normal))))
1072 `(lsp-ui-sideline-global ((,class (:underline ,s-line))))
1073 `(lsp-ui-sideline-symbol ((,class (:foreground ,base1 :background ,base02))))
1074 ;;;;; lusty-explorer
1075 `(lusty-directory-face ((,class (:inherit dired-directory))))
1076 `(lusty-file-face ((,class nil)))
1077 `(lusty-match-face ((,class (:inherit ido-first-match))))
1078 `(lusty-slash-face ((,class (:foreground ,cyan :weight bold))))
1079 ;;;;; macrostep
1080 `(macrostep-expansion-highlight-face ((,class (:background ,base02))))
1081 ;;;;; magit
1082 ;;;;;; headings and diffs
1083 `(magit-section-highlight
1084 ((t (,@(and (>= emacs-major-version 27) '(:extend t))
1085 :background ,base02))))
1086 `(magit-section-heading ((t (:foreground ,yellow :weight bold))))
1087 `(magit-section-heading-selection ((t (:foreground ,orange :weight bold))))
1088 `(magit-diff-file-heading ((t (:weight bold))))
1089 `(magit-diff-file-heading-highlight
1090 ((t (,@(and (>= emacs-major-version 27) '(:extend t))
1091 :background ,base02))))
1092 `(magit-diff-file-heading-selection
1093 ((t (,@(and (>= emacs-major-version 27) '(:extend t))
1094 :background ,base02
1095 :foreground ,orange))))
1096 `(magit-diff-hunk-heading
1097 ((t (,@(and (>= emacs-major-version 27) '(:extend t))
1098 :background ,yellow-1bg
1099 :foreground ,yellow-1fg))))
1100 `(magit-diff-hunk-heading-highlight
1101 ((t (,@(and (>= emacs-major-version 27) '(:extend t))
1102 :background ,yellow-2bg
1103 :foreground ,yellow-2fg))))
1104 `(magit-diff-hunk-heading-selection
1105 ((t (,@(and (>= emacs-major-version 27) '(:extend t))
1106 :background ,(solarized-color-blend yellow base02 0.1)
1107 :foreground ,orange
1108 :weight bold))))
1109 `(magit-diff-lines-heading
1110 ((t (,@(and (>= emacs-major-version 27) '(:extend t))
1111 :background ,orange
1112 :foreground ,base3))))
1113 `(magit-diff-context-highlight
1114 ((t (,@(and (>= emacs-major-version 27) '(:extend t))
1115 :background ,base02
1116 :foreground ,base1))))
1117 `(magit-diff-added
1118 ((,class (,@(and (>= emacs-major-version 27) '(:extend t))
1119 :background ,green-1bg
1120 :foreground ,green-1fg))))
1121 `(magit-diff-added-highlight
1122 ((,class (,@(and (>= emacs-major-version 27) '(:extend t))
1123 :background ,green-1bg
1124 :foreground ,green-1fg))))
1125 `(magit-diff-base
1126 ((,class (,@(and (>= emacs-major-version 27) '(:extend t))
1127 :background ,yellow-1bg
1128 :foreground ,yellow-1fg))))
1129 `(magit-diff-base-highlight
1130 ((,class (,@(and (>= emacs-major-version 27) '(:extend t))
1131 :background ,yellow-1bg
1132 :foreground ,yellow-1fg))))
1133 `(magit-diff-conflict-heading ((,class (:inherit magit-diff-hunk-heading))))
1134 `(magit-diff-context ((,class (:foreground ,base0))))
1135 `(magit-diff-removed
1136 ((,class (,@(and (>= emacs-major-version 27) '(:extend t))
1137 :background ,red-1bg
1138 :foreground ,red-1fg))))
1139 `(magit-diff-removed-highlight
1140 ((,class (,@(and (>= emacs-major-version 27) '(:extend t))
1141 :background ,red-1bg
1142 :foreground ,red-1fg))))
1143 `(magit-diffstat-added ((t (:foreground ,s-diffstat-added-fg))))
1144 `(magit-diffstat-removed ((t (:foreground ,s-diffstat-removed-fg))))
1145 ;;;;;; process
1146 `(magit-process-ok ((t (:foreground ,green :weight bold))))
1147 `(magit-process-ng ((t (:foreground ,red :weight bold))))
1148 ;;;;;; log
1149 `(magit-log-author ((t (:foreground ,base01 :weight bold))))
1150 `(magit-log-date ((t (:foreground ,base01))))
1151 `(magit-log-graph ((t (:foreground ,base1))))
1152 ;;;;;; sequence
1153 `(magit-sequence-pick ((t (:foreground ,yellow-d))))
1154 `(magit-sequence-stop ((t (:foreground ,green))))
1155 `(magit-sequence-part ((t (:foreground ,yellow))))
1156 `(magit-sequence-head ((t (:foreground ,blue))))
1157 `(magit-sequence-drop ((t (:foreground ,red))))
1158 `(magit-sequence-done ((t (:foreground ,base01))))
1159 `(magit-sequence-onto ((t (:foreground ,base01))))
1160 ;;;;;; bisect
1161 `(magit-bisect-good ((t (:foreground ,green))))
1162 `(magit-bisect-skip ((t (:foreground ,yellow))))
1163 `(magit-bisect-bad ((t (:foreground ,red))))
1164 ;;;;;; blame
1165 `(magit-blame-highlight
1166 ((t (,@(and (>= emacs-major-version 27) '(:extend t))
1167 :background ,base02))))
1168 `(magit-blame-heading
1169 ((t (,@(and (>= emacs-major-version 27) '(:extend t))
1170 :background ,base02
1171 :box (:color ,base02 :line-width 2)))))
1172 `(magit-blame-summary ((t (:foreground ,base0))))
1173 `(magit-blame-hash ((t (:foreground ,violet))))
1174 `(magit-blame-name ((t (:foreground ,violet))))
1175 `(magit-blame-date ((t (:foreground ,violet))))
1176 ;;;;;; references etc.
1177 `(magit-dimmed ((t (:foreground ,base01))))
1178 `(magit-hash ((t (:foreground ,base01))))
1179 `(magit-tag ((t (:foreground ,cyan :weight bold))))
1180 `(magit-branch-remote ((t (:foreground ,green :weight bold))))
1181 `(magit-branch-local ((t (:foreground ,blue :weight bold))))
1182 `(magit-head ((t (:foreground ,blue :weight bold))))
1183 `(magit-refname ((t (:background ,base02 :foreground ,base01 :weight bold))))
1184 `(magit-refname-stash ((t (:background ,base02 :foreground ,base01 :weight bold))))
1185 `(magit-refname-wip ((t (:background ,base02 :foreground ,base01 :weight bold))))
1186 `(magit-signature-good ((t (:foreground ,green))))
1187 `(magit-signature-bad ((t (:foreground ,red))))
1188 `(magit-signature-untrusted ((t (:foreground ,yellow))))
1189 `(magit-cherry-unmatched ((t (:foreground ,cyan))))
1190 `(magit-cherry-equivalent ((t (:foreground ,magenta))))
1191 `(magit-reflog-commit ((t (:foreground ,green))))
1192 `(magit-reflog-amend ((t (:foreground ,magenta))))
1193 `(magit-reflog-merge ((t (:foreground ,green))))
1194 `(magit-reflog-checkout ((t (:foreground ,blue))))
1195 `(magit-reflog-reset ((t (:foreground ,red))))
1196 `(magit-reflog-rebase ((t (:foreground ,magenta))))
1197 `(magit-reflog-cherry-pick ((t (:foreground ,green))))
1198 `(magit-reflog-remote ((t (:foreground ,cyan))))
1199 `(magit-reflog-other ((t (:foreground ,cyan))))
1200 ;;;;; magit-popup
1201 `(magit-popup-heading ((t (:foreground ,yellow :weight bold))))
1202 `(magit-popup-key ((t (:foreground ,base1 :weight bold))))
1203 `(magit-popup-argument ((t (:foreground ,cyan :weight bold))))
1204 `(magit-popup-disabled-argument ((t (:foreground ,base01 :weight normal))))
1205 `(magit-popup-option-value ((t (:foreground ,cyan :weight bold))))
1206 ;;;;; markdown-mode
1207 `(markdown-blockquote-face ((,class (:inherit font-lock-doc-face))))
1208 `(markdown-bold-face ((,class (:inherit bold))))
1209 `(markdown-code-face ((,class (:inherit fixed-pitch :foreground ,base01
1210 :background unspecified))))
1211 `(markdown-comment-face ((,class (:foreground ,base01 :strike-through t))))
1212 `(markdown-footnote-face ((,class (:inherit default))))
1213 `(markdown-header-delimiter-face ((,class (:foreground ,base01))))
1214 `(markdown-header-face ((,class (:foreground ,blue))))
1215 `(markdown-header-face-1 ((,class (:inherit markdown-header-face
1216 ,@(when solarized-scale-markdown-headlines
1217 (list :height solarized-height-plus-4))))))
1218 `(markdown-header-face-2 ((,class (:inherit markdown-header-face
1219 ,@(when solarized-scale-markdown-headlines
1220 (list :height solarized-height-plus-3))))))
1221 `(markdown-header-face-3 ((,class (:inherit markdown-header-face
1222 ,@(when solarized-scale-markdown-headlines
1223 (list :height solarized-height-plus-2))))))
1224 `(markdown-header-face-4 ((,class (:inherit markdown-header-face
1225 ,@(when solarized-scale-markdown-headlines
1226 (list :height solarized-height-plus-1))))))
1227 `(markdown-header-face-5 ((,class (:inherit markdown-header-face))))
1228 `(markdown-header-face-6 ((,class (:inherit markdown-header-face))))
1229 `(markdown-header-rule-face ((,class (:foreground ,base01))))
1230 `(markdown-inline-code-face ((,class (:foreground ,base01))))
1231 `(markdown-italic-face ((,class (:inherit italic))))
1232 `(markdown-language-keyword-face ((,class (:inherit default))))
1233 `(markdown-line-break-face ((,class (:inherit default :underline t))))
1234 `(markdown-link-face ((,class (:inherit default :foreground ,yellow))))
1235 `(markdown-link-title-face ((,class (:inherit font-lock-comment-face))))
1236 `(markdown-list-face ((,class (:inherit font-lock-builtin-face))))
1237 `(markdown-math-face ((,class (:inherit font-lock-string-face))))
1238 `(markdown-metadata-key-face ((,class (:inherit font-lock-comment-face))))
1239 `(markdown-metadata-value-face ((,class (:inherit default))))
1240 `(markdown-missing-link-face ((,class (:inherit font-lock-warning-face))))
1241 `(markdown-pre-face ((,class (:foreground ,base01))))
1242 `(markdown-reference-face ((,class (:inherit default :foreground ,base01))))
1243 `(markdown-url-face ((,class (:foreground ,base01))))
1244 ;;;;; message-mode
1245 `(message-cited-text ((,class (:foreground ,base01))))
1246 `(message-header-name ((,class (:foreground ,base01))))
1247 `(message-header-other ((,class (:foreground ,base0 :weight normal))))
1248 `(message-header-to ((,class (:foreground ,base0 :weight normal))))
1249 `(message-header-cc ((,class (:foreground ,base0 :weight normal))))
1250 `(message-header-newsgroups ((,class (:foreground ,yellow :weight bold))))
1251 `(message-header-subject ((,class (:foreground ,cyan :weight normal))))
1252 `(message-header-xheader ((,class (:foreground ,cyan))))
1253 `(message-mml ((,class (:foreground ,yellow :weight bold))))
1254 `(message-separator ((,class (:foreground ,base01 :slant italic))))
1255 ;;;;; mew
1256 `(mew-face-header-subject ((,class (:foreground ,orange))))
1257 `(mew-face-header-from ((,class (:foreground ,yellow))))
1258 `(mew-face-header-date ((,class (:foreground ,green))))
1259 `(mew-face-header-to ((,class (:foreground ,red))))
1260 `(mew-face-header-key ((,class (:foreground ,green))))
1261 `(mew-face-header-private ((,class (:foreground ,green))))
1262 `(mew-face-header-important ((,class (:foreground ,blue))))
1263 `(mew-face-header-marginal ((,class (:foreground ,base0 :weight bold))))
1264 `(mew-face-header-warning ((,class (:foreground ,red))))
1265 `(mew-face-header-xmew ((,class (:foreground ,green))))
1266 `(mew-face-header-xmew-bad ((,class (:foreground ,red))))
1267 `(mew-face-body-url ((,class (:foreground ,orange))))
1268 `(mew-face-body-comment ((,class (:foreground ,base0 :slant italic))))
1269 `(mew-face-body-cite1 ((,class (:foreground ,green))))
1270 `(mew-face-body-cite2 ((,class (:foreground ,blue))))
1271 `(mew-face-body-cite3 ((,class (:foreground ,orange))))
1272 `(mew-face-body-cite4 ((,class (:foreground ,yellow))))
1273 `(mew-face-body-cite5 ((,class (:foreground ,red))))
1274 `(mew-face-mark-review ((,class (:foreground ,blue))))
1275 `(mew-face-mark-escape ((,class (:foreground ,green))))
1276 `(mew-face-mark-delete ((,class (:foreground ,red))))
1277 `(mew-face-mark-unlink ((,class (:foreground ,yellow))))
1278 `(mew-face-mark-refile ((,class (:foreground ,green))))
1279 `(mew-face-mark-unread ((,class (:foreground ,red))))
1280 `(mew-face-eof-message ((,class (:foreground ,green))))
1281 `(mew-face-eof-part ((,class (:foreground ,yellow))))
1282 ;;;;; mic-paren
1283 `(paren-face-match
1284 ((,class (:foreground ,magenta :background unspecified
1285 :weight ,s-maybe-bold))))
1286 `(paren-face-mismatch
1287 ((,class (:foreground ,base02 :background ,red
1288 :weight ,s-maybe-bold))))
1289 `(paren-face-no-match
1290 ((,class (:foreground ,base02 :background ,red
1291 :weight ,s-maybe-bold))))
1292 ;;;;; mingus
1293 `(mingus-directory-face ((,class (:foreground ,blue))))
1294 `(mingus-pausing-face ((,class (:foreground ,magenta))))
1295 `(mingus-playing-face ((,class (:foreground ,cyan))))
1296 `(mingus-playlist-face ((,class (:foreground ,cyan ))))
1297 `(mingus-song-file-face ((,class (:foreground ,yellow))))
1298 `(mingus-stopped-face ((,class (:foreground ,red))))
1299 ;;;;; moccur
1300 `(moccur-current-line-face ((,class (:underline t))))
1301 `(moccur-edit-done-face ((,class
1302 (:foreground ,base01
1303 :background ,base03
1304 :slant italic))))
1305 `(moccur-edit-face
1306 ((,class (:background ,yellow :foreground ,base03))))
1307 `(moccur-edit-file-face ((,class (:background ,base02))))
1308 `(moccur-edit-reject-face ((,class (:foreground ,red))))
1309 `(moccur-face ((,class (:background ,base02 :foreground ,base1
1310 :weight bold))))
1311 `(search-buffers-face ((,class (:background ,base02 :foreground ,base1
1312 :weight bold))))
1313 `(search-buffers-header-face ((,class (:background ,base02 :foreground ,yellow
1314 :weight bold))))
1315 ;;;;; mu4e
1316 `(mu4e-cited-1-face ((,class (:foreground ,green :slant italic :weight normal))))
1317 `(mu4e-cited-2-face ((,class (:foreground ,blue :slant italic :weight normal))))
1318 `(mu4e-cited-3-face ((,class (:foreground ,orange :slant italic :weight normal))))
1319 `(mu4e-cited-4-face ((,class (:foreground ,yellow :slant italic :weight normal))))
1320 `(mu4e-cited-5-face ((,class (:foreground ,cyan :slant italic :weight normal))))
1321 `(mu4e-cited-6-face ((,class (:foreground ,green :slant italic :weight normal))))
1322 `(mu4e-cited-7-face ((,class (:foreground ,blue :slant italic :weight normal))))
1323 `(mu4e-flagged-face ((,class (:foreground ,blue :weight normal))))
1324 `(mu4e-unread-face ((,class (:foreground ,green :weight normal))))
1325 `(mu4e-view-url-number-face ((,class (:foreground ,yellow :weight normal))))
1326 `(mu4e-warning-face ((,class (:foreground ,red :slant normal :weight bold))))
1327 `(mu4e-header-highlight-face
1328 ((,class (,@(and (>= emacs-major-version 27) '(:extend t))
1329 :inherit unspecified
1330 :foreground unspecified :background ,base02
1331 :underline unspecified :weight unspecified))))
1332 `(mu4e-view-contact-face ((,class (:foreground ,base0 :weight normal))))
1333 `(mu4e-view-header-key-face ((,class (:inherit message-header-name :weight normal))))
1334 `(mu4e-view-header-value-face ((,class (:foreground ,cyan :weight normal :slant normal))))
1335 `(mu4e-view-link-face ((,class (:inherit link))))
1336 `(mu4e-view-special-header-value-face ((,class (:foreground ,blue :weight normal :underline nil))))
1337 ;;;;; multiple-cursors
1338 `(mc/cursor-face ((,class (:inherit cursor :inverse-video nil))))
1339 ;;;;; mumamo
1340 `(mumamo-background-chunk-submode1 ((,class (:background ,base02))))
1341 ;;;;; nav
1342 `(nav-face-heading ((,class (:foreground ,yellow))))
1343 `(nav-face-button-num ((,class (:foreground ,cyan))))
1344 `(nav-face-dir ((,class (:foreground ,green))))
1345 `(nav-face-hdir ((,class (:foreground ,red))))
1346 `(nav-face-file ((,class (:foreground ,base0))))
1347 `(nav-face-hfile ((,class (:foreground ,red))))
1348 ;;;;; nav-flash
1349 ;; `(nav-flash-face ((,class (:background ,base02))))
1350 `(nav-flash-face ((,light-class (:foreground ,(solarized-color-blend yellow base1 0.2)
1351 :background ,(solarized-color-blend yellow base03 0.2)))
1352 (,dark-class (:foreground ,(solarized-color-blend cyan base1 0.1)
1353 :background ,(solarized-color-blend cyan base03 0.3)))))
1354 ;;;;; navi2ch
1355 `(navi2ch-list-category-face ((,class (:foreground ,blue ))))
1356 `(navi2ch-list-add-board-name-face ((,class (:foreground ,yellow))))
1357 `(navi2ch-list-board-name-face ((,class (:foreground ,blue))))
1358 `(navi2ch-list-change-board-name-face ((,class (:foreground ,green :weight bold))))
1359 `(navi2ch-bm-unread-face ((,class (:foreground ,green))))
1360 `(navi2ch-bm-view-face ((,class (:foreground ,yellow))))
1361 `(navi2ch-bm-cache-face ((,class (:foreground ,blue))))
1362 `(navi2ch-bm-update-face ((,class (:foreground ,orange))))
1363 `(navi2ch-bm-down-face ((,class (:foreground ,base1))))
1364 `(navi2ch-bm-mark-face ((,class (:foreground ,red))))
1365 `(navi2ch-bm-new-unread-face ((,class (:foreground ,green))))
1366 `(navi2ch-bm-new-view-face ((,class (:foreground ,yellow))))
1367 `(navi2ch-bm-new-cache-face ((,class (:foreground ,blue))))
1368 `(navi2ch-bm-new-update-face ((,class (:foreground ,orange))))
1369 `(navi2ch-bm-new-mark-face ((,class (:foreground ,red))))
1370 `(navi2ch-bm-updated-unread-face ((,class (:foreground ,green))))
1371 `(navi2ch-bm-updated-view-face ((,class (:foreground ,yellow))))
1372 `(navi2ch-bm-updated-cache-face ((,class (:foreground ,blue))))
1373 `(navi2ch-bm-updated-update-face ((,class (:foreground ,orange))))
1374 `(navi2ch-bm-updated-navi2ch-bm-updated-mark-facemark-face ((,class (:foreground ,red))))
1375 `(navi2ch-bm-seen-unread-face ((,class (:foreground ,green))))
1376 `(navi2ch-bm-seen-view-face ((,class (:foreground ,yellow))))
1377 `(navi2ch-bm-seen-cache-face ((,class (:foreground ,blue))))
1378 `(navi2ch-bm-seen-update-face ((,class (:foreground ,orange))))
1379 `(navi2ch-bm-seen-mark-face ((,class (:foreground ,red))))
1380 `(navi2ch-article-header-face ((,class (:foreground ,base1))))
1381 `(navi2ch-article-header-contents-face ((,class (:foreground ,blue))))
1382 `(navi2ch-article-header-fusianasan-face ((,class (:foreground ,blue :underline t))))
1383 `(navi2ch-article-link-face ((,class (:weight bold))))
1384 `(navi2ch-article-url-face ((,class (:weight bold))))
1385 `(navi2ch-article-citation-face ((,class (:foreground ,yellow))))
1386 `(navi2ch-article-auto-decode-face ((,class (:foreground ,base03))))
1387 `(navi2ch-article-message-separator-face ((,class (:foreground ,green))))
1388 `(navi2ch-splash-screen-face ((,class (:foreground ,cyan))))
1389 `(navi2ch-message-link-face ((,class (:weight bold))))
1390 `(navi2ch-message-url-face ((,class (:weight bold))))
1391 `(navi2ch-message-citation-face ((,class (:foreground ,magenta))))
1392 ;;;;; neotree
1393 `(neo-banner-face ((,class (:foreground ,base01))))
1394 `(neo-header-face ((,class (:foreground ,blue))))
1395 `(neo-root-dir-face ((,class (:foreground ,base1 :weight bold))))
1396 `(neo-dir-link-face ((,class (:foreground ,blue))))
1397 `(neo-file-link-face ((,class (:foreground ,base0))))
1398 `(neo-expand-btn-face ((,class (:foreground ,base01))))
1399 ;;;;; notmuch
1400 `(notmuch-message-summary-face ((,class (:inherit highlight))))
1401 `(notmuch-search-date ((,class (:inherit default))))
1402 `(notmuch-search-count ((,class (:inherit default))))
1403 `(notmuch-search-subject ((,class (:inherit default))))
1404 `(notmuch-search-matching-authors ((,class (:inherit default))))
1405 `(notmuch-search-non-matching-authors ((,class (:inherit shadow))))
1406 `(notmuch-tag-face ((,class (:foreground ,yellow))))
1407 `(notmuch-tag-unread ((,class (:foreground ,magenta))))
1408 `(notmuch-search-flagged-face ((,class (:foreground ,blue))))
1409 `(notmuch-search-unread-face ((,class (:weight bold))))
1410 `(notmuch-tree-match-author-face ((,class (:foreground ,blue))))
1411 `(notmuch-tree-match-date-face ((,class (:foreground ,yellow))))
1412 `(notmuch-tree-match-tag-face ((,class (:foreground ,cyan))))
1413 `(notmuch-tree-no-match-face ((,class (:inherit font-lock-comment-face))))
1414 ;;;;; orderless
1415 `(orderless-match-face-0 ((,class (:foreground ,blue))))
1416 `(orderless-match-face-1 ((,class (:foreground ,magenta))))
1417 `(orderless-match-face-2 ((,class (:foreground ,yellow))))
1418 `(orderless-match-face-3 ((,class (:foreground ,green))))
1419 ;;;;; org-mode
1420 `(org-agenda-structure
1421 ((,class (:foreground ,base1 :background ,base02
1422 :weight bold :slant normal :inverse-video nil :height ,solarized-height-plus-1
1423 :underline nil
1424 :box (:line-width 2 :color ,base03)))))
1425 `(org-agenda-calendar-event ((,class (:foreground ,base1))))
1426 `(org-agenda-calendar-sexp ((,class (:foreground ,base0 :slant italic))))
1427 `(org-agenda-date
1428 ((,class (:foreground ,base01 :background ,base03 :weight normal
1429 :box (:line-width 2 :color ,base03)
1430 :inverse-video nil :overline nil :slant normal :height 1.0))))
1431 `(org-agenda-date-weekend
1432 ((,class (:inherit org-agenda-date :inverse-video nil :background unspecified
1433 :foreground ,base01 :weight unspecified
1434 :underline t :overline nil :box unspecified))))
1435 `(org-agenda-date-today
1436 ((,class (:inherit org-agenda-date :inverse-video t :weight bold
1437 :underline unspecified :overline nil :box unspecified
1438 :foreground ,blue :background ,base03))))
1439 `(org-agenda-done ((,class (:foreground ,base01 :slant italic))))
1440 `(org-archived ((,class (:foreground ,base01 :weight normal))))
1441 `(org-block ((,class nil)))
1442 `(org-block-begin-line ((,class (:inherit org-meta-line :underline t))))
1443 `(org-block-end-line ((,class (:inherit org-meta-line :overline t))))
1444 `(org-checkbox ((,class (:background ,base03 :foreground ,base0
1445 :box (:line-width 1 :style released-button)))))
1446 `(org-code ((,class (:foreground ,base01))))
1447 `(org-date ((,class (:foreground ,blue :underline t))))
1448 `(org-done ((,class (:weight bold :foreground ,green))))
1449 `(org-ellipsis ((,class (:foreground ,base01))))
1450 `(org-formula ((,class (:foreground ,yellow))))
1451 `(org-headline-done ((,class (:foreground ,green))))
1452 `(org-hide ((,class (:foreground ,base03))))
1453 `(org-level-1 ((,class (:inherit ,s-variable-pitch :foreground ,orange
1454 ,@(when solarized-scale-org-headlines
1455 (list :height solarized-height-plus-4))))))
1456 `(org-level-2 ((,class (:inherit ,s-variable-pitch :foreground ,green
1457 ,@(when solarized-scale-org-headlines
1458 (list :height solarized-height-plus-3))))))
1459 `(org-level-3 ((,class (:inherit ,s-variable-pitch :foreground ,blue
1460 ,@(when solarized-scale-org-headlines
1461 (list :height solarized-height-plus-2))))))
1462 `(org-level-4 ((,class (:inherit ,s-variable-pitch :foreground ,yellow
1463 ,@(when solarized-scale-org-headlines
1464 (list :height solarized-height-plus-1))))))
1465 `(org-level-5 ((,class (:inherit ,s-variable-pitch
1466 :foreground ,cyan))))
1467 `(org-level-6 ((,class (:inherit ,s-variable-pitch
1468 :foreground ,green))))
1469 `(org-level-7 ((,class (:inherit ,s-variable-pitch
1470 :foreground ,red))))
1471 `(org-level-8 ((,class (:inherit ,s-variable-pitch
1472 :foreground ,blue))))
1473 `(org-link ((,class (:inherit link))))
1474 `(org-meta-line ((,class (:foreground ,base01 :slant italic))))
1475 `(org-macro ((,class (:foreground ,s-base1))))
1476 `(org-sexp-date ((,class (:foreground ,violet))))
1477 `(org-scheduled ((,class (:foreground ,green))))
1478 `(org-scheduled-previously ((,class (:foreground ,cyan))))
1479 `(org-scheduled-today ((,class (:foreground ,blue :weight normal))))
1480 `(org-special-keyword ((,class (:foreground ,base01 :weight bold))))
1481 `(org-table ((,class (:foreground ,green))))
1482 `(org-tag ((,class (:weight bold))))
1483 `(org-time-grid ((,class (:foreground ,base01))))
1484 `(org-todo ((,class (:foreground ,cyan :weight bold))))
1485 `(org-upcoming-deadline ((,class (:foreground ,yellow :weight normal :underline nil))))
1486 `(org-warning ((,class (:foreground ,orange :weight normal :underline nil))))
1487 ;; org-habit
1488 ;; (clear=blue, ready=green, alert=yellow, overdue=red. future=lower contrast)
1489 `(org-habit-clear-face ((,class (:background ,blue-lc :foreground ,blue-hc))))
1490 `(org-habit-clear-future-face ((,class (:background ,blue-lc))))
1491 `(org-habit-ready-face ((,class (:background ,green-lc :foreground ,green))))
1492 `(org-habit-ready-future-face ((,class (:background ,green-lc))))
1493 `(org-habit-alert-face ((,class (:background ,yellow :foreground ,yellow-lc))))
1494 `(org-habit-alert-future-face ((,class (:background ,yellow-lc))))
1495 `(org-habit-overdue-face ((,class (:background ,red :foreground ,red-lc))))
1496 `(org-habit-overdue-future-face ((,class (:background ,red-lc))))
1497 ;; latest additions
1498 `(org-agenda-dimmed-todo-face ((,class (:foreground ,base01))))
1499 `(org-agenda-restriction-lock ((,class (:background ,yellow))))
1500 `(org-clock-overlay ((,class (:background ,base02))))
1501 `(org-column ((,class (:background ,base02 :strike-through nil
1502 :underline nil :slant normal :weight normal :inherit default))))
1503 `(org-column-title ((,class (:background ,base02 :underline t :weight bold))))
1504 `(org-date-selected ((,class (:foreground ,red :inverse-video t))))
1505 `(org-document-info ((,class (:foreground ,base0))))
1506 `(org-document-title ((,class (:foreground ,base1 :weight bold :height ,solarized-height-plus-4))))
1507 `(org-drawer ((,class (:foreground ,cyan))))
1508 `(org-footnote ((,class (:foreground ,magenta :underline t))))
1509 `(org-latex-and-export-specials ((,class (:foreground ,orange))))
1510 `(org-mode-line-clock-overrun ((,class (:inherit mode-line :background ,red))))
1511 ;;;;; outline
1512 `(outline-1 ((,class (:inherit ,s-variable-pitch :foreground ,orange
1513 ,@(and solarized-scale-outline-headlines
1514 (list :height solarized-height-plus-4))))))
1515 `(outline-2 ((,class (:inherit ,s-variable-pitch :foreground ,green
1516 ,@(and solarized-scale-outline-headlines
1517 (list :height solarized-height-plus-3))))))
1518 `(outline-3 ((,class (:inherit ,s-variable-pitch :foreground ,blue
1519 ,@(and solarized-scale-outline-headlines
1520 (list :height solarized-height-plus-2))))))
1521 `(outline-4 ((,class (:inherit ,s-variable-pitch :foreground ,yellow
1522 ,@(when solarized-scale-outline-headlines
1523 (list :height solarized-height-plus-1))))))
1524 `(outline-5 ((,class (:inherit ,s-variable-pitch :foreground ,cyan))))
1525 `(outline-6 ((,class (:inherit ,s-variable-pitch :foreground ,green))))
1526 `(outline-7 ((,class (:inherit ,s-variable-pitch :foreground ,red))))
1527 `(outline-8 ((,class (:inherit ,s-variable-pitch :foreground ,blue))))
1528 ;;;;; outline-minor-faces
1529 `(outline-minor-0
1530 ((,class (,@(and (>= emacs-major-version 27) '(:extend t))
1531 :weight bold
1532 :background ,base02))))
1533 `(outline-minor-1
1534 ((,class (,@(and (>= emacs-major-version 27) '(:extend t))
1535 :inherit (outline-minor-0 outline-1)
1536 :background ,(solarized-color-blend base03 yellow .9)))))
1537 ;;;;; paren-face
1538 `(paren-face ((,class (:foreground ,base01))))
1539 ;;;;; perspective
1540 `(persp-selected-face ((,class (:foreground ,yellow))))
1541 ;;;;; pophint
1542 `(pophint:tip-face ((,class (:background ,magenta :foreground ,base03))))
1543 `(pophint:match-face ((,class (:background ,blue :foreground ,base03))))
1544 `(pophint:pos-tip-face ((,class (:background ,base02 :foreground ,base0))))
1545 ;;;;; popup
1546 `(popup-face ((,class (:background ,base02 :foreground ,base0))))
1547 `(popup-isearch-match ((,class (:background ,yellow :foreground ,base03))))
1548 `(popup-menu-face ((,class (:background ,base02 :foreground ,base0))))
1549 `(popup-menu-mouse-face ((,class (:background ,blue :foreground ,base03))))
1550 `(popup-menu-selection-face ((,class (:background ,magenta :foreground ,base03))))
1551 `(popup-scroll-bar-background-face ((,class (:background ,base01))))
1552 `(popup-scroll-bar-foreground-face ((,class (:background ,base1))))
1553 `(popup-tip-face ((,class (:background ,base02 :foreground ,base0))))
1554 ;;;;; powerline
1555 `(powerline-active1 ((,class ,(if solarized-high-contrast-mode-line
1556 `(:background ,base00 :foreground ,base03)
1557 `(:background ,base03 :foreground ,base00)))))
1558 `(powerline-active2 ((,class ,(if solarized-high-contrast-mode-line
1559 `(:background ,base01 :foreground ,base03)
1560 `(:background ,base02 :foreground ,base00)))))
1561 `(powerline-inactive1 ((,class ,(if solarized-high-contrast-mode-line
1562 `(:background ,base03 :foreground ,base1)
1563 `(:background ,base02 :foreground ,base01)))))
1564 `(powerline-inactive2 ((,class ,(if solarized-high-contrast-mode-line
1565 `(:background ,base02 :foreground ,base1)
1566 `(:background ,base03 :foreground ,base01)))))
1567 ;;;;; pretty-mode
1568 `(pretty-mode-symbol-face ((,class (:foreground ,yellow :weight normal))))
1569 ;;;;; prodigy
1570 `(prodigy-green-face ((,class (:foreground ,green))))
1571 `(prodigy-red-face ((,class (:foreground ,orange))))
1572 `(prodigy-yellow-face ((,class (:foreground ,yellow))))
1573 `(prodigy-line-face ((,class (:background ,base02))))
1574 ;;;;; rainbow-blocks
1575 `(rainbow-blocks-depth-1-face ((,class (:foreground ,cyan))))
1576 `(rainbow-blocks-depth-2-face ((,class (:foreground ,yellow))))
1577 `(rainbow-blocks-depth-3-face ((,class (:foreground ,blue))))
1578 `(rainbow-blocks-depth-4-face ((,class (:foreground ,violet))))
1579 `(rainbow-blocks-depth-5-face ((,class (:foreground ,green))))
1580 `(rainbow-blocks-depth-6-face ((,class (:foreground ,yellow))))
1581 `(rainbow-blocks-depth-7-face ((,class (:foreground ,blue))))
1582 `(rainbow-blocks-depth-8-face ((,class (:foreground ,violet))))
1583 `(rainbow-blocks-depth-9-face ((,class (:foreground ,green))))
1584 `(rainbow-blocks-unmatched-face ((,class (:foreground ,red))))
1585 ;;;;; rainbow-delimiters
1586 `(rainbow-delimiters-depth-1-face ((,class (:foreground ,cyan))))
1587 `(rainbow-delimiters-depth-2-face ((,class (:foreground ,yellow))))
1588 `(rainbow-delimiters-depth-3-face ((,class (:foreground ,blue))))
1589 `(rainbow-delimiters-depth-4-face ((,class (:foreground ,violet))))
1590 `(rainbow-delimiters-depth-5-face ((,class (:foreground ,green))))
1591 `(rainbow-delimiters-depth-6-face ((,class (:foreground ,yellow))))
1592 `(rainbow-delimiters-depth-7-face ((,class (:foreground ,blue))))
1593 `(rainbow-delimiters-depth-8-face ((,class (:foreground ,violet))))
1594 `(rainbow-delimiters-depth-9-face ((,class (:foreground ,green))))
1595 `(rainbow-delimiters-depth-10-face ((,class (:foreground ,yellow))))
1596 `(rainbow-delimiters-depth-11-face ((,class (:foreground ,blue))))
1597 `(rainbow-delimiters-depth-12-face ((,class (:foreground ,violet))))
1598 `(rainbow-delimiters-unmatched-face
1599 ((,class (:foreground ,base0 :background ,base03 :inverse-video t))))
1600 ;;;;; rpm-mode
1601 `(rpm-spec-dir-face ((,class (:foreground ,green))))
1602 `(rpm-spec-doc-face ((,class (:foreground ,green))))
1603 `(rpm-spec-ghost-face ((,class (:foreground ,red))))
1604 `(rpm-spec-macro-face ((,class (:foreground ,yellow))))
1605 `(rpm-spec-obsolete-tag-face ((,class (:foreground ,red))))
1606 `(rpm-spec-package-face ((,class (:foreground ,red))))
1607 `(rpm-spec-section-face ((,class (:foreground ,yellow))))
1608 `(rpm-spec-tag-face ((,class (:foreground ,blue))))
1609 `(rpm-spec-var-face ((,class (:foreground ,red))))
1610 ;;;;; rst-mode
1611 `(rst-level-1 ((,class (:inherit org-level-1))))
1612 `(rst-level-2 ((,class (:inherit org-level-2))))
1613 `(rst-level-3 ((,class (:inherit org-level-3))))
1614 `(rst-level-4 ((,class (:inherit org-level-4))))
1615 `(rst-level-5 ((,class (:inherit org-level-5))))
1616 `(rst-level-6 ((,class (:inherit org-level-6))))
1617 ;;;;; selectrum-mode
1618 `(selectrum-current-candidate ((,class (:weight bold :background ,base02 :underline t))))
1619 `(selectrum-primary-highlight ((,class (:foreground ,yellow))))
1620 `(selectrum-secondary-highlight ((,class (:foreground ,blue))))
1621 ;;;;; sh-mode
1622 `(sh-quoted-exec ((,class (:foreground ,violet :weight bold))))
1623 `(sh-escaped-newline ((,class (:foreground ,yellow :weight bold))))
1624 `(sh-heredoc ((,class (:foreground ,yellow :weight bold))))
1625 ;;;;; show-paren
1626 `(show-paren-match
1627 ((,class (:foreground ,magenta :background unspecified
1628 :weight ,s-maybe-bold))))
1629 `(show-paren-mismatch
1630 ((,class (:foreground ,base02 :background ,red
1631 :weight ,s-maybe-bold))))
1632 ;;;;; skewer-mode
1633 `(skewer-error-face ((,class (:foreground ,orange :underline nil))))
1634 `(skewer-repl-log-face ((,class (:foreground ,violet))))
1635 ;;;;; slime
1636 `(slime-repl-inputed-output-face ((,class (:foreground ,red))))
1637 ;;;;; smart-mode-line
1638 ;; use (setq sml/theme nil) to enable Solarized for sml
1639 `(sml/filename ((,class (:foreground ,base1 :weight bold))))
1640 `(sml/prefix ((,class (:foreground unspecified))))
1641 `(sml/git ((,class (:foreground unspecified))))
1642 `(sml/process ((,class (:weight bold))))
1643 `(sml/sudo ((,class (:foreground ,orange :weight bold))))
1644 `(sml/read-only ((,class (:foreground ,cyan))))
1645 `(sml/outside-modified ((,class (:foreground , cyan))))
1646 `(sml/modified ((,class (:foreground ,cyan))))
1647 `(sml/vc-edited ((,class (:foreground ,green))))
1648 `(sml/charging ((,class (:foreground ,base1))))
1649 `(sml/discharging ((,class (:foreground ,base1 :weight bold))))
1650 ;;;;; solaire
1651 `(solaire-default-face ((,class (:inherit default :background ,(solarized-color-blend base02 base03 0.5)))))
1652 `(solaire-minibuffer-face ((,class (:inherit default :background ,(solarized-color-blend base02 base03 0.5)))))
1653 `(solaire-line-number-face ((,class (:inherit (line-number solaire-default-face) :background ,(solarized-color-blend base02 base03 0.5)))))
1654 `(solaire-hl-line-face ((,class (:inherit hl-line :background ,(solarized-color-blend base02 base03 0.95)))))
1655 `(solaire-org-hide-face ((,class (:inherit org-hide :background ,(solarized-color-blend base02 base03 0.5)))))
1656 `(solaire-mode-line-face ((,class (:inherit default :background ,s-mode-line-bg))))
1657 `(solaire-mode-line-inactive-face ((,class (:inherit default :background ,s-mode-line-inactive-bg))))
1658 ;;;;; smartparens
1659 `(sp-pair-overlay-face ((,class (:background ,base02))))
1660 `(sp-wrap-overlay-face ((,class (:background ,base02))))
1661 `(sp-wrap-tag-overlay-face ((,class (:background ,base02))))
1662 `(sp-show-pair-enclosing ((,class (:inherit highlight))))
1663 `(sp-show-pair-match-face
1664 ((,class (:background unspecified :foreground ,magenta
1665 :weight ,s-maybe-bold))))
1666 `(sp-show-pair-mismatch-face
1667 ((,class (:foreground ,base02 :background ,red
1668 :weight ,s-maybe-bold))))
1669 ;;;;; spaceline
1670 `(spaceline-highlight-face ((,class (:foreground ,base1 :background ,yellow-lc))))
1671 `(spaceline-flycheck-error ((,class (:foreground ,red))))
1672 `(spaceline-flycheck-warning ((,class (:foreground ,yellow))))
1673 `(spaceline-flycheck-info ((,class (:foreground ,cyan))))
1674 ;;;;; speedbar
1675 `(speedbar-button-face ((,class (:inherit ,s-variable-pitch
1676 :foreground ,base01))))
1677 `(speedbar-directory-face ((,class (:inherit ,s-variable-pitch :foreground ,blue))))
1678 `(speedbar-file-face ((,class (:inherit ,s-variable-pitch :foreground ,base0))))
1679 `(speedbar-highlight-face ((,class (:inherit ,s-variable-pitch :background ,base02))))
1680 `(speedbar-selected-face ((,class (:inherit ,s-variable-pitch
1681 :foreground ,yellow :underline t))))
1682 `(speedbar-separator-face ((,class (:inherit ,s-variable-pitch
1683 :background ,blue :foreground ,base03
1684 :overline ,cyan-lc))))
1685 `(speedbar-tag-face ((,class (:inherit ,s-variable-pitch :foreground ,green))))
1686 ;;;;; stripe-buffer
1687 `(stripe-highlight ((,class (:background ,base02))))
1688 ;;;;; structured-haskell
1689 `(shm-current-face ((,class (:background ,base02))))
1690 `(shm-quarantine-face ((,class (:background ,base01))))
1691 ;;;;; swiper
1692 `(swiper-line-face ((,class (:background ,base02))))
1693 `(swiper-match-face-1 ((,class (:weight bold :foreground ,base1))))
1694 `(swiper-match-face-2 ((,class (:weight bold :foreground ,yellow))))
1695 `(swiper-match-face-3 ((,class (:weight bold :foreground ,yellow))))
1696 `(swiper-match-face-4 ((,class (:weight bold :foreground ,yellow))))
1697 ;;;;; swoop
1698 `(swoop-face-header-format-line ((,class (:foreground ,yellow :weight bold
1699 :height unspecified))))
1700 `(swoop-face-line-buffer-name ((,class (:background ,base02 :foreground ,base1
1701 :weight bold :height unspecified))))
1702 `(swoop-face-line-number ((,class (:foreground ,base01))))
1703 `(swoop-face-target-line ((,class (:background ,base02 :foreground unspecified))))
1704 `(swoop-face-target-words ((,class (:background unspecified :foreground ,magenta))))
1705 ;;;;; sx (WIP)
1706 `(sx-custom-button ((,class (:background ,base02 :foreground ,base1
1707 :box (:line-width 2 :style released-button :height 0.9)))))
1708 `(sx-question-list-answers ((,class (:inherit sx-question-list-parent :foreground ,green :height 1.0))))
1709 `(sx-question-list-answers-accepted ((,class (:inherit sx-question-list-answers :weight bold :underline t))))
1710 `(sx-question-list-bounty ((,class (:foreground ,cyan))))
1711 `(sx-question-list-date ((,class (:inherit font-lock-comment-face))))
1712 `(sx-question-list-favorite ((,class (:inherit sx-question-list-score-upvoted))))
1713 `(sx-question-list-parent ((,class (:inherit default))))
1714 `(sx-question-list-read-question ((,class (:inherit sx-question-list-parent :height 1.0))))
1715 `(sx-question-list-score ((,class (:inherit sx-question-list-parent :foreground ,base01 :height 1.0))))
1716 `(sx-question-list-score-upvoted ((,class (:inherit sx-question-list-score :weight bold))))
1717 `(sx-question-list-unread-question ((,class (:inherit sx-question-list-read-question :weight bold))))
1718 `(sx-question-mode-accepted ((,class (:inherit sx-question-mode-title :foreground ,green :height 1.3))))
1719 `(sx-question-mode-closed ((,class (:inherit font-lock-warning-face :box 2))))
1720 `(sx-question-mode-closed-reason ((,class (:inherit sx-question-mode-title :box (:line-width 2 :color ,yellow)))))
1721 ;; TODO: sx-question-mode-content-faceexposes a general problem that's hard to deal with,
1722 ;; if base02 is used as bg some things are not visible enough.. It might be a good idea to
1723 ;; introduce yet another special color that goes a little furhter towards netural gray and
1724 ;; ensures readability as a bg for all solarized faces. If it's possible, that is.
1725 `(sx-question-mode-content-face ((,class (:background unspecified))))
1726 `(sx-question-mode-date ((,class (:inherit font-lock-string-face))))
1727 `(sx-question-mode-header ((,class (:inherit message-header-name :weight normal))))
1728 `(sx-question-mode-kbd-tag ((,class (:box (:line-width 3 :style released-button :color ,base02) :weight semibold :height 0.9))))
1729 `(sx-question-mode-score ((,class nil)))
1730 `(sx-question-mode-score-downvoted ((,class (:inherit (font-lock-warning-face sx-question-mode-score)))))
1731 `(sx-question-mode-score-upvoted ((,class (:inherit (font-lock-function-name-face sx-question-mode-score) :weight bold))))
1732 `(sx-question-mode-sub-sup-tag ((,class (:height 0.7))))
1733 `(sx-question-mode-title ((,class (:inherit default :weight bold))))
1734 `(sx-question-mode-title-comments ((,class (:inherit sx-question-mode-title))))
1735 `(sx-tag ((,class (:foreground ,base0))))
1736 `(sx-user-accept-rate ((,class nil)))
1737 `(sx-user-name ((,class (:inherit font-lock-builtin-face))))
1738 `(sx-user-reputation ((,class (:inherit font-lock-comment-face))))
1740 ;;;;; syslog-mode
1741 `(syslog-ip ((,class (:background unspecified
1742 :foreground ,green
1743 :underline nil
1744 :weight normal
1745 :slant normal))))
1746 `(syslog-hour ((,class (:background unspecified
1747 :foreground ,yellow))))
1748 `(syslog-error ((,class (:background unspecified
1749 :foreground ,orange
1750 :weight bold))))
1751 `(syslog-warn ((,class (:background unspecified
1752 :foreground ,yellow
1753 :weight bold))))
1754 `(syslog-info ((,class (:background unspecified
1755 :foreground ,blue
1756 :weight bold))))
1757 `(syslog-debug ((,class (:background unspecified
1758 :foreground ,cyan
1759 :weight bold))))
1760 `(syslog-su ((,class (:background unspecified
1761 :foreground ,violet
1762 :weight normal))))
1763 ;;;;;; headings
1764 `(sr-active-path-face ((,class (:background ,blue :foreground ,base03
1765 :height ,solarized-height-plus-1 :weight bold))))
1766 `(sr-editing-path-face ((,class (:background ,yellow :foreground ,base03
1767 :weight bold :height ,solarized-height-plus-1))))
1768 `(sr-highlight-path-face ((,class (:background ,green :foreground ,base03
1769 :weight bold :height ,solarized-height-plus-1))))
1770 `(sr-passive-path-face ((,class (:background ,base01 :foreground ,base03
1771 :weight bold :height ,solarized-height-plus-1))))
1772 ;;;;;; marked
1773 `(sr-marked-dir-face ((,class (:inherit dired-marked))))
1774 `(sr-marked-file-face ((,class (:inherit dired-marked))))
1775 `(sr-alt-marked-dir-face ((,class (:background ,magenta :foreground ,base03
1776 :weight bold))))
1777 `(sr-alt-marked-file-face ((,class (:background ,magenta :foreground ,base03
1778 :weight bold))))
1779 ;;;;;; fstat
1780 `(sr-directory-face ((,class (:inherit dired-directory :weight normal))))
1781 `(sr-symlink-directory-face ((,class (:inherit dired-directory
1782 :slant italic :weight normal))))
1783 `(sr-symlink-face ((,class (:inherit dired-symlink :slant italic :weight normal))))
1784 `(sr-broken-link-face ((,class (:inherit dired-warning :slant italic :weight normal))))
1785 ;;;;;; file types
1786 `(sr-compressed-face ((,class (:foreground ,base0))))
1787 `(sr-encrypted-face ((,class (:foreground ,base0))))
1788 `(sr-log-face ((,class (:foreground ,base0))))
1789 `(sr-packaged-face ((,class (:foreground ,base0))))
1790 `(sr-html-face ((,class (:foreground ,base0))))
1791 `(sr-xml-face ((,class (:foreground ,base0))))
1792 ;;;;;; misc
1793 `(sr-clex-hotchar-face ((,class (:background ,red :foreground ,base03
1794 :weight bold))))
1795 ;;;;; tab-bar
1796 `(tab-bar ((t (:background ,base03 :foreground ,base0))))
1797 `(tab-bar-tab ((t (:background ,base03 :foreground ,base1))))
1798 `(tab-bar-tab-inactive ((t (:background ,base02 :foreground ,base01))))
1799 ;;;;; tabbar
1800 `(tabbar-default ((,class (:foreground ,base03 :background ,base03))))
1801 `(tabbar-highlight ((,class (:underline t))))
1802 `(tabbar-button ((,class (:foreground ,base3 :background ,base03))))
1803 `(tabbar-button-highlight ((,class (:inherit 'tabbar-button :inverse-video t))))
1804 `(tabbar-modified ((,class (:inherit tabbar-button :foreground ,blue :weight light :slant italic))))
1805 `(tabbar-unselected ((,class (:inherit tabbar-default :background ,base02 :slant italic :underline nil :box (:line-width 1 :color ,base03)))))
1806 `(tabbar-unselected-modified ((,class (:inherit tabbar-modified :background ,base02 :underline nil :box (:line-width 1 :color ,base03)))))
1807 `(tabbar-selected ((,class (:inherit tabbar-default :foreground ,base3 :background ,base03 :weight bold :underline nil :box (:line-width 1 :color ,base03)))))
1808 `(tabbar-selected-modified ((,class (:inherit tabbar-selected :foreground ,blue :underline nil :box (:line-width 1 :color ,base03)))))
1809 ;;;;; centaur-tabs
1810 `(centaur-tabs-default ((t (:background ,base03 :foreground ,base0 :box nil))))
1811 `(centaur-tabs-selected ((t (:background ,base03 :foreground ,base1 :box nil))))
1812 `(centaur-tabs-unselected ((t (:background ,base02 :foreground ,base01 :box nil))))
1813 `(centaur-tabs-selected-modified ((t (:background ,base03 :foreground ,orange :box nil))))
1814 `(centaur-tabs-unselected-modified ((t (:background ,base02 :foreground ,orange :box nil))))
1815 `(centaur-tabs-active-bar-face ((t (:background ,yellow :box nil))))
1816 `(centaur-tabs-modified-marker-selected ((t (:inherit 'centaur-tabs-selected-modified :foreground ,yellow :box nil))))
1817 `(centaur-tabs-modified-marker-unselected ((t (:inherit 'centaur-tabs-unselected-modified :foreground ,yellow :box nil))))
1818 ;;;;; table
1819 `(table-cell ((,class (:foreground ,base0 :background ,base02))))
1820 ;;;;; term
1821 `(term ((t ( :background ,base03 :foreground ,base0))))
1822 `(term-color-black ((t (:foreground ,base02 :background ,base02))))
1823 `(term-color-red ((t (:foreground ,red :background ,red))))
1824 `(term-color-green ((t (:foreground ,green :background ,green))))
1825 `(term-color-yellow ((t (:foreground ,yellow :background ,yellow))))
1826 `(term-color-blue ((t (:foreground ,blue :background ,blue))))
1827 `(term-color-magenta ((t (:foreground ,magenta :background ,magenta))))
1828 `(term-color-cyan ((t (:foreground ,cyan :background ,cyan))))
1829 `(term-color-white ((t (:foreground ,base2 :background ,base2))))
1830 ;;;;; terraform-mode
1831 `(terraform-resource-name-face ((,class (:foreground ,green))))
1832 `(terraform-resource-type-face ((,class (:foreground ,yellow))))
1833 `(terraform-builtin-face ((,class (:inherit font-lock-builtin-face))))
1834 ;;;;; todotxt
1835 `(todotxt-priority-a-face ((,class (:foreground ,orange))))
1836 `(todotxt-priority-b-face ((,class (:foreground ,yellow))))
1837 `(todotxt-priority-c-face ((,class (:foreground ,violet))))
1838 ;;;;; tooltip
1839 ;; NOTE: This setting has no effect on the os widgets for me
1840 ;; zencoding uses this or setting x-gtk-use-system-tooltips nil
1841 `(tooltip ((,class (:background ,yellow-1bg :foreground ,yellow-1fg
1842 :inherit ,s-variable-pitch))))
1843 ;;;;; transient
1844 `(transient-heading ((t (:foreground ,yellow :weight bold))))
1845 `(transient-key ((t (:foreground ,base1 :weight bold))))
1846 `(transient-argument ((t (:foreground ,cyan :weight bold))))
1847 `(transient-value ((t (:foreground ,cyan :weight bold))))
1848 `(transient-inactive-argument ((t (:foreground ,base01 :weight normal))))
1849 `(transient-inactive-value ((t (:foreground ,base01 :weight normal))))
1850 `(transient-unreachable ((t (:foreground ,base01 :weight normal))))
1851 `(transient-unreachable-key ((t (:foreground ,base01 :weight normal))))
1852 `(transient-enabled-suffix ((t (:foreground ,s-base3
1853 :background ,green
1854 :weight bold))))
1855 `(transient-disabled-suffix ((t (:foreground ,s-base3
1856 :background ,red
1857 :weight bold))))
1858 `(transient-nonstandard-key
1859 ((t (:underline nil :background ,(solarized-color-blend yellow-l s-base3 0.2)))))
1860 `(transient-mismatched-key
1861 ((t (:underline nil :background ,(solarized-color-blend red-l s-base3 0.2)))))
1862 `(transient-separator ((t (,@(and (>= emacs-major-version 27) '(:extend t))
1863 :background ,s-line))))
1864 ;;;;; tuareg
1865 `(tuareg-font-lock-governing-face ((,class (:foreground ,magenta :weight bold))))
1866 `(tuareg-font-lock-multistage-face ((,class (:foreground ,blue :background ,base02
1867 :weight bold))))
1868 `(tuareg-font-lock-operator-face ((,class (:foreground ,base1))))
1869 `(tuareg-font-lock-error-face ((,class (:foreground ,yellow :background ,red
1870 :weight bold))))
1871 `(tuareg-font-lock-interactive-output-face ((,class (:foreground ,cyan))))
1872 `(tuareg-font-lock-interactive-error-face ((,class (:foreground ,red))))
1873 ;;;;; undo-tree
1874 `(undo-tree-visualizer-default-face
1875 ((,class (:foreground ,base01 :background ,base03))))
1876 `(undo-tree-visualizer-unmodified-face ((,class (:foreground ,green))))
1877 `(undo-tree-visualizer-current-face ((,class (:foreground ,blue :inverse-video t))))
1878 `(undo-tree-visualizer-active-branch-face
1879 ((,class (:foreground ,base1 :background ,base03 :weight bold))))
1880 `(undo-tree-visualizer-register-face ((,class (:foreground ,yellow))))
1881 ;;;;; volatile highlights
1882 `(vhl/default-face ((,class (:background ,green-lc :foreground ,green-hc))))
1883 ;;;;; w3m
1884 `(w3m-anchor ((,class (:inherit link))))
1885 `(w3m-arrived-anchor ((,class (:inherit link-visited))))
1886 `(w3m-form ((,class (:background ,base03 :foreground ,base0))))
1887 `(w3m-header-line-location-title
1888 ((,class (:background ,base02 :foreground ,yellow))))
1889 `(w3m-header-line-location-content
1890 ((,class (:background ,base02 :foreground ,base0))))
1891 `(w3m-bold ((,class (:foreground ,base1 :weight bold))))
1892 `(w3m-image-anchor ((,class (:background ,base03 :foreground ,cyan :inherit link))))
1893 `(w3m-image ((,class (:background ,base03 :foreground ,cyan))))
1894 `(w3m-lnum-minibuffer-prompt ((,class (:foreground ,base1))))
1895 `(w3m-lnum-match ((,class (:background ,base02))))
1896 `(w3m-lnum ((,class (:underline nil :bold nil :foreground ,red))))
1897 `(w3m-session-select ((,class (:foreground ,base0))))
1898 `(w3m-session-selected ((,class (:foreground ,base1 :bold t :underline t))))
1899 `(w3m-tab-background ((,class (:background ,base03 :foreground ,base0))))
1900 `(w3m-tab-selected-background
1901 ((,class (:background ,base03 :foreground ,base0))))
1902 `(w3m-tab-mouse ((,class (:background ,base02 :foreground ,yellow))))
1903 `(w3m-tab-selected ((,class (:background ,base02 :foreground ,base1
1904 :bold t))))
1905 `(w3m-tab-unselected ((,class (:background ,base02 :foreground ,base0))))
1906 `(w3m-tab-selected-retrieving ((,class (:background ,base02 :foreground ,red))))
1907 `(w3m-tab-unselected-retrieving
1908 ((,class (:background ,base02 :foreground ,orange))))
1909 `(w3m-tab-unselected-unseen ((,class (:background ,base02 :foreground ,violet))))
1910 ;;;;; wanderlust
1911 `(wl-highlight-folder-few-face ((,class (:foreground ,red))))
1912 `(wl-highlight-folder-many-face ((,class (:foreground ,red))))
1913 `(wl-highlight-folder-path-face ((,class (:foreground ,orange))))
1914 `(wl-highlight-folder-unread-face ((,class (:foreground ,blue))))
1915 `(wl-highlight-folder-zero-face ((,class (:foreground ,base0))))
1916 `(wl-highlight-folder-unknown-face ((,class (:foreground ,blue))))
1917 `(wl-highlight-message-citation-header ((,class (:foreground ,red))))
1918 `(wl-highlight-message-cited-text-1 ((,class (:foreground ,red))))
1919 `(wl-highlight-message-cited-text-2 ((,class (:foreground ,green))))
1920 `(wl-highlight-message-cited-text-3 ((,class (:foreground ,blue))))
1921 `(wl-highlight-message-cited-text-4 ((,class (:foreground ,blue))))
1922 `(wl-highlight-message-header-contents-face ((,class (:foreground ,green))))
1923 `(wl-highlight-message-headers-face ((,class (:foreground ,red))))
1924 `(wl-highlight-message-important-header-contents ((,class (:foreground ,green))))
1925 `(wl-highlight-message-header-contents ((,class (:foreground ,green))))
1926 `(wl-highlight-message-important-header-contents2 ((,class (:foreground ,green))))
1927 `(wl-highlight-message-signature ((,class (:foreground ,green))))
1928 `(wl-highlight-message-unimportant-header-contents ((,class (:foreground ,base0))))
1929 `(wl-highlight-summary-answered-face ((,class (:foreground ,blue))))
1930 `(wl-highlight-summary-disposed-face ((,class (:foreground ,base0 :slant italic))))
1931 `(wl-highlight-summary-new-face ((,class (:foreground ,blue))))
1932 `(wl-highlight-summary-normal-face ((,class (:foreground ,base0))))
1933 `(wl-highlight-summary-thread-top-face ((,class (:foreground ,yellow))))
1934 `(wl-highlight-thread-indent-face ((,class (:foreground ,magenta))))
1935 `(wl-highlight-summary-refiled-face ((,class (:foreground ,base0))))
1936 `(wl-highlight-summary-displaying-face ((,class (:underline t :weight bold))))
1937 ;;;;; web-mode
1938 `(web-mode-builtin-face ((,class (:inherit font-lock-builtin-face))))
1939 `(web-mode-comment-face ((,class (:foreground ,base01))))
1940 `(web-mode-constant-face ((,class (:foreground ,blue :weight bold))))
1941 `(web-mode-current-element-highlight-face ((,class
1942 (:underline unspecified :weight unspecified
1943 :background ,base02))))
1944 `(web-mode-css-at-rule-face ((,class (:foreground ,violet :slant italic))))
1945 `(web-mode-css-pseudo-class-face ((,class (:foreground ,green :slant italic))))
1946 `(web-mode-doctype-face ((,class (:foreground ,base01
1947 :slant italic :weight bold))))
1948 `(web-mode-folded-face ((,class (:underline t))))
1949 `(web-mode-function-name-face ((,class (:foreground ,blue))))
1950 `(web-mode-html-attr-name-face ((,class (:foreground ,blue :slant normal))))
1951 `(web-mode-html-attr-value-face ((,class (:foreground ,cyan :slant italic))))
1952 `(web-mode-html-tag-face ((,class (:foreground ,green))))
1953 `(web-mode-keyword-face ((,class (:foreground ,yellow :weight normal))))
1954 `(web-mode-preprocessor-face ((,class (:foreground ,yellow :slant normal :weight unspecified))))
1955 `(web-mode-string-face ((,class (:foreground ,cyan))))
1956 `(web-mode-type-face ((,class (:foreground ,yellow))))
1957 `(web-mode-variable-name-face ((,class (:foreground ,base0))))
1958 `(web-mode-warning-face ((,class (:inherit font-lock-warning-face))))
1959 `(web-mode-block-attr-name-face ((,class (:inherit web-mode-html-attr-name-face))))
1960 `(web-mode-block-attr-value-face ((,class (:inherit web-mode-html-attr-value-face))))
1961 `(web-mode-block-comment-face ((,class (:inherit web-mode-comment-face))))
1962 `(web-mode-block-control-face ((,class (:foreground ,base0))))
1963 `(web-mode-block-face ((,class (:background unspecified))))
1964 `(web-mode-block-string-face ((,class (:inherit web-mode-string-face))))
1965 `(web-mode-comment-keyword-face ((,class (:box 1 :weight bold))))
1966 `(web-mode-css-color-face ((,class (:inherit font-lock-builtin-face))))
1967 `(web-mode-css-function-face ((,class (:inherit font-lock-builtin-face))))
1968 `(web-mode-css-priority-face ((,class (:inherit font-lock-builtin-face))))
1969 `(web-mode-css-property-name-face ((,class (:inherit font-lock-variable-name-face))))
1970 `(web-mode-css-selector-face ((,class (:inherit font-lock-keyword-face))))
1971 `(web-mode-css-string-face ((,class (:inherit web-mode-string-face))))
1972 `(web-mode-javascript-string-face ((,class (:inherit web-mode-string-face))))
1973 `(web-mode-json-context-face ((,class (:foreground ,violet))))
1974 `(web-mode-json-key-face ((,class (:foreground ,violet))))
1975 `(web-mode-json-string-face ((,class (:inherit web-mode-string-face))))
1976 `(web-mode-param-name-face ((,class (:foreground ,base0))))
1977 `(web-mode-part-comment-face ((,class (:inherit web-mode-comment-face))))
1978 `(web-mode-part-face ((,class (:inherit web-mode-block-face))))
1979 `(web-mode-part-string-face ((,class (:inherit web-mode-string-face))))
1980 `(web-mode-symbol-face ((,class (:foreground ,yellow))))
1981 `(web-mode-whitespace-face ((,class (:background ,red))))
1982 `(web-mode-html-tag-bracket-face ((,class (:foreground ,base01))))
1983 `(web-mode-block-delimiter-face ((,class (:foreground ,base01 :bold t))))
1984 `(web-mode-css-comment-face ((,class (:inherit web-mode-comment-face))))
1985 `(web-mode-css-variable-face ((,class (:inherit web-mode-variable-name-face :slant italic))))
1986 `(web-mode-error-face ((,class (:background ,red))))
1987 `(web-mode-function-call-face ((,class (:inherit font-lock-function-name-face))))
1988 `(web-mode-html-attr-custom-face ((,class (:inherit web-mode-html-attr-name-face))))
1989 `(web-mode-html-attr-engine-face ((,class (:inherit web-mode-html-attr-custom-face))))
1990 `(web-mode-html-attr-equal-face ((,class (:inherit web-mode-html-attr-name-face))))
1991 `(web-mode-html-tag-custom-face ((,class (:inherit web-mode-html-tag-face))))
1992 `(web-mode-javascript-comment-face ((,class (:inherit web-mode-comment-face))))
1993 `(web-mode-json-comment-face ((,class (:inherit web-mode-comment-face))))
1994 ;;;;; weather-metno
1995 `(weather-metno-date ((,class (:foreground ,yellow :height ,solarized-height-plus-3))))
1996 `(weather-metno-date-range ((,class (:foreground ,blue))))
1997 `(weather-metno-entry ((,class (:foreground ,cyan))))
1998 `(weather-metno-footer ((,class (:inherit font-lock-comment-face))))
1999 `(weather-metno-header ((,class (:inherit header-line))))
2000 ;;;;; weechat
2001 `(weechat-error-face ((,class (:inherit error))))
2002 `(weechat-highlight-face ((,class (:foreground ,base0 :weight bold))))
2003 `(weechat-nick-self-face ((,class (:foreground ,base01 :weight unspecified))))
2004 `(weechat-prompt-face ((,class (:inherit minibuffer-prompt))))
2005 `(weechat-time-face ((,class (:foreground ,base01))))
2006 ;;;;; wgrep
2007 `(wgrep-delete-face ((,class (:background unspecified :foreground ,blue))))
2008 `(wgrep-done-face ((,class (:foreground ,green))))
2009 `(wgrep-face ((,class (:background unspecified :foreground ,blue))))
2010 `(wgrep-file-face ((,class (:background unspecified :foreground ,magenta))))
2011 `(wgrep-reject-face ((,class (:foreground ,red :weight unspecified))))
2012 ;;;;; which-func-mode
2013 `(which-func ((,class (:foreground ,green))))
2014 ;;;;; which-key-mode
2015 `(which-key-command-description-face ((,class (:foreground ,base0))))
2016 `(which-key-group-description-face ((,class (:foreground ,cyan))))
2017 `(which-key-key-face ((,class (:bold t))))
2018 ;;;;; whitespace-mode
2019 `(whitespace-space ((,class (:background unspecified :foreground ,base01
2020 :inverse-video unspecified :slant italic))))
2021 `(whitespace-hspace ((,class (:background unspecified :foreground ,base1
2022 :inverse-video unspecified))))
2023 `(whitespace-tab ((,class (:background unspecified :foreground ,red
2024 :inverse-video t))))
2025 `(whitespace-newline ((,class(:background unspecified :foreground ,base01
2026 :inverse-video unspecified))))
2027 `(whitespace-trailing ((,class (:background unspecified :foreground ,orange-lc
2028 :inverse-video t))))
2029 `(whitespace-line ((,class (:background unspecified :foreground ,magenta
2030 :inverse-video unspecified))))
2031 `(whitespace-space-before-tab ((,class (:background ,red-lc :foreground unspecified
2032 :inverse-video unspecified))))
2033 `(whitespace-indentation ((,class (:background unspecified :foreground ,yellow
2034 :inverse-video unspecified :weight bold))))
2035 `(whitespace-empty ((,class (:background unspecified :foreground ,red-lc
2036 :inverse-video t))))
2037 `(whitespace-space-after-tab ((,class (:background unspecified :foreground ,orange
2038 :inverse-video t :weight bold))))
2039 ;;;;; window-divider-mode
2040 `(window-divider ((,class (:foreground ,s-mode-line-bg))))
2041 `(window-divider-first-pixel ((,class (:foreground ,s-mode-line-bg))))
2042 `(window-divider-last-pixel ((,class (:foreground ,s-mode-line-bg))))
2043 ;;;;; window-number-mode
2044 `(window-number-face ((,class (:foreground ,green))))
2045 ;;;;; woman
2046 `(woman-bold ((,class (:inherit Man-overstrike))))
2047 `(woman-italic ((,class (:inherit Man-underline))))
2048 ;;;;; yascroll
2049 `(yascroll:thumb-text-area
2050 ((,class (:foreground ,base01 :background ,base01))))
2051 `(yascroll:thumb-fringe
2052 ((,class (:foreground ,base01 :background ,base01))))
2053 ;;;;; yasnippet
2054 `(yas-field-highlight-face ((,class (:inherit secondary-selection))))
2055 ;;;;; zencoding
2056 `(zencoding-preview-input ((,class (:background ,base02 :box ,base1))))
2057 ;;;;; ztree
2058 `(ztreep-arrow-face ((,class (:foreground ,base01))))
2059 `(ztreep-diff-header-face ((,class (:foreground ,base01 :weight bold :height 1.2))))
2060 `(ztreep-diff-header-small-face ((,class (:foreground ,base01 :weight bold))))
2061 `(ztreep-diff-model-add-face ((,class (:foreground ,blue))))
2062 `(ztreep-diff-model-diff-face ((,class (:foreground ,red))))
2063 `(ztreep-diff-model-normal-face ((,class (:foreground ,base0))))
2064 `(ztreep-expand-sign-face ((,class (:foreground ,base01))))
2065 `(ztreep-header-face ((,class (:foreground ,base01 :weight bold :height 1.2))))
2066 `(ztreep-leaf-face ((,class (:foreground ,base0))))
2067 `(ztreep-node-face ((,class (:foreground ,blue)))))
2068 ;;; Theme Variables
2069 (custom-theme-set-variables
2070 theme-name
2071 ;;;;; ansi-colors
2072 `(ansi-color-names-vector
2073 [,base02 ,red ,green ,yellow ,blue ,magenta ,cyan ,base00])
2074 ;;;;; compilation
2075 `(compilation-message-face 'default)
2076 ;;;;; cua
2077 `(cua-normal-cursor-color ,base0)
2078 `(cua-read-only-cursor-color ,green)
2079 `(cua-global-mark-cursor-color ,cyan)
2080 `(cua-overwrite-cursor-color ,yellow)
2081 ;;;;; fill-column-indicator
2082 `(fci-rule-color ,base02)
2083 ;;;;; nrepl-client
2084 `(nrepl-message-colors
2085 '(,red ,orange ,yellow ,green-d ,green-l
2086 ,blue-d ,cyan ,magenta ,violet))
2087 ;;;;; highlight-changes
2088 `(highlight-changes-colors '(,magenta ,violet))
2089 ;;;;; highlight-parentheses
2090 `(hl-paren-colors '(,cyan ,yellow ,blue ,violet ,green))
2091 ;;;;; highlight-symbol
2092 `(highlight-symbol-foreground-color ,base1)
2093 `(highlight-symbol-colors
2094 '(,@(mapcar
2095 (lambda (color) (solarized-color-blend color base03 0.25))
2096 `(,yellow ,cyan ,red ,violet ,green ,orange ,blue))))
2097 ;;;;; highlight-tail
2098 `(highlight-tail-colors
2099 '((,base02 . 0) (,green-lc . 20) (,cyan-lc . 30) (,blue-lc . 50)
2100 (,yellow-lc . 60) (,orange-lc . 70) (,magenta-lc . 85) (,base02 . 100)))
2101 ;;;;; hl-anything
2102 `(hl-fg-colors '(,base03 ,base03 ,base03 ,base03 ,base03 ,base03
2103 ,base03 ,base03))
2104 `(hl-bg-colors '(,yellow-lc ,orange-lc ,red-lc ,magenta-lc
2105 ,violet-lc ,blue-lc ,cyan-lc ,green-lc))
2106 ;;;;; lsp-mode
2107 `(lsp-ui-doc-border ,base1)
2108 ;;;;; pos-tip
2109 `(pos-tip-foreground-color ,base1)
2110 `(pos-tip-background-color ,base02)
2111 ;;;;; smartrep
2112 `(smartrep-mode-line-active-bg (solarized-color-blend ,green ,s-mode-line-bg 0.2))
2113 ;;;;; term
2114 `(term-default-fg-color ,base0) ;; @deprecated24.3
2115 `(term-default-bg-color ,base03) ;; @deprecated24.3
2116 ;;;;; vc
2117 `(vc-annotate-background-mode nil)
2118 `(vc-annotate-color-map
2119 '((20 . ,red)
2120 (40 . ,(solarized-color-blend yellow red (/ 2.0 4)))
2121 (60 . ,(solarized-color-blend yellow red (/ 3.0 4)))
2122 (80 . ,yellow)
2123 (100 . ,(solarized-color-blend green yellow (/ 2.0 6)))
2124 (120 . ,(solarized-color-blend green yellow (/ 3.0 6)))
2125 (140 . ,(solarized-color-blend green yellow (/ 4.0 6)))
2126 (160 . ,(solarized-color-blend green yellow (/ 5.0 6)))
2127 (180 . ,green)
2128 (200 . ,(solarized-color-blend cyan green (/ 2.0 6)))
2129 (220 . ,(solarized-color-blend cyan green (/ 3.0 6)))
2130 (240 . ,(solarized-color-blend cyan green (/ 4.0 6)))
2131 (260 . ,(solarized-color-blend cyan green (/ 5.0 6)))
2132 (280 . ,cyan)
2133 (300 . ,(solarized-color-blend blue cyan (/ 2.0 5)))
2134 (320 . ,(solarized-color-blend blue cyan (/ 3.0 5)))
2135 (340 . ,(solarized-color-blend blue cyan (/ 4.0 5)))
2136 (360 . ,blue)))
2137 `(vc-annotate-very-old-color nil)
2138 `(vc-annotate-background nil)
2139 ;;;;; weechat
2140 `(weechat-color-list
2141 '(unspecified ,base03 ,base02
2142 ,red-d ,red
2143 ,green-d ,green
2144 ,yellow-d ,yellow
2145 ,blue-d ,blue
2146 ,magenta-d ,magenta
2147 ,cyan-d ,cyan
2148 ,base0 ,base00))
2149 ;;;;; xterm-color
2150 `(xterm-color-names [,base02 ,red ,green ,yellow
2151 ,blue ,magenta ,cyan ,base2])
2152 `(xterm-color-names-bright [,base03 ,orange ,base01 ,base00
2153 ,base0 ,violet ,base1 ,base3]))))
2155 (provide 'solarized-faces)
2157 ;; Local Variables:
2158 ;; indent-tabs-mode: nil
2159 ;; End:
2161 ;;; solarized-faces.el ends here